Author Topic: Screen name history  (Read 36780 times)


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Re: Screen name history
« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2010, 04:01:05 PM »
When I moved to my second High School (the one without tabletop geeks), the people I was friends with really got a kick out of my middle name, Challenger. They would call me Challenger, which turned into Chally then Shally and then Shallazar.

I started using it recently because of a Dungeons and Dragons Weekend in the realms event. I needed a name for a Sword Mage and Shallazar just sort of worked out like that. It's my go to name for things to relating to wizards and fairy bullshit. My other online alias is Angry Tom

Edit: I've been using Shallazar for 3 years and Angry Tom for 7.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 04:07:27 PM by Shallazar »
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.


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Re: Screen name history
« Reply #31 on: November 15, 2010, 09:27:26 PM »
Back when I did sprite comics, I needed a Author Persona character for it, which was the way of sprite comics at the time...So I ripped Dr. Wily's head off his body and replaced it with Dr. Robotniks (Yes, I refuse to call him Eggman). The lack of neck, squirrly mustache and little dumpy body amused me greatly. I dubbed him Doctor Scraps.
The name eventually replaced my old online moniker of "The Slayer 0.1"

When I got into College, and my Sprite Comic days rather far behind me, the name eventually got tagged onto me by my gaming group. I can't even recall the last time they even called me by my real name. Though the alternate name of Scrap Heap has become prominent.
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Flawless P

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Re: Screen name history
« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2010, 08:10:35 PM »
Back when I did sprite comics, I needed a Author Persona character for it, which was the way of sprite comics at the time...So I ripped Dr. Wily's head off his body and replaced it with Dr. Robotniks (Yes, I refuse to call him Eggman). The lack of neck, squirrly mustache and little dumpy body amused me greatly. I dubbed him Doctor Scraps.
The name eventually replaced my old online moniker of "The Slayer 0.1"

When I got into College, and my Sprite Comic days rather far behind me, the name eventually got tagged onto me by my gaming group. I can't even recall the last time they even called me by my real name. Though the alternate name of Scrap Heap has become prominent.

man no one ever calls me flawless p in person....which is good because I probably wouldnt answer.


Well thats not true, I had one of the guys I went to high school with call me Flawless P for a whole semester, he was one of the Rapper group so I'm sure that wasnt even close to the weirdest nickname he said on a daily basis...I remember being introduced to a group of "hood rats" I was so out of my element...oh well my nerd nickname turned into a street name for about 2 was an experiance I guess...
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