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General Category => General Chaos => : D6xD6 - Chris December 11, 2013, 11:55:55 PM

: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris December 11, 2013, 11:55:55 PM
Since it is currently -18 degrees here, every time I go take the dogs outside I am reminded how much the cold sucks balls.  It also reminds me of how much I FEAR being lost and alone in the cold.

Seriously.  Imagine being in Siberia or Northern Canada or Greenland or wherever the gods send horrible people to die.  You are alone, in a vast wasteland of snow, and it is FUCKING COLD.

Your options: succumb to your fate, curl up into a ball, try to cry but you can't because your tears turn into ICE on your face, and proceed to die horribly.  Or you can try to escape, but the cold will slowly kill you anyway and you will go mad with delusion.   Survival?  lol no, you are fucked.

In short, nature is scary and evil, and cold, desolate wastes scare the everliving shit out of me. 

And spiders.  Anything that can hide in my grapes and can kill me with one bite can go fuck itself to hell in a grease fire.

On that happy note, what scares YOU?

: Re: What scares YOU
: clockworkjoe December 12, 2013, 12:23:48 AM
Heights. I know I could never do bungee jumping or cliff dive or parachute on my own. Hell, this would be hell to walk across
: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris December 12, 2013, 08:15:38 AM
why does that exist.  who would build such a thing??
: Re: What scares YOU
: crash2455 December 12, 2013, 01:24:31 PM
Heights. I know I could never do bungee jumping or cliff dive or parachute on my own. Hell, this would be hell to walk across

As a fellow acrophobe and also a one-time skydiver, I can tell you that your brain turns off the idea of height if you go and try that. You look out the door of the plane and your eyes can't make sense of what's happening. Also until you complete like 150 jumps and get certified or something you're required to jump in tandem with an experienced (2000+ jumps) instructor who will gently throw you out of the plane if you hesitate.

To contribute to the main topic of the thread, any scenario in which hands or eyes are maimed or lost are the most disturbing to me. This also occurs to a lesser degree with legs. The idea of losing something I rely on so heavily in my day to day life and have taken for granted always having always persists in my mind anytime I see such a thing occur in films or television. I've become jaded to most of it over the years but eye stuff still always creeps me out the most.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Tim December 12, 2013, 03:58:18 PM
I am also in the fear of height camp although iit is not just the physical height though. I am not sure this is common, although I have had a few people confirm they have the same thoughts, is that I always think, it would be so easy to jump, then I imagine the steps and the leap.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Biest December 12, 2013, 05:34:23 PM
Going for phobias mine would be dogs. I always flinch when I even hear barking or when I see one running at me. It is mostly irrational, even if I have been attacked by dogs three times. So there is some kind of reason to it.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Teuthic December 12, 2013, 11:52:40 PM
I'm completely fucking terrified of slowly losing my mind. I'm not the stablest individual as is, but there's something about the idea of the gradual shift of my mind slowly breaking down, reality crumbling around me in such a way that I can comprehend something going wrong. Eventually, I would reach the point where reality and fantasy are indistinguishable. But I can't know when that would happen. There's no delineating line, no hard symbol of "NOT CRAZY." So how could I really know when it happened? It's a loss of identity.

With a swift loss of mind, a psychotic break, there's that delineating influence. "Everything made sense before my wife died." You don't get that with the gradual change. That's why I like horror games! You lose your mind fast.

I'm also scared of crowds. Crowds are loud, amorphous blobs of humanity. They have no reason, no higher intellect. And people want to be a part of them. There is no defining aspect to crowds beyond a stupid desire to mass. Crowds eat identity, allow despicable acts. And the people in them are no longer human, in that they're no longer individual.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Dom December 13, 2013, 01:33:47 PM
I'm a hypochondriac. I'm not a health nut, nor do I go running to the hospital for every little thing... but sickness and my body breaking down scare me.

I'm most scared about getting cancer. About a year ago I was getting some pretty harsh headaches. I would lay on my bed, terrified that I could have a tumor or something in my head. I couldn't sleep. I felt like my stomach was tied into knots. I felt nauseous and vomited frequently. I had no energy to go to university or even get out of the house.

