Author Topic: Dresden Files RPG, Springfield - The Obscurely Ostentatious Ozarkian Obelisk.  (Read 53588 times)


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Alright, assuming that some retooling of my work schedule goes off as planned I have been lobbying to run DFRPG for the RPPR crew set in our own hometown where the PCs work for/with an organization with a base of operations in Hammons Tower.


Springfield, Missouri, the third largest city in the state, is quite small by national standards.  It is a college town and the national headquarters of the Assemblies of God.  It is a place where the business world rubs against the rural.  It is a town in conflict with itself every day, and the general public is unaware of the day-to-day goings on of the behind-the-scenes.  The area is full of history and folklore about its past, some of it is dismissed as "just a story," while others are found to be horrifically true.

I'm here to tell you the "stores" can be just as horrific as the "truth."

I am Mirra Glass.  You may call me Ms. Glass, or Director Glass.  You survival as a field agent diminishes significantly if I hear you referring to me as Mirror Glass.  If you are not a field agent at that point, you may find yourself immediately transferred to such a position and rushed to a hotspot.  You have joined the Obelisk in order to aid our efforts in keeping the Supernatural Predators of the world from causing undo harm to the good people of this region.  From vampires, werebeasts, and warlocks to the run-of-the-mill exorcism or demon hunt, all of these types of threats have hounded Springfield for generations.  However, we find ourselves with sightings and events happening at an ever-increasing rate.  Our People in R&D have offered three different theories as to why this is going on.  They thought they would be clever and give them fun names, but don't get attached to throwing them about the office.

I.  "Big City Livin', Small Town Values."  The city of Springfield wages a war against its own identity.  Have you looked at national election maps?  In a sea of red voters, this town is a varying shade of purple depending on the year.  You have a bar for every church that shuns drinking.  You have a people clamoring for individual rights but voted to keep a smoking ban in place.  College campuses keep rocking the boat on the towns social norms.  Springfield is growing and inadvertently drifting out of being rural and becoming more urban.  Urban areas tend to hide some of the nastier Supernatural entities better, but the more concentrated population puts more eyes upon them.  It is said that some organizations are vying for a foothold for when the town has its next population explosion.  Others think that this inherent conflict of humanity is sending a signal to the Predators that this herd is prone to infighting and thus weaker, making it more attractive. 

II.  "Ozark Ectoplasmic Oil Boom."  Some say that the worst consequences are the unintended ones.  Springfield's flow of traffic is one of them.  As it happens, the major roads that border the town run a close parallel or right on top of every major leyline in the area.  Over the years, the "efficient" gridwork of the city roads has connected all these major roads together beyond just their normal intersections.  Since the leylines themselves similarly do not intersect so close together, Springfield has not been a true supernatural nexus.  However, this traffic grid has finally intertwined these lines and redirected them to the small pockets of power that dwell within the city proper.  This whole has become much greater than the sum of its parts and the latent magic in the air has spiked dramatically.  As such, this Grid has artificially created a nexus point and wellspring that any Supernatural Half-wit wanting to make a name for themselves desperately wants to tap.  Not to mention any and all of the other pocket of power that have lain unnoticed until recently.

III.  "Our Faith is Failing, but we'll never admit it."  My mentor in the supernatural taught me long ago that True Faith can ward off the majority of Supernatural Threats.  Some of our contacts in the ParaNet have stated that setting up wards in this area used to be incredibly easy.  It was as if the dominence of Christianity in this area had so permeated the ground that anything that would run from such faith had simply decided to hunt elsewhere.  The AG headquarters and the James River Assembly may frustrate some, but frankly, if their faith has been keeping the baddies at bay, I'll gladly deal with a protest full of close-minded religious zealot over a fully-manifested demon any day.  However, within the last decade that natural foundation has been growing less stable, the natural wards of Faith are becoming less secure while Pastors clamor for a larger share of growing congregations.  For whatever reason, the dam they have built is cracking, and if we can't do anything to fortify the City, we need a plan for when the day when the Walls Finally Come A'Tumblin Down.

That's enough of the Introduction.  We have some long-time Members and Allies of Obelisk here, please introduce yourselves to the new Associates and they will introduce themselves in turn.  Who wants to go first?
- Dan, Adding one to his Darkspiral Aura.


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I want to play in this game so bad it makes my teeth vibrate.


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I'm with Caleb on this.  Dan, you glorious man, you had me at the alliteration.


  • Zombie Apocalypse Survivor
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I think this is the best analysis of Springfield that I have ever read.


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well i'll play the guy who doesn't know shit about the supernatural but has bizarre luck or some dumb power like that  8)


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And here I was, thinking Ross would want to classify the Slenderman as a Fae and play a changeling(mortal/Fae offspring).
- Dan, Adding one to his Darkspiral Aura.


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And here I was, thinking Ross would want to classify the Slenderman as a Fae and play a changeling(mortal/Fae offspring).

is that a thing that can be done

if so:

Tadanori Oyama

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It is a thing, yes. And you shall be called "Slenderboy".


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This thread pushed me to read the Dresden Files book I had on my to-read list, and in a single day I devoured it. Thanks RPPR. Thar-pee-pee-arrr.


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My knowledge of Slenderman Lore is fairly weak, so I don't know if/where he would fit in the world of the Fae, but I'm sure something can be worked out.
- Dan, Adding one to his Darkspiral Aura.


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I'd put him in one of the nastier parts of winter, as a particularly powerful wild Fae.


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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First off, long time listener, first time poster here. Love the show.

Just wanted to say, fantastic news, really looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

BTW, If you haven't checked out the DFRPG forums here I highly advise you to.
They're chock full of custom powers, stunts and ideas, some of which are (fairly) well balanced in game.



  • I am worth 100 points in GURPS...ladies
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Alright, boys and girls, time to discuss some power players in the area:

House Histrois  (Pronounced like Illinois)

A minor White court house that once swore fealty to House Skavis, the Histrois do not feed off of pain and despair in the same way their overseers did, they prefer the subtly different emotion of guilt.  Since recent shifts in power have more or less destroyed the majority of House Skavis' spheres of influence, Cecil Histrois has managed to shake his family free of House Skavis and has consolidated his power base in the southern Midwest. 

Until this recent grab for power, Cecil has been considered a sort of "Frenemy" to Obelisk and its efforts.  It has long funded and supported religious organizations and collaborative efforts in the region, and a few of the house Scions that have shaken free of their Hunger have joined varying stripes of the clergy, some who still have the hunger can be seen giving sermons on public access channels and in tent revivals.  On the other hand, 90% of bars, vice dens, strip clubs, and adult stores are financially backed or owned by some member of the family.  In the past, what few predators that would attempt to set up shop here have been warned by Histrois to not endanger their flock or else face the consequences, and then we were given considerable intel and support to be said consequences.  However, the sudden influx of influences has apparently given Cecil pause, who now seems to be more selective in who he would prefer us to drive off.  Of course, he would never admit to working directly with us, and even with the distance Cecil has created within the last decade, there are still members of his family that either work with us or are on our payroll, all of couse stating that they only wish the best for this flock of humanity they have guarded for so long...
- Dan, Adding one to his Darkspiral Aura.


  • Zombie Apocalypse Survivor
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I love it, man. It sounds like you've taken our ideas about the White Court in the region and ran with it. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.


  • I dream in graph paper lines
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I want this to happen so bad!
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