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RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« Last post by The Wizard Burke on January 01, 2018, 01:17:47 PM »
So, uh...first time posting. I'm working on a Base Raiders campaign I'm gonna be running in a few months using my homebrew powers setting. The first session is going to be the players going to be getting their powers, all of which I've designed and run by the players.

So one of the characters is a completely normal guy whose "powers" are the fact that he's mystically tied to a animatronic cowboy powered by the Platonic Western Hero, named Rusty Sprocket. Sort of a Johnny Thunder thing but with a magical robot cowboy instead of a genie. My question is how I should set Rusty up? My thought is to build him as a Companion, with a good bit of refresh dumped into him. But maybe I should also include some Strange skills with a snag making it so that only Rusty can use the powers? Y'know things to reflect superhuman gunfighting skill, and such.

Also, since I'm new to the system (gonna run some one shots before the campaign proper to give everyone a feel for it, including me), if there's any advice regarding the other powers or just in general, I'd be happy to hear it.

The rest of the powers for the party of the campaign (tentatively titled Ripple Effect)

A telepath/supergenius whose powers are fueled by sleep deprivation (they get smarter and more powerful the longer they go without sleep)
A guy possessed/bonded with the spirit of a dragon overlord from another, fantasy-esque timeline (so lots of super strength, super-charisma, nothing subtle just sheer inhuman force.)
A guy who can turn into a psychic nanotech demon (superfast brute with penance stare like claws fueled by personal indulgence)
A girl who can turn into a psychic nanotech angel (just a flying mass of wings, with psychic artillery fueled by music.)
The guy with Rusty Sprocket
And a girl with magical girl powers based on the Fool card. (So blending together the luck power from the core with some stuff from Saber Antimony.)
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by clockworkjoe on December 31, 2017, 06:33:07 PM »
"Ross Interruptor Gear*,"


"allowing the pilot to fire his machinegun at it's full rate, with the possibility of shooting off his own propeller!"


this pleases me
General Chaos / Re: The New World!
« Last post by clockworkjoe on December 31, 2017, 05:37:14 PM »
Awesome! Hard to believe I started that campaign in 2008 and it's still inspiring people.

I assume Hero is complex enough to allow some kind of base/civilization building system. You could stat out the colony and have the PCs affect it through their actions.
General Chaos / The New World!
« Last post by sinanju on December 31, 2017, 01:06:07 AM »
So, having volunteered to GM a new game for my gaming group (somebody had to, as the current GM is tired and wants a break), I polled them on what they'd be interested in playing. Fantasy was the top choice. Well, as I'm sick to death of D&D (I loved the hell out of it for many years, and it was my introduction to role-playing games, but that was forty years ago...) I thought about how I could do something different.

For one thing, we'll be playing Fantasy Hero. ("Are you a lawyer?" "No, I studied the Hero System rules instead....") For another, I had a brainstorm--and I'm going to use Ross's New World setting for my game. With lots of changes and additions to make it my own, of course, but still. The idea of a tabula rasa where I could set the parameters of what exists and what doesn't, and steer away from all the D&D-esque cliches that are so ingrained in many fantasy RPG players' minds was a godsend. So thanks, Ross!

Because of you, my PCs will be trying to colonize the New World instead of dungeon-delving. They'll be exploring Lemurian ruins, every one of which is at the center of some kind of Zone of Weirdness (think magical Chernobyls scattered across the east coast of America), to justify a variety of one-off monsters. Magical "Kudzu" that has completely engulfed all other life within miles, and is only restrained from covering the continent because it can only exist within a certain distance of one of the Lemurian ruins. Or the ruin where gigantism is a thing. Giant...everything exists in that area, but can't leave (though the PCs will stumble across the occasional dead giant critter that wandered too far and died. And the Night Folk, stolen from Niven's Ringworld--they're ghouls, and they exist in huge numbers; as long as the humanoid races don't bury or burn their dead, they're content to take the dead. If not, well, they're dangerous in a fight. Plus, if they're treated respectfully, they can tell you all kinds of things about the peoples and places in the campaign.

The more I've worked on this game, the more fun I'm having figuring out what I can throw into it. (Every Lemurian ruin will also have a grailstone (from Riverworld) at its center, though I haven't figured out what they do--did--in this world. But they're there.)
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by CADmonkey on December 28, 2017, 05:43:30 PM »
what a lame-o

It was wierd, he's a nice person (We're still facebook friends & I've invited him to my next MFZ demo) but for whatever reason, he has this blindspot where he doesn't think twice about exploiting terribly written, game-breaking rules; until people tell him to his face that he's ruining their fun, and then he's genuinely distressed at finding that out.

Jason is going to start a Konflikt 47 campaign this month. Should be fun!

Looking forward to hearing about it!

And also, another machinegun themed article in this month's issue of WI is about the development of WWI fighters and has a sidebar about the Ross Interruptor Gear*, a type of interruptor gear which had the feature that it could be disengaged in flight, allowing the pilot to fire his machinegun at it's full rate, with the possibility of shooting off his own propeller!

*mistakenly called "Sychronising Gear" in the article.
General Chaos / Re: What are you reading?
« Last post by CADmonkey on December 26, 2017, 11:27:38 AM »

Christmas Books by Bryan Rombough, on Flickr

Already started two of them.
General Chaos / Re: Image Thread
« Last post by CADmonkey on December 16, 2017, 05:08:15 PM »
Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like Mecha:

I just couldn't resist.
Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: RPPR Patreon Discussion Thread
« Last post by clockworkjoe on December 16, 2017, 05:00:57 PM »
Am going to reluctantly tap out of the Patreon based on the upcoming policy changes. I suggest looking at moving to the new Kickstarter patron option, or others, given this ridiculous new business policy.

good news! They reversed course on this. Everything is fine!
RPGs / LFG - Boston
« Last post by Destrades on December 14, 2017, 10:59:06 AM »
LFG in the Boston/Metrowest MA region. Definitely looking to join as a player to start, but I'm open to running games once I'm onboard and get a feel for what the group is all about.

Never used Roll20 or an online app, open to that as well if IRL and in-person gaming is also an option.
That reminds me that I need to read more of the manga. Also it looks great.
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