I thought a lot about what it would be like to die. I realized that one of the things I am most afraid of is going to sleep and never waking up. Sleep feels like your brain shutting down, and thinking that made me terrified. If at all possible, I want to be conscious the moment I die. I want to see death approaching, not have my life stolen away without me knowing about it.

The headache didn't subside. After a few days, I went to the doctor. I got a CT scan. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary in the scan. Eventually, the doctor just advised me to take more vitamins and gave me some sleeping aids, citing a vitamin deficiency, stress, lack of sleep. Within a few days, my headaches had subsided.

So yeah, it was a false call. But that was one of the most terrifying experiences I've had. I'm not sure I can face my own mortality very easily. Sure, media has desensitized me to media violence, I read about death all the time in newspapers, and a few relatives have passed away and I have attended funerals. But it's always been something that happens to 'them'. And I'm pretty scared when I start thinking about what could happen to 'me'.
: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris December 13, 2013, 03:01:40 PM
I am kind of a germaphobe, mostly because of how disgusting people are.  Whenever I am in a public restroom,  I go shoulder-first out the door, Jack Bauer syle.  There is no way in hell I am touching that door after watching a conga line of people refuse to wash their hands and touch the door.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Flawless P December 18, 2013, 02:36:29 PM
Heights are pretty bad for me as well. I couldn't even jump off of a house boat 15 ft into the water. I thought I could, but once I got around the railing and was trying to work up the nerve to do it I realized I couldn't handle it.

Also taking fast turns in cars/spinning out sends me into an absolute panic. This has more to do with my near death experience than something I can't explain.

Oh and the prospect of the Zombie Apocolypse scares me. As illogical as it is, I get pretty large amounts of anexiety when I think about it for a long period of time.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Mckma January 08, 2014, 12:02:02 AM
I would say heights, but I think it is actually more a fear of falling.  As in if I feel secure, even if I am high up, I'm fine.  But if it doesn't feel secure and I'm only say, 20ft up, then I get a bit nervous....

One thing that is weird and frightening in I guess a more existential way is the notion of eternity or having an eternal existence.  Like if I try to imagine it, it is so far out of my brain's ability to comprehend it, that it's truly uncomfortable.  So things like Eclipse Phase have another layer of "otherworldliness" or terror to them in some ways in their core mechanics....
: Re: What scares YOU
: Rawtooth January 09, 2014, 10:15:03 PM
Torture.  The concept of being helpless and being subjected to nothing but unending, unceasing pain and torment drives my nightmares.
: Re: What scares YOU
: CommissarKip January 10, 2014, 06:15:00 AM
Greys. As a kid I watched X-Files and the little grey men scared me so bad I'm still afraid of them. It was even worse when some years later as a teen I saw Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County.

I know they don't exist (or do they?) but they scare the fuck out of me.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Jadzia Katarzyna January 12, 2014, 04:13:12 PM
Cows, no idea why but they just edge me into panic for some reason.  Childhood was difficult growing  up in the country with this fear.

Pelicans are my other big one, though my mother tells me this is because one tried to eat me when I was a toddler.

But scariest of all? Geese, homicidal maniacs the lot of them.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Thorn January 17, 2014, 11:40:08 PM
I scared of not being able to protect my family. I watched my 19 month daughter get chocked while eating and it scarred me to death. I've never felt that level of fear before.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Claive February 13, 2014, 01:08:08 PM
I scared of not being able to protect my family. I watched my 19 month daughter get chocked while eating and it scarred me to death. I've never felt that level of fear before.

+1 watched my 7 month old choke on... I don't even remember what...  Worst feeling ever.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Snake-Eyes February 13, 2014, 01:56:45 PM
Agreed, nothing is scarier than being a parent and trying to keep your child alive.
: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris February 13, 2014, 02:06:06 PM
I don't have kids yet, but I am sure I will have that same fear.  How can you not?  I think that might be why Stephen King's Pet Semetary might be his strongest work:  he taps into that same fear, and that book is ROUGH reading.

I also felt the need to point out that since I created this thread,  we've had one of the COLDEST, most brutal winters in decades.  Local bars are legitimately planning events for when the temperature is above freezing again.  Curse you, Internet gods.  >:(
: Re: What scares YOU
: ethan_dawe February 13, 2014, 03:01:05 PM
What scares you changes as soon as you have a kid......unless you are a monster :-)
: Re: What scares YOU
: TheStrangerInTheFog February 13, 2014, 05:09:31 PM
Ending up alone.

