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Topics - Mckma

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RPGs / Caleb's Fantasy Civ Building Idea
« on: February 18, 2016, 06:32:29 PM »
Caleb has talked in a few of the episodes (starting with "Campaigns I Shan't Be Running") about the idea he had for a fantasy game about rebuilding a culture/society after they free themselves from slavery.  It really piqued my interest, at least as an intellectual exercise, for doing some of the planning.  In that I was wondering what suggestions people might have or recommendations for any resources to look through about how to run interesting communities (thinking also of the episode about community building).  Any suggestions?

RPGs / Numbers Station Scenario
« on: January 30, 2016, 10:35:12 PM »
Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever seen or run a scenario write up centering around numbers station(s)?  I'm keen on seeing what others might have done on this.  My Google searches have yet to turn much up....

RPGs / How do you compile game notes?
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:08:58 PM »
So I was thinking about this the other day.  What do you use to put together campaign/game notes?  Word documents?  Notebooks?  What helps keep you organized?  Looking for ideas for planning a potential game....

Made this thread as a place for people to chat about the inspirations that come from particularly interesting games, books, movies, etc.  I know that Ross has written a lot of one-shots based on video games, and other people likely have to.  So this is a place for people to bring up things that have struck their fancy and how one might do something or spin it into something gameable.

So I'll start us off.  Watching Snowpiercer right now and it is really catching my interest with some of the images, scenes, and characters.  Minus the large pack of people making their way to the front a bunch of it seems very gameable and probably a bit survival-horror-ish.  Only about halfway through, but really captures the imagination with some of the imagery.  Any thoughts on what kind of scenario one might run?  Specifically what the payoff might be?  I'll probably revisit once I've finished the movie (with appropriate spoiler tags and such)....

EDIT:  Oops, totally placed this in the wrong subforum and realize it might actually be redundant with the story fodder thread....

General Chaos / Early/Alpha Access Games
« on: July 16, 2014, 12:42:43 PM »
Opinions on this?  I have heard varied opinions on what seems to be the new trend (especially for a lot of indie games) of charging people for accessing alpha builds while they are still in development and was wondering what you all thought.  Do you favor it or not?  What about what seems to be the standard pricepoint of about $15 (USD)?  Just looking to see where the conversation goes....

General Chaos / Linux Distribution Question
« on: January 04, 2014, 04:29:28 PM »
I have a question that I am hoping someone might have an answer to.  I am looking for a very processor-light distribution of Linux, and have tried Google, but don't quite know how to sort through the data....  I want to install it on a partition on my old laptop (2008 Macbook Pro) to run a Minecraft server on.  I have found with the mods installed, it tends to tax the CPU a bit (RAM is fine), so I'm looking at options that would minimize the other things.  Ideally I would like something that is pretty straightforward on the install or has a good tutorial.  I will hardwire the computer, so I don't need to necessarily access wireless cards or anything.  I am comfortable with decent amount of Unix commands and SSHing and such, so I don't necessarily need an involved (or necessarily any) GUI.

Any suggestions?  Any other information that I'm missing that would help?

General Chaos / Potential FTB Minecraft Server Up
« on: August 02, 2013, 01:30:12 PM »
Hello all!  I was going to put a quick shout out up here if anyone is interested in hanging out on a Feed The Beast Minecraft Server.  For those that don't know, essentially it's a compilation of many mods that are being worked on for Minecraft.  There's a lot of fun stuff and I'm looking to expand the social aspect of my lonely single player experience.  I'm still tweaking and testing to make sure it's completely stable and running well (I'm using an old laptop as the server), but initial signs look good.  If you are interested, post or PM and we'll chat.  I'm thinking in the next few days (i.e. by the weekend), I'll start getting things really going (it's running now, but I'm the only one using it).  We're running Survival, though if there are some particularly interesting projects, I might bump some people to Creative for a time, but I am largely interested in generating world that we've built from scratch....

