Author Topic: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents  (Read 730534 times)


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #120 on: January 17, 2011, 09:23:08 PM »
Here's my PC.  I'll stat him out on here if someone demands it.  Otherwise, I'd like to save myself the typing.

Name/Alias: Norman “Median” Meyer

Loyalty: Chinatown and the Yang family (4)

Passion: seeking escape through transhuman artifacts and lore (2)

Description: Norman looks he was once quite the physical specimen, but time and middle-age have added a few pounds.  Still, he would never be confused for a push over; he strikes a formidable profile, especially with the huge cybernetic arms starting at each massive shoulder.  Each is made of banded organic steel with strange runes coursing down the fibrous strands like tattoos.  Rather than hands, Norman has been reduced to 3-pronged claws that rotate 360 degrees on a ball joint that serves as a hand.  While remarkably more dexterous than they look, the claws are still clumsy and twitch uncontrollably if their master is distracted.  Due to his arms, Norman can only really fit into his work outfit (a sleeveless shirt and Dickies), an oversized Carhart jacket, or a very long sleeved kung-fu outfit he bought in Chinatown.  While he looks ridiculous in the latter (he is as Irish as they come), it does manage to hide his arms in public.  If he is going into known danger, he wears his hardhat, as per OSHAA regulations.

Occupation: Non-union construction worker/ Part-time Youth Counselor

History: In college, Norman spent more time in the Outdoor Activities office than in class.  He rock climbed, mountain biked, and white water rafted his way to a D average, doing homework solely as a means to some adrenaline junkie end.  In his sophomore year, Norman tagged along on the trip of lifetime: a Transamazonian river ride and hike.  Early one morning, Norman left camp by himself to check out a “Sweet cliff” he’d seen the previous evening.  He didn’t care that the climb bordered the quarantine zone where the Luyten mothership crashed in ’71 or that the group’s guides had strictly forbidden anyone even nearing the site.  Off trail and alone in the jungle, Norman stumbled upon the wreckage of one the Luyten shuttle vessels.  Norman investigated, believing the Luyten disease long since dead in the 30 years since the crash.  While he was in no danger of sickness, it turned out to one of the worst mistakes of his life. 

Norman disturbed the ancient wreckage upon entering, resulting in an avalanche of rocks and alien debris.  Though he survived with only minor injuries, the entrance to the ship was completely cut off.  Norman’s spelunking experience only kept him calm enough to realize he was trapped in an impenetrable metal shell in near total darkness with no help on the way.  Days past.  Starving, dehydrated, and trapped in the dark with only jungle vermin the bones of creature’s beyond space to keep him company, Norman went mad.

As he frantically dug another hole amongst the piles of dead, desperate and screaming for help, he saw a rat scurry through one of the few slits of light available.  Frenzied, he chased after it, sticking he thought to be a hole.  Immediately, a blinding, constricting pain shot through his arm and the wreck shone in an eerie yellow light.  A strange, metal arm had grafted itself over Normans arm and was shooting a warbling, static-y beam of energy to another point in the cavernous room, enclosing and dragging another prosthetic just like it.  The second in the pair suddenly shot onto Norman’s other arm, this time just as painful as the first.  In agony, Norman fell to his knees and shouted upwards…and as he did so, the claws of his new limbs conjured a wall of pure force that punched a hole straight through the roof of the crashed Luyten ship.

Declared dead by his fellow campers, in violation of a global quarantine zone, and inseparably grafted to illegal Luyten technology, survival became just the beginning of Norman’s problems.  He could not return to his old life or secure work to build anew as long as the strange metal arms clung to him, and there appeared to be no way to remove them.  The metal was seemingly indestructible, and what few devices could pierce the armor did nothing but damage the flesh beneath.  While gashes in the metal were instantly healed in a flood of what must have been nanobots, wounds in Norman’s arms would remain untreated.  As if that weren’t enough, the arms seemed to function via telepathic link to Norman, but his fumbling control of them could barely function the clumsy claws he now had to use as fingers.  Lastly, the telepathic link carried residuals from its former, inhuman user.  Norman found himself haunted every night by the nightmare memories of some creature from outer space.

