Working on getting the recording posted to the community AP site soon.

We should be doing the second session tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes. Unfortunately I know for a fact we won't be able to play as long, and I'm not sure how many people will be able to make it on time... We'll have to see.
Some highlights of the first game:
-One player got his NPC girlfriend to second base.

People want weird things.
-Another player indirectly got at least one of the NPCs brutally killed by trying to keep her safe... in a building whose walls were covered in blood.
-First player managed to get in a fight, steal the guy's car, then thought it would be a good idea to run him over with his own car. The whole time they were in front of the police, and when the policeman tried to stop him after he got out of the car... attempted to steal the officer's gun and kill him with it. I'm sensing a trend.
-Two of the characters have been literally doused in blood.
-One of the players has gone temporarily insane!
Not bad, for my first time running CoC and my first time running for 7 people.