Author Topic: Gencon 2011 - run ORE games for Arc Dream and get free stuff!  (Read 6830 times)


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Gencon 2011 - run ORE games for Arc Dream and get free stuff!
« on: February 16, 2011, 05:37:42 PM »
reposted from Cult of ORE email list

ORE and Delta Green cultists,

Arc Dream and Pagan Publishing will be at GenCon in force again this
year. I want us to host as many registered games as possible, so we're
looking for volunteers.

If you're planning to be at GenCon and you are willing to run a game
(or two, or more) of one of our games, please send an email to

We're looking for GMs to run:

* Call of Cthulhu or Trail of Cthulhu adventures from The Unspeakable Oath.
* Delta Green.
* Wild Talents (Progenitor, This Favored Land, The Kerberos Club,
eCollapse or Grim War).
* Monsters and Other Childish Things.
* Godlike (Black Devils Brigade material would be prime).
* A Dirty World.
* Reign.
* The Savage Worlds or Fate versions of The Kerberos Club.

The basic requirements:

* It needs to be one of the games from the list.
* You can run your own material or one of our published scenarios.
Bear in mind it's a con game; don't try to run a full campaign.
* For each game session we'll give you store credit at the Arc Dream
booth equivalent to $5 per player.
* Before you run a session, you need to come to the Arc Dream booth
and pick up handouts and coupons to give to the players.
* You need to collect tickets at each game and show them to our booth
staff afterward to get credit.
* We may come up with other requests and requirements later if we think of them.

If you would like to join our official block of registered games,
which will all be held in a designated "Arc Dream" room in the new JW
Marriott, get in touch with me right away and we'll see if we can work
that out. I would need the details on what you're going to run,
including a short summary of what the adventure is about, by FEBRUARY
25. That will give us a couple of weeks to work out the kinks.

Otherwise the final deadline for GenCon's registered events is MARCH 11.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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Re: Gencon 2011 - run ORE games for Arc Dream and get free stuff!
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 06:14:36 PM »
Blargh.  I would love to run MaOCT, but at present have no idea of my availability / cash flow.  Will get back to you once I understand those.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Gencon 2011 - run ORE games for Arc Dream and get free stuff!
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2011, 06:50:04 PM »
I will run games in exchange for money, or "credit" as these people call it. This also present me with the excuse to stand around their booth in the exhibit hall, the better to harvest samples from the staff. Though that'll probably just end with Greg Stolze convincing me to buy their clearance stock. He mind controlled me with his persuade skill last year.