RPPR-Illustrated-Masks-Cruise-BonusMasks of Nyarlathotep is a classic (some would say quintessential) campaign for Call of Cthulhu. Given how much we play CoC, I thought it would be remiss of us not to record a run of it. It took us about a year to get through the campaign, but our dedicated group of investigators solved mysteries, fought cultists, and confronted horrible abominations from beyond time and space. I heavily changed the core campaign, using advice from Adam Scott Glancy and the invaluable book, the Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion. Find out what I changed and why and how the players thought of the game.

Get links to every AP episode of the campaign here.

Song: We’ll Meet Again by Vera Lynn

gencon-simNews: No Soul Left Behind is now available in print! Backers should get their copies soon. Also, Firewall will soon be out in print.

Synopsis: Gen Con is over and what a time we had! Between the games we played, fans we met, and panels we ran or attended, all of us had a blast this year. In this special extra long episode, we discuss our most memorable experiences of the con, and of course, our loot. Hear from Caleb, Tom, Aaron, David, Dan, Bill, Melissa, Michelle, and myself as we go over the con!

Shout Outs (wow so many very links)

Music: The Mach Rider by the Encounter.