Thanks and take care!

EDIT:  It's currently running the Direwolf20 1.5 pack for those who care.  I know that that pack will not be updated when they release the 1.6 pack, but they are hoping to make world saves compatible, so it shouldn't be an issue in update when that comes (i.e. probably in a year or whenever they get around to it :P), so bear in mind that things might be a bit in flux if that update comes....

General Chaos / Smartphones
« on: July 30, 2013, 01:42:32 AM »
Thoughts?  Recommendations?  I'm sort of looking at the Galaxy S4, and am reluctant to go iPhone (don't care much for the OS on it), but am interested in what people have to say, especially if you own a phone that you would recommend positively or negatively and talked about the pros and cons.  Any thoughts are appreciated....

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / I've missed y'all
« on: July 11, 2013, 10:56:24 PM »
So over the past year or two (largely the past year), I have slipped away from RPGs and the podcast and the forums and whatnot (the last with me largely just lurking).  That said, I've recently been looking through my iTunes and remembering how much I've enjoyed listening to games and episodes and whatnot.  Problem is, I suspect this new found "free time" will not last once I start teaching in the fall (while earning a Master's).  So, my question to you, what APs are "must listens" from the last two years (basically since July 2011).  I am super keen on Heroes of New Arcadia and Know Evil (as I did listen to the first few of each before my hiatus), but I worry I won't actually get around to finishing them in a timely manner at this point, so which one-shots or "mini" campaigns were particularly memorable or stick out in your mind as fun, creepy, or just plain interesting?

General Chaos / Steam Summer Sale/Trading Cards
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:23:31 PM »
So I know we already have a thread for video games in general, but I thought this might be helpful or of interest for people who want to do some card trading for the Summer Badge (or just trading in general).  If it is deemed redundant, I understand that if it the thread is merged or deleted.

In any case, would anyone be willing to trade away TF2 cards?  I would really like to finish a badge for that game and could grind out some hours on some other games to offer up some cards....

RPGs / Minimal Time Commitment Gaming
« on: April 04, 2013, 08:22:21 PM »
So in looking at these forums again, I realize I miss gaming, but unfortunately don't really have the large chunks of time to do it.  What thoughts do people have for formats to do gaming in either shorter segments or finding ways to compress it down?  I think the tough part is figuring out some way for it to be marginally efficient too, as in getting through story and stuff....

General Chaos / Steam Holiday Sale 2012
« on: December 22, 2012, 12:18:07 PM »
Figured we could have this to post our buys, ask questions about games, etc.

I'll start off.  Thoughts on F.E.A.R.?  It's pretty cheap and I've taken a look at it over the past few sales but haven't purchased it.  Recommendations on it (looking at the whole pack potentially)?

General Chaos / Humble THQ Bundle
« on: November 29, 2012, 05:21:12 PM »
If you haven't seen it, it's pretty nice looking:

Darksiders, couple of Company of Heroes games, Metro 2033, Red Faction Armageddon, and beat the average for Saint's Row the Third...

General Chaos / Thoughts on Smartphones/Tablets
« on: October 15, 2012, 05:34:59 PM »
As I have before, I am curious to get some thoughts or suggestions from y'all on new technology I am considering purchasing.  Thinking about grabbing a smartphone or small tablet to help me keep organized and whatnot.  The main points would obviously be to be able to handle calendars (synced from Google) and email.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!

General Chaos / Looking for Netbook Recommendations
« on: August 25, 2012, 05:46:52 PM »
I think I should grab a netbook for school stuff and was wondering if anyone had recommendations.  Still feeling it out, but I think it would be nice to have one for basically internet access, MS/Open Office type things, and PDF viewing.  I don't need it for much of anything else as I have my desktop, but having something for classes would probably be helpful/necessary.  Just needs to be decently reliable.  I would rather get something cheaper that will only last a year than something that will last longer (in general, as long as it lasts the year, the cheaper the better)...


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