Author Topic: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents  (Read 730393 times)


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #195 on: March 14, 2011, 03:53:45 PM »
I look forward to hearing that. . . in September 2042. :(

Fixed this


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #196 on: March 14, 2011, 05:21:38 PM »
Everyone! Think of what your character would do in a getting ready-for-battle montage.  We have to have one before the fight begins (you know, to say goodbye to our PC's before Ross murders them all).

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #198 on: March 14, 2011, 06:03:40 PM »
The bad guys don't know your characters weaknesses, right? Cus, that would totally suck if that was the case.

Anyway, come on. With great power and all that. Big damn heroes. Clog up the evil death machine with your heroic corpses.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #199 on: March 14, 2011, 08:15:55 PM »
Anyway, come on. With great power and all that. Big damn heroes. Clog up the evil death machine with your heroic corpses.

Quick, hide behind the pile of dead bards!

Captain Cannon Fodder, thank god you're here!


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #200 on: March 14, 2011, 11:40:23 PM »
two hours into the fight = 3 rounds of battle for 17 super powered combatants.

The Syndicate roster
Paragon - telepath with a tech force field
Candide - cloned alien giant with spore cannon - bodyguard to Paragon
Pyro - a pyrokinetic
Creep - stealth assassin with poison and camouflage and climbing powers
Niko - Tech nullifier and equipped with spirit capture gun
Veera - hypertrained assassin
Aegis - Atlantean trained martial artist

PCs minus Tom
Raoul - Underground fighter - can turn into stone
Squad leader - alien - anti psionic warrior
Wheaties - hybrid gang member with armor piercing claws
Slash - Infantry with regen
Baz - heavy with flamethrower


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #201 on: March 15, 2011, 02:03:58 PM »
We need to be acting like a team. This lone wolf shit is just going to get us all killed.
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #202 on: March 15, 2011, 02:22:45 PM »
Aegis - Atlantean trained martial artist

Is Atlantian martial arts a fancy name for holding people under water until they drown? Because that would be an awesome superpower.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #203 on: March 15, 2011, 02:32:54 PM »
We need to be acting like a team. This lone wolf shit is just going to get us all killed.

I beg to differ.

I thought we had it pretty well together for the most part.

Also, concerning the "team" issue, the last I checked we had the following:

Decent offensive and defensive tacticians,
Information specialists hacking safe routes for us
and a decently armed backup as well.
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #204 on: March 15, 2011, 04:28:12 PM »
Aegis - Atlantean trained martial artist

Is Atlantian martial arts a fancy name for holding people under water until they drown? Because that would be an awesome superpower.

from the intro:

A new martial art is sweeping the country. It is easy to learn but provides incredible fighting expertise, relative to the time the student puts into the discipline. It's actually the supreme martial art, thousands of years old and the reason it's so easy to learn is due to its utter perfection. It was after all, created by a god. It was kept secret because its masters feared what its destructive powers would do to humanity if unleashed on the unwashed masses. It seems the masses use it for MMA and backyard wrestling. Well, at least those that only master the basics. A few have learned that superhuman abilities are possible if a student puts in years of work and dedication into it.

The secret is that it's from Atlantis. Think Iron Fist from Marvel comics. No crazy magic punch power though. Just hyperstats and skills.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #205 on: March 15, 2011, 04:41:20 PM »
Also, concerning the "team" issue, the last I checked we had the following:

Decent offensive and defensive tacticians,
Information specialists hacking safe routes for us
and a decently armed backup as well.

Decent offensive and defensive tacticians, They have killed some of us, we have killed none of them.
Information specialists hacking safe routes for us (One is going to try, but that has not started yet)
and a decently armed backup as well. There is no backup at all, we are on our own.

We have been playing defensive from the beginning, we need to take the initiative.
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #206 on: March 15, 2011, 06:07:47 PM »
With regards to our tactics, I agree that we aren't doing too bad.  That all the PC's are even alive and (mostly) unharmed at this point is a testament to that.  That said, I don't think our plan is good enough, as is, to keep us alive.  At this point, we aren't doing much but keeping sweat on Paragon's brow as she prepares to murder us.

I spent hours thinking about this last night; I feel really bad for helping convince everyone to get their characters killed (Tom excluded, of course).  I've gone over scenarios again and again.

The problem, as I see it, is that we all built powers based on reliability, whereas the Ross's team is min-maxed for death-dealing.  Normally, we'd be screwed, but at this point in the fight, we still have the numbers.  Two of their members are prone, and Squad Leader is going to continue to burn willpower to shut Paragon down.  What we have to do is focus our fire on individuals from 2-3 angles until they go down whilst neutralizing the others' actions.  That way, even with their 10d pools in everything, we gobble the shit out of their successes, attacks, armor, and dodge checks. 

Think of the grenadier in the hydroplant game; no amount of super power keeps you from becoming paste when attacks come from 4 angles.  We can coordinate this in game because of Squad Leader's Luyten communicators, so it isn't even a role-playing issue.

I don't want to play anybody's characters, but I made a table of declared actions by round, for everyone, just to see if we had a chance.  It's the only idea I have as to how to live through this.  Any other plan would be great, but I feel like if we go in there with the strategy of "'ll do this next," we'll be screwed.

