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Call of Cthulhu / World of Darkness / Re: Call of Cthulhu RPG Journal
« Last post by Max_Writer on November 02, 2018, 05:37:00 PM »
The Call of Cthulhu Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine Campaign continues.

Having learned the whereabouts of Jack Parker, the investigators head to southwestern Colorado, where he seems to be visiting the locations of his previous crimes for some reason.  Between the towns of Canyon City and South Arkansas, they must spend a night in the apparently abandoned Inn of the Smiling Spirit.  Will they survive Through the Night?

On October 28, the campaign continued with an older Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition scenario "Through the Night" by Leonard Wilson from Dungeon Adventures #29 with the help of "The Big Damn Book of Monsters."

The role playing journal of the game session is here:

Additionally, a playlist of seven videos of the game session, a highlights video, and the stream of the session are here:

Players were:

John Leppard as Lambert Otto (gunslinger)
Yorie Latimer as Professor Brandon Stalloid (scholar)
Ben Abbott as Jacali (Native American scout)
Whitney Ward as Lydia Fitzsimmons (prospector)
Kyle Matheson as Marshal Clayton Pierce (federal marshal)
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by constructacon on October 15, 2018, 12:14:49 AM »
thanks i'll give it a try.
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by CADmonkey on October 13, 2018, 03:24:05 PM »
what game is this...been looking for a cheapish way to do mechwarrior with friends
Mobile Frame Zero.
The pdf of the rulebook is available pay-what-you-want at that site.  The rulebook has all the rules, and building instructions for for six "typical" frames (but of course, being built from lego, you can build frames in whatever shape you want).
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by Adam_Autist on October 12, 2018, 06:11:32 AM »
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by constructacon on October 12, 2018, 03:44:09 AM »
what game is this...been looking for a cheapish way to do mechwarrior with friends
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by CADmonkey on October 10, 2018, 01:06:21 PM »
I realise these forums aren't well traffiked anymore, but I wanted to keep sharing my wargaming experiences with you folks, and this didn't seem quite right for the facebook group:

I ended my summer MF0 gaming hiatus this past Saturday.  I had scheduled an open demo session at Fandom II, the downtown FLGS.  Dispite some interest on facebook, no-one showed up looking for a demo.  But Jon and Xenovorous showed up with their frame companies, so we had an impromptu 3 player Rapid Attack skirmish.

My Company

My frame company, The Dragons.

In the rear, a support Hi-Leg:
 d6Ra  d6Ra  d8Ra  d6B  d6G  d6W  d6W
Then from left to right, a battlefield salvage Chub:
 d6Rd  d6Rd  d6G  d6Y  d6Y  d6W  d6W
and 3 hand-to-hand soldier Commisars:
 d6Rh  d6Rh  d6B  d6G  d6Y  d8G  d6W  d6W
 d6Rh  d6Rh  d6B  d6G  d6Y  d8G  d6W  d6W
 d6Rh  d6Rh  d6B  d6G  d6Y  d8G  d6W  d6W

Two Stations.  In the foreground, an electochemical fuel cell (for powering something big!); and behind that, a forest shrine.

By bringing a company with the most frames & the most systems, I had a 'score per asset' of 3 and my starting score was 21, the lowest of the three, and so my position was 'point offensive' player.

Xenovorous' Company

Xenovorous' company was tied with Jon's for the least number of frames, but it had neither the most nor the least number of systems, so his 'score per asset' was 6 and his starting score was 36, which made his position 'offensive' as well.

Jon's Company

Jon's company had both the least number of frames and least number of systems, so his 'score per asset' was 7, giving him a starting score of 42 which put him in the 'defensive' position.

(I didn't keep a record of the loadouts for Xenovorous & Jon's companies, sorry guys)

Initial Setup

In a battlefield of short sections of walls & vegitation simulating ruins in the process of being overgrown, Jon set up a perimeter in one corner, with some fairly strudy walls to hide behind.

My 'point mobile frame' can be seen facing one of Jon's initial defense frames, with the rest of the company arrange behind it, making my intentions against Jon clear.

Xenovorous' company is to one side of my axis of advance, in postition to attack either of us.

Starting scores: Jon 42; Xenovorous 36; Myself 21

End of First Round

Jon held onto his lead.  My frames pursued one of Jon's into his perimeter but couldn't engage it in hand-to-hand combat.  A lucky hit from my support frame crippled Jon's support frame, while return fire from Jon's support frame lightly damaged mine.  Xenovorous' frames advanced towards the centre.

No frames were destoyed, and no stations changed hands.

End of first round scores: Jon 42; Xenovorous 36; Myself 21

End of Second Round

Early in the second round, Xenovorous captured on of Jon's stations, lowering Jon's score to 35 and raising his to 42, thereby giving Xenovorous the initiative.  Xenovorous also opened fire on my support frame, severely damaging it.