Norman wandered homeless for a few years before a noble social worker broke international law and helped him.  The man’s name was Barney Yang, and Norman still attests to this day that he owes the man his life.  Barney found Norman work as a construction worker; his claws were dexterous enough to operate a wheelbarrow, and shifty foreman’s counted on Norman’s ability to generate forcefields to protect their men when too stingy to buy proper safety precautions.  Norman also began work part-time at Barney’s shelter, specializing in the counseling of teens seeking Talents since Raganorok.  He uses his arms to “scare kids straight.”

Now in his 30’s, Norman has built a life for himself.  He has an apartment, he works on a regular basis, and Barney’s daughter, Barbara, is dating him.  Still, his clumsy metal touch provides a serious roadblock in the couple’s intimacy, he must constantly conceal his arms least he risk arrest, and the Luyten dreams grow ever worse.  After years of nightmares, Norman finds he can understand snippets of the Luyten language.  As he gains more control over the power of the arms, he begins to remember more and more about their past user.  Painful as this process is, for the first time in years, Norman has hope he can learn to fully control the prosthetics that devil him, perhaps even remove them once and for all.

Known Superhuman Abilities: All of Norman’s abilities derive from the cybernetic sleeves grafted to his arms.  The Focus (-1) is Indestructible (+2), but cannot be removed, is difficult to finely maneuver  and provides regular nightmares (Haunting -2).  Using the arms, Norman can generate nearly impenetrable forcefields at will in a limited number of shapes.  He can shoot square panes of solid light at high speeds, ramming and crushing everything in their path.  He can use these same panes of light as a sort of magic carpet, but he has very little control and hates flying.  Most impressively, he can generate perfect domes of crackling protection over himself and others.  Finally, with practice, Norman has figured how to tightly roll his forcefields into a sharpened cone that can be launched with deadly force.

--Hard Hat (1 HAR to head)
--Luyten Riot Sleeves (4 HAR to arms)


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #121 on: January 19, 2011, 01:58:27 AM »
I don't think a hard hat would give HAR -a riot helmet gives LAR 3 - so I would say a hard hat is LAR 2.

The riot sleevs are fine of course.

ORE Combat Example:

For Godlike but Godlike is the ww2 supers game that preceded WT.


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #122 on: January 19, 2011, 09:32:55 PM »
LAR 2 it is.


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #123 on: January 21, 2011, 01:31:27 AM »
New Arcadia News:

3 police dead 1 missing: 3 police officers were killed by energy weapons fired by unknown assailants last night near Nighthawk's Diner and another officer was kidnapped. Police officials have no other comments but an inside source claimed the officers were investigating a lead connected to the Rock 'em Sock 'em Bandit case.

Brawl at Chinatown Nightclub: Several powered vigilantes fought Syndicate foot soldiers at the hot new night club Splendor. Police responded within minutes and arrested 15 individuals. Drugs and weapons were recovered at the scene. Knight Errant, Zero-Shift, the Martyr and the unknown vigilante known for using yellow force fields were seen. The club's management promises to re-open soon.


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #124 on: January 21, 2011, 10:32:12 AM »
Ross, you are the coolest man.
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
"If you are asked, 'Would you like Abraham Lincoln', your answer is always YES."


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Re: The next big RPPR campaign - what will it be?
« Reply #125 on: January 21, 2011, 04:04:22 PM »
If I can manage the system well-enough, I'm going to be running a crossover campaign so that Ross can throw a character into the mix.  The hope is that the characters will be able to acknowledge events in my games "in continuity" but that their actions will have no lasting effect on Ross's campaign world or story (I'm using DLC RPG content as a model).  Anyway, my current thoughts are that the crossovers will focus on the mysterious legacy of a minor member of the Ideal.  I've written up a description below.

If you want to play, I'm willing to run it any night of the week with up to 4 people + Ross.  Those that don't get in on this round get priority for the second part of the crossover, to be run whenever Ross feels like taking another break.  Just let Ross know if you want in and Ross can schedule it.

Idealist Dossier

Name: Kalick DeMarque a.k.a. “The International Technician” or “I.T.”