Stupid, I know, but I'd hate to go through a significant portion of my life with nobody around me who cares. I was once out on a ride-along with the local police, and we got called out to a missing person report at a care-home. An old lady had just wandered off into the city at night. We found her, and she told us she'd not spoken to anyone in like, two days, and just got on a bus to talk to other human beings.
: Re: What scares YOU
: clockworkjoe February 14, 2014, 12:19:17 AM
: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris February 14, 2014, 02:29:58 PM
Anyone else afraid of posting  invalid YouTube links?  I don't think I could handle the shame :(
: Re: What scares YOU
: Mr. Purple February 15, 2014, 01:15:38 AM
Thought I'd weigh in on this topic a bit.  :)

I'm afraid of needles.  Big needles, small needles, any kind of hollow metal tube that has to stab me to put some kind of fluid in; I have a totally irrational fear of them that makes me tense up and increases my pulse rate by a good thirty beats per minute.  BUT I'm on insulin; I have a choice every night whether to stab myself full of Lantus or take my chances with high sugars and possible complications if i don't.  I close my eyes and stab away.  I am also a blood donor with five lifetime gallons to my name, one pint at a time; I have never ONCE watched them put the needle in my arm.

I'm afraid of heights.  I get vertigo if I'm too high up, I break out into cold sweats, and I tense up the same way I do with needles.  I cope with this by staying on the ground; I don't even look out windows higher than the second floor (and I'm proud of that second floor, dammit!) if I can avoid it in any way.

I'm afraid of tight spaces.  After being in an elevator when the power went out, cue the panic attack if I think I'm going to be trapped.  As long as the box is moving smoothly, I can handle it.  If there are too many people, if the death-box shakes, or if it takes longer to get from one floor to another floor, same as the needle.

I'm afraid of flying.  Heights scare me, enclosed spaces scare me, and the thought of hurtling though the air in a steel coffin full of rocket fuel with a bunch of strangers crowded around me petrifies me; the fact that said coffin was built by the contractor who put in the lowest bid just drizzles anxiety sauce on top of that fear sundae.  I *can* fly, but it usually takes a bit of chemical help (Valium, or a few good stiff drinks.)

All of those I can cope with, and do.  I HAVE to take my insulin, I HAVE to go above the ground level to do my job, I HAVE to trap myself in various boxes (bathrooms, elevators, supply closet, etc) and if I want to travel anywhere at all, I HAVE to fly there.  All of these fears and anxieties I face because the alternative scares me even more...

I'm afraid that one day I'll die alone and forgotten.  My worst nightmare is the one where I've outlived everyone who I know and love except for the friends and family I alienate so badly that they cut me out of their lives.  I die and nobody knows it happened, or SOME people DO know but they don't care.  No legacy, no memorial, nobody to mourn me; the thought of that scares me more than anything else on this Earth.

Realistically, I know it won't happen.  I have friends, and I'm a teensy bit memorable; I tend to leave an impression on strangers I meet. 

I believe FDR said it best when he spoke those immortal words "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."  As long as we face our fears, own them, and meet those fears head on and exercise some willpower... they'll still scare us.  ;)  But at the very least, we'll be ready for 'em.
: Re: What scares YOU
: clockworkjoe February 17, 2014, 10:45:17 AM
Anyone else afraid of posting  invalid YouTube links?  I don't think I could handle the shame :(

: Re: What scares YOU
: Tim February 17, 2014, 02:31:33 PM
Anyone else afraid of posting  invalid YouTube links?  I don't think I could handle the shame :(


I fear being drawn into one of Ross's TPK scenarios so will not gaze upon it thank you very much.
: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris February 17, 2014, 02:35:07 PM

lol, j/k, i totes watched it, and now I have a cool studio apartment in this foggy city by a lake with two suns.  Lots of artists.  Kinda cool, 'cept everyone is kind of nuts, lol
: Re: What scares YOU
: Thorn February 17, 2014, 09:48:30 PM
They would have to shoot me or throw me off that son of a bitch.   There is no way in hell I could make it back down.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Leviathan February 20, 2014, 08:17:27 AM
Just being powerless, really.