With Jon's score still ahead of mine, I continued to concentrate on him.  My support frame finished off Jon's support frame, reducing his score even further.  My hand-to-hand frames continued their drive into Jon's perimiter (taking considerable damage as they went), finally catching up to his frame beside on of his stations.

Under pressure from both Xenovorous and myself, Jon's position was looking untenable.

End of second round scores: Jon 28; Xenovorous 42; Myself 21

End of Third Round & Game

Fire from Jon's frames destroyed one of my hand-to-hand frames, reducing my score to 18, making it seem that I would remain in last place.  Exchanges of fire between Xenovorous & myself and Jon & Xenovorous had no practical effect.  But at the end of the round, my hand-to-hand frames finally destroyed Jon's frame (which they had been persuing for the entire game) and captured Jon's remaining station, finally dragging me out of last place.

The game was called at the end of the round on account of time, with Xenovorous the winner, myself in second place and Jon in third.  We all agreed that it had been a good game.

End of third round & final scores: Jon 14; Xenovorous 42; Myself 21

It was time to pack up then, but I snapped a couple of closup shots of the aftermath:

It was great seeing Jon and Xenovorous again, and even better having a full game, and a multiplayer one at that!

Regarding my performance in the game, while I did managage to lift myself out of last place, I got the feeling during the game that attacking Jon was a misstep for me.  I've had very few multiplayer games of MF0, and in two player games where I've played point offense, charging into the defender's perimeter with a closely grouped section of soldiers has served me well.  In this game though, I think that attacking Jon this way helped Xenovorous more than me.  This thought occured to me partway through the second round, but I decided to stick with my original plan and see where it got me.  If I had attacked Xenovorous from the outset, I would have put him in a position where he couldn't possibly win without attacking Jon himself.  This strategy certainly wouldn't be a guarenteed win for me, but it could be something interesting to try next time I'm in a similar position.  I aslo think my hand-to-hand section suffered from a lack of SSRs, which I normally spread through "assault" sections like these (not everyone had SSRs, so we decided to play without them).  Next time I'll bring some extra SSRs for the use of other players.
Call of Cthulhu / World of Darkness / Re: Call of Cthulhu RPG Journal
« Last post by Max_Writer on October 08, 2018, 02:15:50 PM »
The Call of Cthulhu Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine Campaign continues.

The investigators finally reach Gravity Falls, Oregon, to meet with Dr. Mordin.  First they must resolve the mystery of the missing $7,000 from Quiet Gap, Nevada.  Then, they are in for the ride of their lives as the people Mordin is sending them to see are not quite in the same time.

On September 30, the Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine campaign continued with the original scenario "The Causal Enigma" or "Strange Times in Gravity Falls."  The role playing journals of the scenario are here:

Additionally, a playlist of 11 videos and a highlights video can be found here:

Players were:

John Leppard as Lambert Otto (gunslinger)
Whitney Ward as Lydia Fitzsimmons (prospector)
Kyle Matheson as Marshal Clayton Pierce (federal marshal)
James Brown as Jack West (gunslinger)
Yorie Latimer as Professor Brandon Stalloid (scholar)
Ben Abbott as Jacali (Native American scout)
Ashton LeBlanc as Dr. Eva Weisswald (physician)
General Chaos / Re: Best Internet Vidyas
« Last post by CADmonkey on September 28, 2018, 05:10:27 PM »
WW1: The Thing Edition
More zombies than The Thing, I'd say.  Have you seen it?
Call of Cthulhu / World of Darkness / Re: Call of Cthulhu RPG Journal
« Last post by Max_Writer on September 22, 2018, 06:58:15 PM »
The Call of Cthulhu Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine Campaign continues.

The investigators have been told they can get answers in the town of Gravity Falls, Oregon.  After dealing with some of their own projects, they set forth for the small town, traveling first to Winnemucca, Nevada, and then overland.  But in the village of Quiet Gap in northern Nevada, they find something very disturbing.

On September 16, 2018, the Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine campaign continued with the "The Beast Under the Bed" adapted from the scenario by Michael C. LaBossiere from Challenge Magazine #77.  The role playing journal of the session is here:

Additionally, a playlist of 12 videos and a highlights video can be found here:

Players were:

John Leppard as Lambert Otto (gunslinger)
James Brown as Jack West (gunslinger)
Yorie Latimer as Professor Brandon Stalloid (scholar)
Ben Abbott as Jacali (Native American scout)
General Chaos / Re: Best Internet Vidyas
« Last post by SynapticError on September 18, 2018, 02:27:40 PM »
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