Hey guys. The game and the posting rate has gone down these last two weeks, and that includes from my end.
Since a few important events are coming up for me, I'd like to take a break for the game momentarily for perhaps two or three weeks, depending on how much time you guys would prefer. In the mean time, i would like to email or IM with you guys in a one on one conversation to see how I can make the game more interesting for your PCs as well as your players. I'll be looking for points of interest that you'd like to develop in your character, suggestion on cool events you'd like to see, and constructive criticism on my GMing style- what you like and what you don't like so I can mold the style to you guys.
If you guys want to have an open conversation on how to improve the game, that's fine too. I'd encourage the person to open a thread so that the other players can hop on and discuss the game during the break.
Remember, there is no need to force yourself to play if you are not having fun. If for some reason this game has not fulfilled your expectations and you wish to step out, I won't take it personally. However, I ask that if you do wish to step out, I would like for you to give me a reason for it, so that I may know how I can improve in the future to avoid the same mistakes.
Thanks for your understanding, and I hope to start this game up in about three weeks time. In the interim, I'll send an email to each of you individually that we can discuss the game and ideas for the plot.