Reaver walks forward, closing his hand on the pistol grip, ready for an attack at any second. At the same time, he constantly changes his vision mode with his implanted eye mods. The dark alley is still, the sounds from the street is muffled and an oppressive sense of danger fills the area.
[spoiler]Opposed Infiltration Check (60)

Rolling 1d100:
(4): Total = 4
There's no way that he can roll higher than Reaver and get a success, so Reaver will not be surprised by the man.
While cycling through his X-ray vision, Reaver sees movement behind a large dumpster. However, as soon as he notices it, he hears the recognizable sound of a baton being unfolded, as well as the sharp tick sound of electric current being deployed. The man jumps out, the shock baton at a practiced position ready to make contact. In the few miliseconds before his combat instincts take over, Reaver realizes that the black duster was actually a chameleon cloak, and that only because of Reaver's enhanced vision did the cloak not give the man an advantage in this confrontation.
Initiative (80)

Rolling 1d100+80:
(40)+80: Total = 120