Known Superpowers: (10wd in HyperMind) Due to an unprecedented genetic mutation, Kalick DeMarque was born freakishly intelligent.  It is rumored he would have been capable of achieving advanced doctoral degrees before pre-school if he’d only had the fine motor skills to operate a pencil.  While his intelligence was extremely versatile, it primarily manifested itself in the form of gadgeteering and strategy, making Kalick an extremely valuable asset to the Idealists.  His abilities were strictly intellectual though; he possessed neither telepathic abilities nor any physical miracles.

History: Born from the pairing of a French and Algerian millionaires, Kalick DeMarque was given the best education the world could offer and the best possible brain with which to receive it.  True citizens of the world, Kalik’s parents were perpetually on the move, yet still careful to never neglect their son’s education.  The pair was never married and rarely had time to live together, yet the non-nuclear family remained remarkably happy and Kalick’s upbringing served as a shining testament to Progressivism.

After graduating Summa Cum Laude from Oxford at the age of 15 (with multiple degrees), Kalick quickly found himself bored in the private sector.  Unwilling to give up his global citizenship by aligning with any certain government, he quickly realized that the Ideal was the only place a man of his genius could remained engaged.

Due to his youth and inexperience, Kalik’s role was initially that of one of the thousands of support staff the Idealists required to maintain their operation.  However, the young man’s gifts quickly shined through.  Kalick designed containment and nullification systems that imprisoned super-villains previously thought hopelessly uncatchable.  He redesigned and maximized the vehicles provided to all Ideal non-flyers, ditching themed rides in favor of a uniform white, streamlined design (using entirely green energy, btw).  Multiple public works projects were started around the world on his free time using previously unheard of technology, and WIRED magazine predicted it was only a matter of time before Kalik’s invention outpaced the advancements of alien fabber technology.

Most noticeably, Kalik designed and funded a robotic defense force to aide the Idealists in battle.  Over the years, a variety of robotic prototypes engaged in the teams greatest conflicts, providing support and crowd control in the warzone.  Though now visible to the public as a contributing member of the Ideal, Kalik DeMarque never designed his own pseudonym or donned any costume.  At best, he could be seen on the sidelines, directing the defense against some alien invasion with nothing more than a cellphone.  When asked in an interview why he never wore self-designed PowerArmor and joined the fight, he only responded that to do so would be “wildly inefficient.”

Thus, the media nicknamed Kalick the International Technician, playing off the pun for traditional technical support.  If the name offended him, I.T. never let it be known.  His long career in the Ideal continued into his late thirties until the tragedy of Ragnarok.  While the slim man was never seen expressly leaving for the final battle, it is generally assumed that the Ideals mysterious gadgeteer must have been on one of the many vehicles to leave Earth’s atmosphere that fateful night.  No trace of Kalik DeMarque has been seen since, and his miraculous designs, genius, and philanthropy are widely considered lost to history.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #126 on: January 22, 2011, 03:53:10 AM »
Codename: Wayfarer

Body   2d
Coordination 3d
Sense   4d
Mind   3d
Charm 3d
Command 3d

Base Will   10
Willpower   10

Body   Skills
Athletics   1d
Brawling   1d
Endurance   1d

Coordination Skills   
Dodge   1d
Stealth 2d

Sense Skills   
Empathy   1d
Perception   1d
Scrutiny   1d

Mind Skills   
Knowledge Aliens   1d
Medicine   1d
Navigation   2d
Research   1d
Security Systems   2d
Streetwise   1d
Survival   1d
Tactics   1d

Charm Skills   
Lie   1d
Persuasion   1d

Command Skills   
Leadership   1d
Stability   3d

Luyten's Disease -8 intrinsic
In one year of game time, Wayfarer will lose 1d from Body and take a -1d penalty on all skill and stat rolls unless given painkillers. Every 6 months after that, he will lose 1d from Body, Coordination or Sense until one of his stats goes to 0. Then he dies.

Until then, he has an allergy to the spores that spread Luyten's disease - they drain willpower.

