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Messages - Dom

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I can take any slot that needs to be filled, I tend to lean more towards the martial classes though I might try something else that catches my attention.

Normally, trade caravans in Athas bring water, food, weapons, slaves etc. Elven caravans are notorious for having stolen merchandise from merchants and travelers they have raided, but they usually sell at a low price and in Athas, not many are too picky when it means extra copper on their purse.

A rare resource in Athas is metal, as well as magic weapons and anything that might come from an age before the world became the wasteland it is now. Of course, that also means Sorcerer-Kings won't be happy to receive traders who might remind people of an era before they ruled.

I'm in.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: New world campaign
« on: August 04, 2010, 02:18:38 PM »

Ross: A minotaur is guarding the entrance, accompanied by a group of gnolls.


Players: Wow! We have been playing this wrong! Now we will be team players and help Ross make combat more flavorful for our amazing listeners! Especially Mathey!

But then  listeners would be pissed since Minotaurs would never fight alongside Gnolls since Baphomet and Yeenoghu are enemies.


Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: New world campaign
« on: August 04, 2010, 01:43:46 PM »
I’d like to point out a great resource for making combat more interesting: Stalker0's Guide to Anti-Grind
The main facts are:

1. Higher level creatures- Higher hit points and higher defenses means that they take longer to hit. Instead of adding two high-level creatures, add several lower level creatures.

2. Soldiers and Controllers can lead to grind. Soldiers generally have higher defenses and that means PCs are likely to miss more, which is never fun. Use brutes instead of soldiers, since they have less defense but higher HP. Be careful with Controllers using dazing effects, since it effectively makes PCs useless. Also, make sure to spread attacks to several PCs with controllers, not pick on a single one (A player whose character is dazed round after round is likely to not have much fun).

3. Minions are great, since they go down easily. Also, instead of attacking, occasionally have them provide flanking and use Aid Another to give a +4 attack bonus to more dangerous enemies.

4. Use terrain a lot! It gets boring to fight in an 8x8 grid all the time, and D&D provides lots of great terrain features to use. Traps that can be sprung by PCs or the enemy (or even controlled by PCs!) difficult terrain, skill challenges  during combat, obstacles that can provide cover, elevated areas to push people from,  damaging tiles like lava pits and burning structures, holy sites that provide bonuses or evil areas that provide penalties. Combat becomes much less predictable and a lot more fun.

I really recommend reading the guide and applying some of those ideas to spice up combat. I also recommend checking out the Building Encounters chapters on the DMG 1 and 2 since they provide some good advice on making combat more interesting.

General Chaos / Re: Best Internet Vidyas
« on: July 30, 2010, 10:03:28 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

Censoring Sesame Street is hilarious too.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

RPGs / Re: Eclipse Phase
« on: July 28, 2010, 04:27:06 PM »
There was a very low-key release of some new content for Eclipse Phase on DriveThruRPG.

Eclipse Phase: Sunward: The Inner System - More information  on the inner solar system as well as generally new plot seeds, sample characters etc. Also available as a Hack-Pack with high-res maps and images.

Eclipse Phase: NPC File 1: Prime - About 30 pre-generated NPCs ready to use in a game.

General Chaos / Re: Dig to Victory scenario
« on: June 20, 2010, 12:55:58 PM »
The asides are some of the best parts pf the actual plays. I will never forget the 'Bigfoot poop' anecdote. Who can forget the 'Bigfoot poop' anecdote?

General Chaos / Re: Dig to Victory scenario
« on: June 15, 2010, 12:38:58 PM »
I'm interested in history and being interested in WW1/2 history is kind of inevitable when you're a bloke that enjoyed all those FPSs of latter years. I just felt that ultimately the amount of time spent on talking about the obscure little nugget of history in Dig to Victory was wasted because when the game started to get going I had completely lost any attention I would have put into listening to a game. I don't believe there is a comparison between U-boat Heraus and Dig to Victory on the amount of waffling away from the game and the amount of genuine game time (aided by the length of U-boat).

Tadanori Oyama; you keep missing the point myself and Kroack are trying to make. It is not that the game is long (as I have enjoyed several of the games on this website that can go upto the length of 5/6 hours) but that a significant chunk of the recording is information completely extraneous to the actual playing of the game. In it's delivery it's never really done in a way to set a tone either. For example (paraphrasing a lot here as I don't want to waste an hour of my life getting an example) "They used listening devices to hear where the Germans were digging tunnel and then would react accordingly" could of been said as "The brits were in cramped tunnels, hushed, as they used sophisticated technology to try and locate the burrowing huns." which would of elevated the tension before the game.
In my opinion, the large amount of information helps with further engrossing yourself in the scenario and understanding the frame around which the game is based. It is much like playing Call of Cthulhu set in the 1920s: sometimes you are not sure of some things of that era. A great example of this was during one of my own sessions, where we were not completely sure of whether a gas station in Arizona would have a telephone line in the 1920s. This is coming from a group of RPG players who are not in the U.S.

