Author Topic: Famous Last Words  (Read 67546 times)

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Famous Last Words
« Reply #60 on: January 08, 2010, 02:07:23 PM »
Playing a CthulhuTech game. Important note here: the players know it's going to be massively combat heavy. Players are playing Tagers, which are basically monsters, so all the fights are big monster vs monster brawls with claws and magic beams and shit. Awesome shit.

Middle of the big fight, one of the characters gets attacked while paralyzed so I inform him that, since he can't move from that spot he can't use his Dodge Skill, but he can counter the attack by using his Fighting Skill.

The dude looked down at his sheet, kind of glanced around without meeting anyone's eyes, and said "I didn't take Fighting".

His character got hit so hard that the character's head came off.


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Re: Famous Last Words
« Reply #61 on: January 08, 2010, 02:20:58 PM »
you would think the fighting skill would be one of those skills players would always take - like boxing in a palladium game - but no.


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Re: Famous Last Words
« Reply #62 on: January 08, 2010, 02:59:05 PM »
you would think the fighting skill would be one of those skills players would always take - like boxing in a palladium game - but no.

I've played a few games of Savage Worlds, and I don't think I've taken fighting in any of them (to be fair though, I did take shooting)...

However, I have had experience in Call of Cthulhu where the only skills at 99 were various weapons skills and fast talk...


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Re: Famous Last Words
« Reply #63 on: January 08, 2010, 03:07:22 PM »
GM: You're playing an ambidexterous illiterate hillbilly?

PC: I can't ready any books so I can't go crazy that way!

GM: But your EDU is like 20 - what did you spend those points on?

PC: Shotgun (Left hand) and Shotgun (Right hand)


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Re: Famous Last Words
« Reply #64 on: January 08, 2010, 03:12:18 PM »
I think the only thing that would have made that death better would be if he had only managed to get to around the third "r" in his last name before getting "blowed up"  :D

I believe the GM retconned the scene afterward to make just such an adjustment, but that's not how it originally went down. When Juan died, his player got so upset that he left the house and refused to answer anyone's phone calls for an hour. Apparently, he really did think that he could take it.

you would think the fighting skill would be one of those skills players would always take - like boxing in a palladium game - but no.

I've played a few games of Savage Worlds, and I don't think I've taken fighting in any of them (to be fair though, I did take shooting)...

However, I have had experience in Call of Cthulhu where the only skills at 99 were various weapons skills and fast talk...

I've only made one character in the eleven or twelve years that I've been roleplaying who was a relative non-combatant, and he ended up as the group's field medic. I managed to survive long enough to buy myself some Firearms and Melee dots though, so it all turned out well in the end.


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Re: Famous Last Words
« Reply #65 on: January 08, 2010, 03:26:46 PM »
I've only made one character in the eleven or twelve years that I've been roleplaying who was a relative non-combatant, and he ended up as the group's field medic. I managed to survive long enough to buy myself some Firearms and Melee dots though, so it all turned out well in the end.

I had fun with non-combat, but it was a lot of work, and I think the GM tried to overcompensate for it at some points by working in something for me to do during that time.  It was also my first attempt at a relatively pacifist character (the character idolized MacGyver and tried to live by his example, so he wouldn't kill humans or use guns).


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Re: Famous Last Words
« Reply #66 on: January 17, 2010, 06:07:26 AM »
This MMO related but still.

"Feh, there's only 4 of them and the other players are right being me."

Turned out the "only" 4 of them were all battleships and all targeted my since I was in front. Bright green flash and my ship exploded. Also...

"It's fine, all I have to do is get a torpedo through its shields..."
"My vulcan's healing is maxed out."
"Stun it! Stun it!"
"Did the gorn just pick up a rock?"
"There aren't that many klingons..." (forgot about cloaking...)
"Why is the flagship spawn camping?" (that wasn't me)
"Emergency power to shields, polarize armor, evasive manuvers, reinforce aft shield..." (me saying my powers out loud as I activated them) And finally...
"The hell is that?"

Allof this has been this week playing star trek. There's more, but those are the ones I remember most.
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