Author Topic: Wild Talents question  (Read 249047 times)

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #255 on: June 04, 2013, 07:13:35 PM »
Hideous Visage 2hd
Interference +3, Self Only -3, Radius +2, Permanent +4
Seeing Baba Yaga requires a trauma check. Characters that fail lose half their will power, but do not have to flee. This power provides gobbles 2 successes from any successful trauma check made to resist it's effects. Baba Yaga absorbs this will power and can make use of it herself.

This is all I have so far. I didn't bother to calculate points because it's an enemy and I'm lazy, so as long as it produces the desired effect I don't worry about points too much.

This should be a generally good power for damaging a party from the get go.

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #256 on: June 05, 2013, 02:49:42 PM »
Radius makes it a 10 yard radius around you we want it when someone see's her

Useful(Trauma Check), Interference +3, On Sight +1, Permanent +4
Useful(Willpower Absorb), Interference +3, On Sight +1, Permanent +4, Self Only -3
Cost Per Die
Normal[17], Hard[34], Wiggle[68]

Attached can be applied too the Willpower Absorb making it only work when she forces the Trauma Check. Otherwise whenever the group spends Willpower She could get some. As long as they can see her.
Always On, could be applied meaning no matter what she applies this Trauma check and Absorbs Willpower when you first meet her.
If/Then saying the Trauma Check can only be done once on a character.
Either of the Abilities could be Horrifying

It should wreck parties not prepared for it. Though keep in mind its only Gobble Dice = To the Hard dice in the power. So with 2hd that's only 2 Gobble Dice.
Meaning If the group rolls the following

Flying Brick: 2x10, 2x9
Speedster: 2x8
Gadget Man: 3x10, 2x8, 2x6
Sexy Energy Controller: 2x7

She can only break 2 sets. Which in this case the best sets too break would be, the Speedster and the Sexy Energy Controller too get the most Willpower. Though she could also break all the Flying Bricks sets and mess him up.
This is just a reminder that the Gobble Dice can't be used against each and every roll made to resist the Trauma. You get X = Hard Dice(Max 10)

Also any suggestions for Supernatural Diseases(like Vampirism), powers, ancestry, abilities and all that jazz.

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #257 on: June 05, 2013, 03:49:11 PM »
It's Permanent and Interference which means it applies those gobble dice to any set as it's chosen.

So it gobbles 2 from any set ever.

3x10 2x8 and 2x9

All fail because it's a permanent interference, meaning it always interferes with sets used to resist it. You would have to get at least a width 4 to suceed.

Think of it like the powers armor.

If you have 2 HAR it reduces every set made to attack the character by two.

So this power goes off, the players make resistence checks (effectively attacks against the powers effectiveness) the power reduces each attempt at resisting it by 2 width.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 04:06:18 PM by Flawless P »
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #258 on: June 05, 2013, 09:01:18 PM »
It gobbles 2 per round.
That is why Norm didn't just get Permanent on the Bubble. Because Duration had the same effect without the hiked up cost.

Permanent Powers can't be shut down by lose of Willpower or Base Will. And also stay in effect after you die along with all the other benefits of Endless/Duration.

It does not work that way. It goes off every-time no matter the willpower, asleep, or awake. But it only gives you so many Gobble Dice. Not 2 Gobble Dice per set.

Why Norm's shield could be taken down if someone ate through it.
Gobble Dice can only be normally applied so much.
Armor Lets Gobble Dice be applied to every roll at the cost of being effect by Penetration & Non-Physical.

Normally Gobble Dice are not applied too every roll. Otherwise 2 HAR is infinitely worse then 2 Gobble Dice. Because the Gobble Dice provide the same protection without the negatives.
Which is not the case.
Gobble Dice work like any other defensive action they remove dice but also are dropped in doing so.

Armored Defense makes note of that, with it being Width in armor which applied against every attack. Unlike normal Gobble dice

It's why Kollektiv has a 3hd, Defends, Interference +3, Permanent +4 power and I'm not having too roll 5 width. Or 4 sets of 2 width too hurt her

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #259 on: June 06, 2013, 11:27:32 AM »
Ok try this.

The Dodge Podge from the book gives you  2hd in the dodge with permanent.

Nomally dodge gives you gobble dice against the effect you are choosing to dodge, with permanent it is ensuring that you dodge every attack(as long as you are fast enough) of 2x10.

I am basing my logic more off of HAR and LAR than off of anything else but I was under the impression the the reason Ross deterimed that something had to "break" it was because Radius+Defends is extremely powerful.

Either way it doesn't actually matter in this case because it's a boss monster so it can just have 10hd and guarantee failure from the entire group.

For the encounter I have in my head they are meant to fail the check to feed it willpower.
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #260 on: June 06, 2013, 02:47:12 PM »
Fair enough on the Boss Monster

As for the Defends+Radius being overpowered I agree. But I would also like to add onto that if that is true then it would show Ross being a Monster, and we all know that's not true.