Certainly other fears play into it, like heights and drowning, but generally I want to feel like I can do something if anything were to happen. Like, I climbed Kebnekaise, which is Sweden's highest mountain (though really, it just felt like a high pile of rocks) and when you're up around the top, it's something like 2000 metres up, which is rather scary. Then my cousin wanted to go to the actual highest point, which is basically a long, really thin (about 1,5 metres wide at most) and I just went "Fuck that shit," and sat around in a cabin and waited for her. Just a small gust of wind could send you over the edge and it's a long way down to have your life flashing by.

As a young kid (think I was somewhere between 5 and 9, hard to remember) I remember being on vacation on the coast and walked on a rock-bed near the water, when I stepped on a wet spot and fell in. It was just so scary, knowing that if the stream was faster than it was, I would have just gone further out into the water. It really freaks me out when I think back on it.

I'm the same when it comes to vehicles. Obviously aeroplanes are a big issue for me, especially when departing. On a recent trip, I found myself wanting to crash over the ocean, so we wouldn't get smashed to bits on land. Same with cars. I get really tense and uncomfortable when someone else is driving, especially one of my friends who is at times very reckless in traffic.

Never ever would I be caught doing that nightmare-climb Ross posted.

For the guy that said cows:
: Re: What scares YOU
: Jadzia Katarzyna March 14, 2014, 02:22:02 AM
I can look at cows quite happily, I just can't be in a paddock with them, presuming that when you said 'guy that said cows', you meant girl that said cows ;)

Cows with Guns may have a had a little to do with this fear.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Thorn March 16, 2014, 07:37:58 AM
When I was in high school I went cow tipping in a Buick. I think I was going 45mph when I side-swiped one. Fucked my car up and the damn thing still lived. Those creatures aren't natural.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Claive March 17, 2014, 01:25:22 PM
I read a short story years ago about a man who woke up one day and gazed into the mirror and doesn't see his own face but some stranger's.  Naturally he freaks out but tries to go through out his daily routine.  No one at his workplace notices that his face isn't his own.  The next day he is revealed to see that his own face has returned, but no one recognizes him.

I suppose I have a fear of becoming a pariah.  The idea that I could be labeled a monster or that the fickle world would turn its back on me for reasons beyond my understanding or control is terrifying.
: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris March 21, 2014, 09:18:24 PM
Well I didn't think anything new could scare me...


Today a blind student drew me a picture of the Slender Man. 


He also showed me his coloring of George Washington, so it's all good now lol
: Re: What scares YOU
: Thorn March 21, 2014, 11:06:37 PM
I sometimes wonder how many teachers are on here.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Cthuluzord March 22, 2014, 11:32:35 AM
I sometimes wonder how many teachers are on here.

You should be wondering how many teachers are in your home.

Right now.


Waiting to begin...THE LESSON
: Re: What scares YOU
: Flawless P March 24, 2014, 11:06:15 AM
It's ok guys I know how to handle this.

I was...

Habitually Truant.
: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris March 24, 2014, 10:59:46 PM

After seeing that Google's Doodle was Dorothy Height, I decided to show my students a quick video on her life and influence.  The students thoroughly enjoyed learning about her, and my hope for humanity was saved!

Then someone asked if we were going to watch a video about the "GWAR guy that died."

The universe laughs.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Mckma March 24, 2014, 11:31:41 PM
I sometimes wonder how many teachers are on here.

I teach physics.  And on a related note, outer space is quite terrifying.  Like how utterly powerless you are if you are adrift in space....
: Re: What scares YOU
: Thorn March 29, 2014, 03:00:48 PM
I teach A+, Broadcast Journalism, and Humanities. 
: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris March 29, 2014, 05:31:42 PM
I am in the process of getting licenses for Cross Categorical Special Education and ESL/ELL.

I have a position lined up that starts in August, but for now I work as a substitute teacher...

I enjoy pain.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Thorn March 29, 2014, 07:04:37 PM
Been there man. You have my sympathy.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Vivax April 03, 2014, 09:44:18 AM
I'm afraid of two things right now. Scrutiny and numbness. I've had anxiety problems for a while which are triggered by being judged or tested. I'm afraid of the numbness that follows them, of only feeling fear, of being too tired to feel anything else.

