Progenitor is a great setting for Wild TalentsNews: Check out the new RPPR Kickstarter for Base Raiders, a standalone RPG about superpowered dungeon crawling!

Synopsis: This seminar with Dennis Detwiller, Kenneth Hite, Shane Ivey and Greg Stolze is about historical superhero games. Arc Dream has two games along those lines: Godlike and the Progenitor setting for Wild Talents, so they have some background in the topic. If you’ve ever wanted to run an alternate history game, even without superheroes, this panel would be a must listen!

The Italian ZombieAt Gencon this year, I was part of a panel with Kenneth Hite, Dennis Detwiller, andĀ George Vasilakos to discuss zombies in gaming. We talked about many topics, from favorite films, to the symbolism of zombies and how to use them in games. If you’re a zombie fan, you should give it a listen!

In other news, check out the new Zombie Survival and Risk Analysis Quiz on Zombies of the World. Find out how well you would do in a zombie attack!