Author Topic: Exquisite Corpse  (Read 8882 times)


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Exquisite Corpse
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:22:12 PM »

Let's try this and see how it works. We can use the spoiler tag to hide our work. Here are the rules:

1. Do not read spoilered text if you plan to participate. This is an honor system rule but cheating is lame.

2. Write one paragraph of a story. The last sentence is left unspoilered.

3. The next writer begins his paragraph with reading the previous sentence and going from there.

4. This first round will consist of 10 writers and 10 paragraphs. We'll go from there.

I'll begin

[spoiler]Amanda rode her bicycle down the deer trail in the forest. She was running late for her meeting with her brother, Steve. He had only said that he needed her help and to bring her paramedic kit. He hadn't spoken to the family in years and now he calls in the middle of the night asking for medical supplies. She was worried of course. But she couldn't abandon him like he had abandoned the family.[/spoiler] Amanda had no idea that the vampires, not Steve, were waiting for her by the creek.


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Re: Exquisite Corpse
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2011, 10:57:42 PM »
[spoiler]Indeed, the Not Steve Vampires decided that the best way to attack Amanda was to smother themselves in delicious, creamy peanut butter and wait in ambush under the waters of the creek. Peanut butter, as all supernatural predators know, is perfect for camouflage. Eventually, Amanda came meandering up to the creek for whatever reason, still so unaware of their plans, but what the vampires didn't expect were her new allies. Somehow she had managed to convince a horde of hungry Peanut Butter Brounies to protect her![/spoiler] Soon enough, the Buttery Not Steve Vampires and the voracious Peanut Butter Brounies were engaged in pitched combat.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 11:08:25 PM by Kroack »


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Re: Exquisite Corpse
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2011, 04:55:23 PM »

[spoiler]Meanwhile on the cliff above, Amanda's brother was conducting his park ranger business. Strange tales had been reported, and he had drawn the short straw to investigate. His confusion and consternation at seeing Amanda turned to concern then chilling terror at what he witnessed below. The man's vision tunnelled as he drew his gun. Not again, he thought to himself, dear merciful God not again!.[/spoiler] The park ranger moved forwards, weapon ready, without caution on the high slopes above.


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Re: Exquisite Corpse
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2011, 05:11:20 PM »
[spoiler]Taking careful aim, the ranger let loose the stake.  It whistled through the air as it closed distance on its target.  A soft squelch was heard as it sunk deep into the back of one of the Buttery Not Steve Vampires.  Hunching over in pain, it let out a mighty roar that shook the Peanut Butter Brounies.[/spoiler]  The injured Buttery Not Steve Vampire fell to the ground (now dead) as the Peanut Butter Brounies fled, and the remaining vampires looked towards the ranger who had killed their brother.