Armored Spacesuit 2hd:
Hardened and provides 4 LAR
Armored Defense
Extra Attacks/Defends Level
Extra Attacks/Defends Level
Hardened Defense
Delayed Effect - reflects the time to put armor on after summoning it from extra dimensional pocket

Useful: Spacesuit - life support, radiation shielding, radio etc.
Depleted - 8 hour oxygen supply

Teleporting Matrix    10d
Range (can defend self or others by teleporting them or attack out of way)

Useful: Teleport objects
Extra Power Capacity: Mass         
Controlled Effect         
No Physics         
Reduced Capacity: range (512 yards)

Long Range Teleport
Booster x5 (can teleport to the moon)
Extra Power Capacity: Mass
If/Then: requires (6-width in navigation skill check) days to chart one destination - can store 3 destinations at once
Willpower Cost
If/Then: living passengers are affected by loopy flaw
Delayed Effect: 3 minutes to power up and activate

Recall back to waypoint
Booster X5
Power Capacity: Mass
If/Then: can only teleport to previously set waypoint
Mental Strain

Augmented Reality Interface 1wd

Implanted Augmented Reality interface that advises and aids Wayfarer. near-sapient AI advises Wayfarer on a variety of topics. It can show where to punch for maximum effect, enhance sensory input for clarification or keep track of multiple targets.
If then (can't augment stability)
If then (can't augment endurance)
If then (can't augment skill rolls made that use willpower bonus)

Nano healing kit 2hd
Useful: healing shock and killing

Set Waypoint      2hd
Useful: creates a teleport waypoint for recall power       

Open gate to Sanctuary 2hd
Go Last

I will update this later to explain how his powers work

« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 02:17:47 PM by clockworkjoe »


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #127 on: January 22, 2011, 01:48:10 PM »
I fully endorse the use of an ORE-based game because ORE kicks ass and is basically White Wolf for people who are cool and not mongs


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #128 on: January 28, 2011, 12:24:26 AM »
There was some confusion as to how Median's powers worked.  I was adding some unnecessary extras to defense and missing some extras in useful.  I've changed that, retconned some skills I'd never used in game(i.e. Navigation), and spent every character point I've earned in the past 4 games.  Here he is stated out to the tune of 265 points.

Norman "Median" Meyer

Source: Focus (+0)   Permission: Super Equipment (+0)        Intrinsic: No Will, No Way (-5)

Stats and Skills (154pts)
Body 4  (Athletics 2; Block 2; Brawling 2; Endurance 1)
Coordination 3  (Dodge 2; Stealth 1)
Sense 3  (Empathy 2; Perception 2; Scrutiny 1)
Mind 3  (First Aid 2; Luyten Language 1; Streetwise 1; Survival 1)
Charm 4  (Lie 1; Persuasion 2)
Command 3  (Interrogation 1; Stability 3)
Base Will   6
Willpower   14

Force Fields   3hd (96pts)
Quality: Attack      Capacity: Range
Extras:    Add. Capacity Mass (+2); High Capacity Mass (+1) Indestructible focus (+2)
Flaws:    Focus(-1); Scattered Damage (-1); Obvious (-1); Full Power Only (-1); Haunting (-2)

Quality: Defends           Capacity: Self
Extras:    Add. Capacity Range (+2); Interference (+2); Duration (+2); Radius (+2); Indestructible focus (+2)
Flaws:     Focus (-1); Obvious (-1); Full Power Only (-1); Haunting (-2)

Quality: Useful      Capacity: Self
Extras:   Add. Capacity Range (+2); Radius (+2); Variable Effect (+4); Indestructible focus (+2)
Flaws:   Focus(-1); Obvious (-1); Haunting (-2)

Force Javelins   1d+1wd(20pts)
Quality: Attacks      Capacity: Range
Extras:   Penetration (+2); Deadly S+K (+2); Indestructible focus (+2)
Flaws:   Focus (-1); Obvious (-1); Haunting (-2)


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #129 on: January 28, 2011, 03:04:11 AM »
New Arcadia News

Super soldier Scandal at Sisters of Mercy hospital:
The FBI has uncovered an illegal super solider clinic operating in the Sisters of Mercy hospital. 11 doctors have been arrested, including the hospital administrator for a variety of charges. The FBI refuses to comment on the ongoing clinic, but sources have said that investigators have uncovered a sophisticated operation capable of transforming a normal human into a super soldier class metahuman in as little as three months.  The warehouse found downtown with toxic waste has been linked as the dump site for the clinic.