: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris April 07, 2014, 02:14:32 PM

Bright - Eyed 2nd Grader:  Here you go!

Me:  Why thank you!  What is it?

2nd Grader:  It is a heaven dollar!  You will need it to buy things when you get to heaven!

Me:  Awww, how kind of you.

2nd Grader:  You'll be there soon.

Me:  .....


Nice knowing you all :(
: Re: What scares YOU
: Teuthic April 08, 2014, 06:42:38 PM
I sometimes wonder how many teachers are on here.

You should be wondering how many teachers are in your home.

Right now.


Waiting to begin...THE LESSON
Caleb Stokes' Graderaiser

That joke took way too long to formulate.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Kamen April 08, 2014, 08:46:12 PM
We have such subjects to teach you.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Claive April 09, 2014, 07:03:33 PM
We have such subjects to teach you.

We have ways of making you learn....
: Re: What scares YOU
: Claive May 08, 2014, 01:24:58 PM
So... at the risk of performing thread necromancy, I wanted to put this here.

As I and many others have posted, things happening to your children is frightening, but nightmares are inspirational... so...

Your child falls and obviously cuts / hurts themselves and is crying on the ground.  You pick them up to comfort them.  You see that they have a small wound on their face.  And then a fly comes out of it, slowly the thing in your arms starts to crumble, it wasn't your child, your child is missing and you don't even know how long this thing had taken their place.  Did you even have a child before? your not sure anymore... but you feel in your heart of hearts you do...

Changeling the lost is pretty messed up.
: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris July 01, 2014, 10:12:06 PM
OH LOOK! A handy chart telling you which SPIDER is going to kill you in the USofA:  (

True story: I was bit in the arm by a nasty spider last weekend.  I could not feel my arm for hours. 

The moral of the story?  FUCK SPIDERS
: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris July 11, 2014, 06:00:05 PM
well this was just lovely

I had a bee hive on my garage.  I knocked it down and found these!


Luckily, I made my sanity check and was able to keep it together. 

Apparently, the hive belonged to a mud wasp.  These lovely little critters find and paralyze spiders, take them back to their hive, AND LAY THEIR FUCKING EGGS IN THEM so that the little baby mud wasps have something to eat when they hatch.

In short:  FUCK NATURE  >:(
: Re: What scares YOU
: Kamen July 11, 2014, 09:46:18 PM
: Re: What scares YOU
: Thorn July 12, 2014, 11:31:03 PM
A few years ago I woke up with a massive headache, stumbled into the kitchen for a glass of water and stepped on a baby copperhead (fucking posionous snake) barefooted. The thing slithered under a table while I nearly shit myself. Hell yeah I screamed like a bitch. I don't know many people that would say "oh look at that a snake".

I swept the damn thing in a box and murdered it with a machete.

Magically cured my headache.
: Re: What scares YOU
: clockworkjoe July 13, 2014, 02:14:05 AM

poor snake
: Re: What scares YOU
: Mr. Purple July 13, 2014, 03:27:29 PM
A few years ago I woke up with a massive headache, stumbled into the kitchen for a glass of water and stepped on a baby copperhead (fucking posionous snake) barefooted. The thing slithered under a table while I nearly shit myself. Hell yeah I screamed like a bitch. I don't know many people that would say "oh look at that a snake".

I swept the damn thing in a box and murdered it with a machete.

Magically cured my headache.

Think about it from the copperhead's point of view, though.  Here he is, curled up in a warm spot happily dozing when suddenly a giant stomps on him in the darkness, chases him down when he tries to get away, and then machete-death.  Poor thing must've been horrified there.

Not sayin' you did the wrong thing, mind, just pointing out the mutual horror there.
: Re: What scares YOU
: Thorn July 13, 2014, 06:21:37 PM
I suppose it was mutually distressing.

: Re: What scares YOU
: D6xD6 - Chris July 14, 2014, 08:14:09 AM
This thread has become kinda depressing.

Let's watch this video of a horsehair worm instead!
: Re: What scares YOU
: fox01313 September 06, 2014, 10:18:26 PM
Clowns, bunnies & the Sound of Music. Thanks mostly to It, the Night of the Lepus & horrific synchronized song/dance (plus a bad story) and anything that constantly happy all the time has something seriously wrong with it.