Author Topic: 30 Days of Synnibarr  (Read 66074 times)


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2011, 01:32:50 AM »
Day 5: Pages 69-92

Oh.  Dear.  Lord.  What have I gotten myself into?  I had found Mr. McCracken's writings to be interesting, or at the very least amusing before.  Now it has become a real chore to read.  Perhaps future days will bring back the ease of reading I previously experienced.  Today I read about skills.  All one-hundred and ninety-two of them (192!).

I...  I just don't know what to say.  I must admit I can appreciate the effort that went into considering what might be important and covering all of the bases, but there is also a line that, once passed, becomes excessive.  Although I would like to put greater faith in the work, I have begun to feel a sense of mocking and general lack of seriousness from Mr. McCracken (as he lists one of the "Bonuses" of Astral Projection as, and I quote "saves on air fare").  Is the inclusion of Basket Weaving a subtle dig and reference to the old phrase "underwater basket weaving?"  When I thought I was beginning to get answers, only more questions have arisen.

While it is not most vexing, certainly another point with which I have struggled is the seeming excess of specialization skills.  Numerous skills are subdivided, and somewhat understandably.  There are several types of engineering and medical fields, and I can accept this, but there are also several skill/anti-skill pairs (such as criminology and anti-criminology).  Can it not suffice to simply say that knowledge of one would allow knowledge of the other?  A minor point for certain in light of the other confusions, but something indeed...

Perhaps more puzzling were some of the "odd" prerequisites for some of the skills.  I was most impressed that Mr. McCracken spent the time to give thorough thought to what would be needed to possess certain skills, but I find myself questioning his logic from time to time.  For example, why would astro-physics require naval navigation, "Engineering, Chemistry, Medicine, and Biochemistry," astral projection, or acting require sewing?  Regardless, I will place my trust in Mr. McCracken for a while longer and hope this will be made clear.

As I draw near the conclusion of my studies for the evening, I feel it necessary to record some of the more interesting skills for posterity sake:
Combat, Grappling:  From here on out, jokes will no longer be made about the complexity of grapples in 3.X Dungeons and Dragons
Contortionist:  To quote Mr. McCracken "A 6-foot person can squeeze into a 1-foot-square cube (I know, I've seen it)."
Cryogenic Technician
Drafting:  Drawing plans for houses and other buildings
Glass Blowing
Holography:  Making 3D pictures or movies
Medical, Dentistry:  Mr. McCracken mentions "This skill is too painful to go into much detail," an "All work is done without the use of spells."  I cannot help but wonder to myself about the unfortunate experiences he has had at the hand of the evil dentists...
Piloting, Skateboards:  Full disclosure:  Also includes roller and ice skates
Undertaking:  The longest entry as it describes that all undertakers, as part of their training, learn how to create zombies and mummies.

I must admit I neglected to reflect on the actual aquisition and use of skills as, well, quite frankly it was complex and boring.  Skills need to be bought with both skill points and currency and what can and cannot be done is confusing indeed.  I fear further study will be needed to fully understand the intricacies.

And with this, I steel myself for the days to come.

Meta-Note:  I decided to basically just divide the reading up into roughly 30 days, so I may in fact not finish in 30 calendar days, but I do hope to stay on top of things.  I also tried to do a longer post that highlighted most of the absurdities as a small make-up for missing the last three days...


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2011, 12:31:02 PM »


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2011, 02:53:47 PM »
My hero.
Currently Reading: FIGHT!: The Fighting Game RPG! (it owns)


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2011, 01:47:40 AM »
I apologize that things are a bit hit and miss over the past few days.  It will probably be like this for the next few days as well (yay midterms).  But by the end of next week, things will be on a better day-by-day schedule...


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #49 on: April 29, 2011, 06:54:04 PM »
Day 6: Pages 93-113

I find it difficult to fully process what I have read in my studies today.  The subject material itself is simple enough and I was able to follow while I was reading, however I find myself struggling to really recall it's importance.  I worry that perhaps the manuscript has begun to take its toll on me, something I have been warned extensively about.  Nonetheless I will trek on as long as necessary to complete the task I have set out for myself.