Your basing your logic off of LAR & HAR? I see it from how the wording of Armored Defense goes that its normally not applid to every roll.
Mainly because of things like Size Shift. Because oh your power is 4x10 Size Shift? Ok well now to hurt you someone has to have Interference on a 2x10 attack. Or a attack going off at speed 5. Or a attack at 3x(#), & 4x(#) etc. So you can't do the whole storm of arrows hitting the giant and most being ineffectual but some injure it. And it gets worse if you can apply Interference to the defense on Size Shift.
I'm seeing it from the logical that it would be pretty easy to break with the right character idea even unintentionally

Also I personally like Daze abuse for these type of things. Over Interference winnings

Useful(Peace Aura), Always On -1, Booster[Range] +1, Daze +1, Full Power Only -1, If/Then(Cannot wield elements of war) -1, Interference +3, On Sight +1, Permanent +4, Self Only -3
Cost Per Die
Normal[6], Hard[12], Wiggle[24]

There is the peace aura power Ross made or how I see it at least. Get 6 Hard Dice. 72points.
It gives him 6 Gobble Dice and anyone targeting him specifically and only him also loses 6 dice from the die pool.
Simple and effective.
You need a 8 die or better offensive thing too even attempt a roll. And after that he still has those 6 Gobbles.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #261 on: June 10, 2013, 09:19:15 PM »
I was thinking about a character with a power that would cause bad luck. It wouldn't cause any damage but if he hits you with his power, it creates a threat pool of bad luck, and each subsequent hit increases the pool to the max of 10, but my problem is i have no idea how this would be designed. Can anyone help me with this?

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #262 on: June 10, 2013, 09:57:47 PM »
I was thinking about a character with a power that would cause bad luck. It wouldn't cause any damage but if he hits you with his power, it creates a threat pool of bad luck, and each subsequent hit increases the pool to the max of 10, but my problem is i have no idea how this would be designed. Can anyone help me with this?

What would a threat pool accomplish? Would it be like a dynamic interference roll against everything that the enemy was doing?

There is a sample bad luck power in the book you can look at for some guidance.
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #263 on: June 12, 2013, 09:44:25 AM »
It's called Jinx I think. Maybe if you throw delayed effect on it and have the dice show up randomly over several scenes?


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #264 on: June 12, 2013, 08:47:21 PM »
The Jinx power is ok but meh.

You want something that causes the target to have there rolls impeded well under its effects.

Useful(Bad Luck), Daze +1, Duration +2, Interference +3, Willpower Bid -1
Defends, Range Capacity +2, Willpower Bid -1

This Bad Luck power with 2 Hard Dice is good.

You can throw 2 Gobble Dice onto a target along with 2 Daze. So a 6d+2hd pool becomes, 6d. The Gobble eat 2 dice a round on your target and stays with him for the scene. The defends lets you get off a quick defense if things go bad which you can apply to allies meaning the opponent suffers some bad luck and misses by inches or other such things.

This version is costly at Normal[10], Hard[20], Wiggle[40]
But can be dropped lower with Willpower Cost, or making you Loopy after its use, or the Useful is slow and takes a round to build up that bad karma again.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #265 on: July 17, 2013, 06:18:21 PM »
One of my players has a character who has Ranged Weapon Pistol with 3 hard dice.  My problem as gm is how to deal with this without always giving every villain armor or defense powers.  Any ideas?? 

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #266 on: July 17, 2013, 06:38:36 PM »
Firstly, welcome to the forums. We're always happy to have new posters.

Well, the long and short of it is that your player wants to kill people and unless you prevent them from doing so that is what is going to happen every combat round. Options "0" is talk to the player, ask if they understand just what their power is going to do and what that means for the campaign. You might find some sort of compromise.

As far as keeping him from killing villains you do have some options:

1) Don't let him near the villain
2) Wear helmets
3) Have non-human villains
4) Globular villains
5) Immunity to bullets
6) Have a setting were straight up murdering villains is a crime, or at least socially unacceptable
7) Regenerating or "double creating" villain
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 06:40:50 PM by Tadanori Oyama »


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #267 on: July 17, 2013, 08:49:22 PM »
What are the character's passions? If he doesn't have willpower, he can't use his powers.

If the power comes from the pistol itself, then you can neutralize it - have a villain with a gadget that jams the gun or something like that.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #268 on: July 18, 2013, 01:02:48 AM »
The character took hyper skills for all his powers. In my world people are just getting powers for the first time ever and the character is a former Mexican drug dealer, gang member who is seeking redemption.  He refrains from using the Hard Dice in pistol a lot and on the occasions he has used it he has really role played the consequences of his actions.  Its helped make for some great story I had not planed for.    We have ran 7 sessions and I have used villains with helmets a couple of times already and defensive powers.  Didnt think of the immunity to bullets so that is getting worked into this weekends game.  I just didn't want to keep using the same defensive strategy over and over for this one power.

Also we tied his hyper skill pistol to a specific kind of gun (9mm pistol) so if he has any other pistol he doesn't get the Hard Dice as a way to help too.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #269 on: July 18, 2013, 01:06:09 AM »
2 HD is equal to 1 WD, which gives him more control over his shooting. He could easily shoot the weapons out of their hands and so forth. If it's just a normal gun, then he should be encountering a lot of problems - he either kills normal people or the bullets bounce off of superpowered enemies.