Author Topic: So... 4E will have a Web based Character Builder  (Read 23362 times)


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Re: So... 4E will have a Web based Character Builder
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2010, 03:50:51 PM »
I suppose it's just my personal preference, but I like having the element of chance in attacks. Being able to score critical hits on a roll of 10 to 20 and reach an attack bonus so high that you COULD NOT MISS was completely devoid of fun for me. It is the primary differentiating factor between RPGs and video games - one mitigates chance in video games, but one copes with chance in RPGs. Maybe it's that I feel attacking should be a burden on the attacker, not the attacked (that statement sounded much more coherent in my head, but I will attempt to explain). The attacker should have to try their hardest to hit the target - the attacked should not need ridiculously high defenses or health to compensate for the attacker's guaranteed hits.

My personal favorite game break were the feats and abilities that gave you automatic sneak attack damage. Nothing like a rogue that could do 15d6 damage per attack or more...

Unless you were playing in one of Ross' games.  Undead = Useless Rogue.
- Dan, Adding one to his Darkspiral Aura.


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Re: So... 4E will have a Web based Character Builder
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2010, 06:10:01 PM »
I suppose it's just my personal preference, but I like having the element of chance in attacks. Being able to score critical hits on a roll of 10 to 20 and reach an attack bonus so high that you COULD NOT MISS was completely devoid of fun for me. It is the primary differentiating factor between RPGs and video games - one mitigates chance in video games, but one copes with chance in RPGs. Maybe it's that I feel attacking should be a burden on the attacker, not the attacked (that statement sounded much more coherent in my head, but I will attempt to explain). The attacker should have to try their hardest to hit the target - the attacked should not need ridiculously high defenses or health to compensate for the attacker's guaranteed hits.

My personal favorite game break were the feats and abilities that gave you automatic sneak attack damage. Nothing like a rogue that could do 15d6 damage per attack or more...

Unless you were playing in one of Ross' games.  Undead = Useless Rogue.

If you wanted to break one of Ross' epic games you played a favored soul of Pelor and only memorized the Mass Heal spells. Damage all the baddies and heal all your friends while flying above the battlefield.
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