I finished off characters first, reading about the interesting variant races.  It seems Mr. McCracken really wants to allow freedom and outlines how to play almost any race given in the book.  Granted their powers are not detailed as extensively as those of the other "class/races."  This is made up for the fact that many of them have extra appendages, mutations, damage reduction, psychic powers, or any number of other outlandish benefits.

I still do not know how to feel about the following chapter.  While I was originally expecting a standard explanation of character advancement, I instead found myself slogging through extensive descriptions of attaining Immortality, Demigodhood, and Godhood.  Requiring more record keeping and math than an introductory algebra class, I begin to wonder about my own sanity.  After all, why would someone willingly create such complex and intricate systems that seem to have no real reason?

Following such complexity and oddity in the previous sections, I was actually quite surprised when looking into the equipment.  The number of weapons and miscellaneous items was almost underwhelming.  Mr. McCracken are you letting us down?  I notice that you spent time handcrafting and putting care into the description and explanation of each of the items; but with nearly 200 different skills, I would have expected more than 40 or so weapons...


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #50 on: April 29, 2011, 06:58:12 PM »
I love reading this thread. It's what I imagine CoC characters thinking when they read a mythos tome.
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #51 on: April 30, 2011, 06:24:40 PM »
Day 6: Pages 93-113

I find it difficult to fully process what I have read in my studies today.  The subject material itself is simple enough and I was able to follow while I was reading, however I find myself struggling to really recall it's importance.  I worry that perhaps the manuscript has begun to take its toll on me, something I have been warned extensively about.  Nonetheless I will trek on as long as necessary to complete the task I have set out for myself.

I finished off characters first, reading about the interesting variant races.  It seems Mr. McCracken really wants to allow freedom and outlines how to play almost any race given in the book.  Granted their powers are not detailed as extensively as those of the other "class/races."  This is made up for the fact that many of them have extra appendages, mutations, damage reduction, psychic powers, or any number of other outlandish benefits.

I still do not know how to feel about the following chapter.  While I was originally expecting a standard explanation of character advancement, I instead found myself slogging through extensive descriptions of attaining Immortality, Demigodhood, and Godhood.  Requiring more record keeping and math than an introductory algebra class, I begin to wonder about my own sanity.  After all, why would someone willingly create such complex and intricate systems that seem to have no real reason?

Following such complexity and oddity in the previous sections, I was actually quite surprised when looking into the equipment.  The number of weapons and miscellaneous items was almost underwhelming.  Mr. McCracken are you letting us down?  I notice that you spent time handcrafting and putting care into the description and explanation of each of the items; but with nearly 200 different skills, I would have expected more than 40 or so weapons...

The weapons seem underwhelming, until you get to the materials and the more. . . interesting rules regarding stacking.

And missile launchers.

You can launch 800 missiles as an action.

Eight. Hundred. Missiles.

Also about the variant races and non-classed characters, some of them are very awesome, and some are even more awesome, but many pay for it with their starting skill points (determined by adding all your attributes together and doubling them).

To make a (totally amazing) Chameleon Drake for example, you need to pay 230 skill points. These are poof, gone forever. You may then allocate any other skill points as you like.

Is it worth it? Well, one of the Chameleon Drake's powers is automatically disintegrating everything that weighs less than 1000 (or so) lbs +500 lbs per level.

Fuck yeah.
Currently Reading: FIGHT!: The Fighting Game RPG! (it owns)


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #52 on: May 06, 2011, 11:59:04 AM »
Once again, I apologize for missing a lot of the last two weeks if you were super into this.  Have had pretty intense midterms/homework during this time.  That said, I'm all done except for what will probably be a time consuming take-home midterm sometime this weekend or early next week (general relativity, how exciting).  But I will have something up tonight and hope to get onto a daily schedule until the midterm and again after it...

Oh also, if people are still interested in a Skype game, it would almost definitely be sometime mid-June or after (I don't think I can pull it off while still doing school)...