The information Glancy gave life to the battlefield. It gives characters a very good idea of what trench warfare was really like, how the British military operated and the small details in a soldier's day-to-day life.

Of course, sometimes it is good to simply get to the matter at hand and play the damn game already.  ;D

General Chaos / Re: The Corrupt A Wish Thread
« on: April 24, 2010, 05:54:15 PM »
Granted, but when the parachute fails to open you wish you'd packed a reserve.

I wish my car would wash itself.

RPGs / Re: Riddles Puzzles and other noncombat Encounter advice
« on: April 23, 2010, 01:42:10 PM »
It's true that riddles work best when they make sense in the context of the scenario and the dungeon that is being explored. However, sometimes it's simply a cool feature to add. A wizard's tomb with a riddle about cats makes little to no sense. Then again, why would there be a riddle in any dungeon?

Oedipus defeated the sphinx troubling Thebes by solving it's riddle, and because of it the sphinx killed herself. Why would she do that, if she could have simply killed Oedipus for answering correctly, like she had done to all the others who had answered incorrectly?

Fantasy doesn't need to always make sense. Sometimes it's good to simply think of something cool and use it. Think Rule of Cool.

RPGs / Re: Riddles Puzzles and other noncombat Encounter advice
« on: April 22, 2010, 12:06:12 AM »
My players love riddles too, and I've found that making deep and fantastic riddles isn't as difficult as you might think. After all, as the DM there's no need to be completely original, and as they say the internet is your best friend.

Three steps to creating a deep riddle for your RPG games:

1: Grab an average riddle.
2: Find rhyming words that are appropriate and create the verses along the way.
3: Put it all together.

Let me explain in further detail:

1: Grab the riddle:

Personally, I simply use " " , they've got a bunch of riddles, more than you'd ever need at least.

Go to List of Riddles and grab the first or fifth that looks interesting. For this example: I found this one.

What is it that is deaf, dumb and blind and always tells the truth?

A mirror.

This is a good basic outline for our riddle. The answer will be "A mirror" and the hints will be that it is "deaf, dumb and blind" and that it "always tells the truth"

I will have one verse for each hint in the riddle, so I already have an idea of how I want to structure the riddle.

Verse 1: something about deafness
Verse 2: something about dumbness
Verse 3: something about blindness
Verse 4: something about always telling the truth

2: Find rhyming words that are appropriate and create the verses along the way.

Let's face it, riddles that rhyme are pretty damn mysterious. They have that fantasy element to them, when compared to just your average riddles. So add that to your riddle. Whether it’s the ABAB, the AABB, or the ABBA rhyming scheme, that’s your choice. I’ll simply use AABB for this example.

Don’t feel restrained in proper grammar. Talk like Yoda, you can. More of a fantasy element, it adds. More wise, the words sound. (Ok, I’ll stop now.)

Now, another fantastic element for riddles can be repetition. For this example, I will use "It is I" at the beginning of each  verse, except perhaps the last one or the last two. We’ll see how that works out.
Find a rhyme dictionary. I use " " simply because it was the first result on Google.

So, I want to make my rhyming words make sense when compared to the source riddle. For this example, the first verse is going to relate to deafness. So, I will use a word that is related to that, sound. The rhyming search engine gives me a bunch of good words that would rhyme with sound, so I decide to stick with sound.

It is I, who cannot hear any sound,

One of the words that rhyme with sound is astound, which could be the opposite of “dumb”. So, I’ll use that, keeping a repetition of “It is I”

It is I, who has no mind to astound,

Now, this sounds very strange, but this is simply a rough outline of what I want, so let’s move on to the next verse. “Blind” is a word that has quite a few rhyming words, so I’ll simply use it.

It is I, who is completely blind

A word that rhymes with blind is find. I could use that as in “finding the truth” or something. So I will.

And yet the truth with me you’ll always find.

3: Put it all together

It is I, who cannot hear any sound,
It is I, with no mind to astound.
It is I, who is completely blind
And yet the truth with me you’ll always find.
Who am I?

And there you have it, you have created a riddle. Now that you have it done, you can change the wording or replace some words.
Hope this helps. And sorry if the guide is a bit confusing, it’s quite late at night and I can barely think in a coherent fashion. :)

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