The Black Monday Murders 
All Hail God Mammon

Anyone interested in an occult take on international Finance mixed with plentiful and necessary ritual murder needs to check this out.
Similar to how
From Hell weaved a supernatural mythology around the Ripper killings, The Black Monday Murders (all hail God Mammon) builds a daemonical backstory around the tragedies in the esoteric world of the Rothschilds, money and the Stock Market.
And it's host to a straight occult detective story to boot!

Have some quotes:
Grigoria Rothschild "... So... I understand you've become a teacher. I have to say I was suprised when I heard, but it seems to suit you. You look well."
Alexi "I admit. I like it more than I though I would."
GR "And how does this year's crop of future financial titans look?"
Alexi "Oh. Smart. They are smarter every year, it seems. But they are, unfortunately, a flawed generation. Children of the summer, you seen. They all believe money falls from the sky. Not that it is pulled from the Earth.
But they will learn. They always do."
Viktor (to classroom of new financiers) "So. You want real advice? Here it is. The first million dollars you make is self-financed. You earn it with your own blood. The cost is your own health, your family, your friends.
You pay, understand?
The most common mistake is believing that you can accrue even more by continuing this behavior. You cannot. If you're going to earn more...if you are going to earn real money-- accumulate real power-- then that is done on the backs of others.
Call them workers, call them proles, even call them slaves. I do not care. Just know, it is they who you will sacrifice for gain.
This sounds callous, I know. But you're going to learn very quickly how insignificant the rules you have lived by truly are. What we do falls outside all societal norms... This is the older pact.
Man's very first trade."
All Hail God Mammon
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