The New Vigilantes rescue Ruins residents in Tenement Fire: Several of the new metahuman vigilantes from last week's courthouse battle with Syndicate gangsters banded together to rescue dozens of residents from a burning tenement building in the Ruins. The Martyr was seen commanding an energy being that resembled an angel. The flying robot was seen entering the fifth floor, the heart of the fire. A new robot, calling himself Phantom-Mech, uncapped a fire hydrant and directed the water towards the blaze. An unknown winged monster was briefly flying in the vicinity. The residents cheered the new vigilantes for their heroism.

Underground Metahuman fighting league uncovered: Shocking video from a Tokyo fight reveals that an elaborate fighting league has set up to cater to hardcore and decadent fight fans and gamblers. The video shows a former Russian military super soldier with regenerative powers dueling a supernaturally enhanced swordsman. The swordsman appears to kill the soldier by draining his life force with the blade. New Arcadia is reported to be the center of North American metahuman fights. Authorities deny the existence of the league despite the massive amount of evidence to their existence.

Saint Death cult sets up shop in New Arcadia: The infamous assassin cult has staked New Arcadia as its newest territory by leaving shrines to Saint Death at City Hall and the graveyards of the city. The cult is feared for the deadliness of its members and its utter ruthlessness.

'No Eyes' Murray Thurber caught:
A notorious outlaw wanted for murder, rape, and arson was found nearly dead outside a police station. He is recovering but has been taken into custody. He is a Vietnam war era super soldier, with fearsome hand to hand combat skills and the ability to see even in total darkness despite his lack of eyes.

Reporter Deena Hill investigates the underground of New Arcadia: There are two underground societies in New Arcadia: the magical and the inhuman. Magical beings have been denied citizenship and civil rights in our legal system so they cannot own property or hold jobs. Killing one is usually not even against the law. So they hide among us, posing as humans or in the forgotten corners of this city. Deena Hill reveals what life is like for these unique creatures. The other underground is the inhuman one: aliens, experimental subjects and genetically modified animals. These beings have full or partial legal rights but their condition makes them unable to integrate into life. Many of them turn to drugs or crime and live in the sewers or trash heaps. Deena talks to them to learn about the brutal conditions of their lives.

Mysterious metahuman brawls: Over a dozen minor battles have been detected in the last week between metahuman fighters. Some of the highlights include: The Lamplighter Inn was the site of a battle between a magical combatant against a group of twenty or so enemies with energy weapons and super powers. One second story room was destroyed when a flaming sedan was hurled into it. A fight between a pyrokinetic, some men with guns and at least one combatant with super strength (who ripped a spotlight off the roof and threw it) happened at the New Blockhouse prison entrance. No prison guards or officers were hurt. It is believed the prison fight happened between rival criminal gangs.  Knight Errant defeated a Syndicate super soldier in single combat by knocking a large statue into him. The Hybrids fought a pyrokinetic and some gunmen to a standstill near the city dump.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #130 on: February 05, 2011, 10:20:33 PM »
New Arcadia News

Police stop robot assassin from killing hospitalized witness! A flying robot attempted to kill a government witness against the syndicate by flying through his window and attacking. Two police officers detected the robot's presence and forced the soulless automaton to retreat. 

Incident at Vanderburg Mall:
Anonymous tips led police to investigate the Vanderburg Mall last night on suspicion that the Syndicate had set up an illegal fabber to manufacture weapons. They could find no such evidence. Sources inside the police department attribute the tips to the new vigilantes but declined to say why they would give police a bogus tip.

Magical Underground gossip: The magical underground seems to celebrating something but they wont' say what other than 'our enemy has been dealt a serious blow. Huzzah!' Plans for the mysterious Fantastic Film Festival (in which only films that have been with the aid of magic or use magical actors) continue. The festival is by invitation only and human spell casters (feared for their ability to bind and enslave magical beings) are banned.