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #53 on: May 06, 2011, 12:08:27 PM »
You have my interest. June is good.
Currently Reading: FIGHT!: The Fighting Game RPG! (it owns)


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #54 on: May 06, 2011, 11:53:30 PM »
Let's do it.


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #55 on: May 08, 2011, 10:03:12 AM »
Mid-June would work, but if it ends up being late June then I won't be able to make it.
Either way, this is a brilliant idea that cannot possibly go wrong.  ;D


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #56 on: May 08, 2011, 11:56:57 AM »
Oh god I don't know why I'm saying yes but I'm saying yes.
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
"If you are asked, 'Would you like Abraham Lincoln', your answer is always YES."


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #57 on: May 08, 2011, 05:29:47 PM »
Day 7: Pages 114-132

My studies once again renewed after a temporary hiatus, I found myself delving again into Mr. McCracken's work.  As I read the pages, I felt my mind begin to glaze over.  It was difficult going at first.  Reading about power armor and transportation, I struggled to make sense of it.  There were so many different things, what did they mean?  As I examined the bizarre tables and strange illustrations, I once again began to feel despair and horror creeping up on me.  For several days now, I had been slogging through table after table, blocks of numbers followed by blocks of numbers.  Was this how I was destined to spend the rest of my time with this manuscript?  Reading about the required space to take off and land various aircraft?  To attempt to understand the reason for a belt that lets you fly?

Finding information on biosynthetics gave me temporary hope.  Perhaps this, I thought, would be interesting.  I imagined all of the modifications I could make to a man with the proper technology.  What could we become if we were not shackled by mere biology?  Alas, I found the information swamped and weighed down by rules requiring replacement of body mass and numerous similar, but slightly different modifications.  What I had hoped to use to save me from the repetition and tedium proved to be just that.

But at last, excitement!  Oh joy I have found something that intrigues the senses once more!  While I initially feared it was just madness setting in, I quickly accepted it as in fact wondrous change.  Reading about the various drugs and chemicals was enjoyable and refreshing.  How can I not appreciate the thoroughness of Mr. McCracken as he details the side-effects and ill-fated combinations?  Oh the beauty and possibility!  Drugs that wipe your memory, and those that replace sleep!  They usher in an entirely new age of drug-addled citizenry.  This is truly madness, and yet I find myself compelled by it...


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #58 on: June 15, 2011, 11:20:18 PM »
Day 8: Pages 133-146

Returning again to the strange, yet compelling, World of Synnibarr, I find it just as odd as I had left it.  I found myself reading a few short chapters today.  Despite this somewhat shorter reading however, I feel I have reached some sort of special truth and understanding about the work as a whole.

It seems to me that the Mr. McCracken is ultimately writing for people who want to claim to be creative and yet lack improvisational skills.  He covers almost everything imaginable in nearly excruciatingly intricate detail.  It seems utter madness that one would be able to competently use even one tenth of this jumbled manuscript.

And yet...

It still compels me.  I spend yet another day reading deeper into its secrets and knowledge.  I find myself once again renewed and invigorated to continue in my quest.  Is this madness?  I do not yet truly know.  And perhaps by the time I might realize, it will be too late.

I already see potentially worrying signs.  It seems the book itself is talking to me.  At the end of the chapter on starship creation, Mr. McCracken warns adventurers about revealing where they come from.  It seems to others in the galaxy, the World of Synnibarr is merely a myth.  It does not exist!?  Can the same be said for the manuscript itself?  Am I merely going mad and mirroring my mental state with this manuscript that grows increasingly strange each day?

I must press onward...

Meta-Note:  Sorry about the long hiatus if people were super into reading by babble.  This last quarter was super crazy in the land of physics majors, but the summer is now largely wide open, and I hope to finish in the next two weeks or so.  I'm looking forward to a potential Skype foray into this madness with fellow adventurers!


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Re: 30 Days of Synnibarr
« Reply #59 on: June 16, 2011, 03:49:29 PM »
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.