For instance, a few things would have to happen in the first round...
1. Shift has got to chuck that bitch over the railing. The catwalk isn't  50 feet so it won't kill her, and it might knock her out.  Even if it doesn't knock her out, the weapons are all on the catwalk after the disarm and she'll be prone for a round; it'll reduce her threat greatly and allow shift to immediately grab the .50 (WHICH WE NEED NEED NEED FOR CANDIDE AND HIS SPORE CANNON)
2. Wheaties has got to kill Aegis (even if he dies in the process)
3. Jason has to get the Angel to heal Raoul and get him in the game (and if Jason can act separate of the Angel, then some Attack Illusions on Aegis wouldn't hurt)
4. Aaron has to reboot
5. Baz has to spend his death round attacking Paragon
6. Squad leader has to nullify Paragon
7. Norm has to attack Paragon.
8. Thad has to attack the Finn on the ground before he can start nullifying again.

See how this could work? Paragon's matches would be gobbled by the nullification, the fire, and Norm's attack, and only then would she have sets for attacking Thad (no fucking way at a 10 d max); she might even take damage.  The Finn has 3 Killing to every location because of Baz and will be easy to take out of the game as he is getting up. If Aegis and the Veera get taken out of the fight (if only temporarily), the only ones with line of sight on the forcefield are Pryo (who'll have trouble penetrating 4 HD) and Candide, who is spending the whole round standing back up. 

Best case scenario, we damage Paragon while eliminating both Finns and Aegis, while getting a flyer with ranged lasers and a tank back in the fight for more focus fire.  And we can even survive some disappointments with that scenario...maybe.

Next round, we focus fire the next big threat (probably Candide) with increased firepower and less concerns.  Reposition and repeat.

Like I said, I don't think we are doing bad, but if keep up the current strategy--if anyone does anything other than fight as a single unit--ain't nobody getting out of there alive.  Other ideas are welcome and will receive my vote (I don't hunger for any more responsibility in this bloodbath), but I feel like anything we do has to be collective or coordinated if don't want to re-roll.  We can get back to our typical in-fighting and backstabbing if we survive; for Thursday, we need military-levels of discipline.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #207 on: March 15, 2011, 06:08:35 PM »
Unless Ross pulls some shenanigans or I roll poorly, Wheaties should take out Aegis in the next round.  However, Wheaties may go down soon thereafter.  Also, Baz is down one apendage and close to death.  Not to mention Raoul is down.  

On the positive side: Ross in his benevolence to the ignorant allowed me to reconfigure the angel at the cost of a willpower point.  I'm going to be able to heal someone up a little next round, but there are several who need it.  Who should be first?  Wheaties, Baz, Raoul, or Zero-Shift?

I'm all for taking the initiative and putting on the hurt, but my character is not offensive.  I know we need to target Candide and put him out permanently (stupid regen....argh).  And Shift needs to embrace the dark side and do what needs to be done in the case of Veera.  Squad Leader and Fantomech need to stay on Paragon and hold her off.  Niko is least to me because he can capture the angel.  I plan to run distraction or attack Candide until that motherfucker is out while the angel is healing everyone.  Then there's Creeper, who we still haven't seen, and Pyro, but I'm hoping Median's bubble will keep them off us while we focus on the bigger threats.  We can do this!  No more talk of TPK!  Big Damn Heroes!
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 06:16:41 PM by Jason »


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #208 on: March 15, 2011, 06:33:44 PM »
Shift is relatively unhurt, if I remember correctly.  Baz is a lost cause, and Wheaties is near cover if he manages to take down Aegis first.  I'd heal Raoul, as he has armor and we now know which people can do non-physical attacks. Can the angel heal while you take separate actions? I know you aren't offensive, but your attack illusions gobble attack success.  It may not do a ton of damage, but it forces whoever is under attack to throw one more set at an attack.

So for instance, Norm has an attack that can do a successful called shot from almost anywhere at the cost of only one willpower.  Let's say I call a headshot.  It does 4 damage in Shock AND Killing, has a Penetration of 2, but only hits at a width of 2.  It's slow, but it kill most humanoids if it hits.  Now consider Candide.  You Illusion him, I shoot, and Shift fires the Barrett.  Automatically, his highest set has to go to my attack or there will be 2 shock and killing to his head (he might not be able to even stop it), and any declared attacks will take penalties from your attack and/or Shift's attack landing.

So I say tell the Angel to start with Raoul and heal the next most damaged every round after, then join in the attack.  You may not be death-dealer, but you'll help fuck their dodges and attacks.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #209 on: March 15, 2011, 06:47:03 PM »
The angel is independent of my actions.  He'll heal Raoul and hopefully have him in fighting order the following round.  Wheaties will seek cover if possible once he takes down Aegis which should happen with multiple actions, spending willpower, and calling the shot on the head.  I'm still stealthed with a 3 by 10, which should only be negated by a wider scrutiny check.  I can attack Candide if that's our best course of action, but I still think it might prove more helpful to fool Candide in thinking that we've moved while he was temporarily incapacitated.