The Fixer is active: The engimatic middle man and fence is reported to be working yet once again. Infamous for his dealings with both hero and villain, the Fixer is able to provide connections between metahumans - introducing wounded vigilantes to psychic healers for example. Of course, he charges a small fee for his services.

Bloodhound the Bounty Hunter
: A notorious metahuman tracker and bounty hunter, Bloodhound is back in the game. Real name unknown, Bloodhound was a free agent back in the days when being independent was nearly impossible. Given the sheer number of wanted metahumans, it is assumed he is making the big bucks taking them down.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #131 on: February 06, 2011, 04:04:55 AM »

Police stop robot assassin from killing hospitalized witness! A flying robot attempted to kill a government witness against the syndicate by flying through his window and attacking. Two police officers detected the robot's presence and forced the soulless automaton to retreat. 

Have no fear citizens; we will bring this dangerous criminal to justice.

The Fixer is active: The engimatic middle man and fence is reported to be working yet once again. Infamous for his dealings with both hero and villain, the Fixer is able to provide connections between metahumans - introducing wounded vigilantes to psychic healers for example. Of course, he charges a small fee for his services.

Bloodhound the Bounty Hunter
: A notorious metahuman tracker and bounty hunter, Bloodhound is back in the game. Real name unknown, Bloodhound was a free agent back in the days when being independent was nearly impossible. Given the sheer number of wanted metahumans, it is assumed he is making the big bucks taking them down.

Do either of these articles go into any detail about what they are doing now, like ya know, the things I hired them to do?
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #132 on: February 06, 2011, 03:12:48 PM »

these little news pieces are partially here as reminders of important campaign notes so I can keep all of this shit straight - it's not going to be a literal transcript of every action in the game - just the highlights I guess


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #133 on: February 11, 2011, 01:56:24 PM »
Syndicate 'super soldier' testifies in court: Jesus Alvarez, currently held on charges for receiving illegal super soldier treatments (a sniper/stealth package according to inside sources), has testified that a massive criminal organization known as the Syndicate is building an army and taking over the other criminal enterprises in the city. He has plea bargained for witness protection and immunity in exchange for testimony and other evidence against the Syndicate.

Inside Report: Crystal Children - harmless new age religion or insidious cult? The 'guide' or leader of the Crystal Children has been revealed as William Morris, a man wanted for charges of fraud in France. There are no plans for extradition. Morris claims the charges are false, set up by bankers that fear the Crystal Children. Other reports indicate the Crystal Children operate like a standard charismatic cult, with new members being cut off from the outside world and 24/7 indoctrination for all members. The Crystal Children were recruiting heavily from the squatter camp near the Ruins but were recently driven out by a small group of self-appointed defenders of the camp. Led by an Army veteran named Tyler, they forced the recruiters to abandon the camp. "What we worked out is their words can't hurt if they can't be heard, sonificiation wise so we out talked them vis a vie sociopolitical ramifications of their ideologicalisms" Tyler said.

Historical Perspectives: The Seven Kings of Fiddler's Green: 30 years ago, seven kings of finance and industry worked to make a new district in New Arcadia: Fiddler's Green. They planned to make the most advanced and highest skyscrapers in the world to make a new hive of industry and progress - part Wall Street part Silicon Valley. Ellis Drezner, Steven J. White, Charles Gehlert, Samuel Willhite, Robert Thiel, Nicholas Weil and Derrick C. Sanor all lost their fortunes because of Fiddler's Green. They also died within one year of each other when the last of the kings, Drezner, went into bankruptcy. The half finished skyscrapers have been left abandoned ever since, despite several attempts to finish them and revitalize the district. It is considered a cursed district, although a new developer attempts to restart it on average every 5 years. Many conspiracy theories involving the occult have surfaced in connection to the seven kings. Many theories involve the 'Lord of Greed' an obscure demon mentioned in Renaissance Italian demonological texts. The Lord accepted only the souls of powerful men but offered even more power in return.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #134 on: February 12, 2011, 03:44:13 PM »
Your talk about "The Event" made me think of this sketch:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

It's too late to be clever. I'll try being adventurous.