Author Topic: Wild Talents question  (Read 249849 times)

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #195 on: February 20, 2013, 04:20:49 PM »
How would you guys recommend building a character who is made of water?

Globular i'm sure, and I'd say extra tough.

I want the character to be difficult to damage but intangibility doesn't mesh with what I have in mind.
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #196 on: February 20, 2013, 04:59:02 PM »
You could use the Medium Armor variant. You add "If/Then: Medium Armor" to Hard Armor. Medium Armor doesn't break sets, it's absorbs damage directly so a Width 2 attack would hit someone with MAR 2 but it won't damage it because the armor would absorb the 2 points of damage. If someone hit MAR 2 with a Width+1 attack, 1 point of damage would bleed through the armor.

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #197 on: February 20, 2013, 06:05:13 PM »
I feel like Penetration shouldn't help bypass this specific kind of armor however. Is it possible to take the Medium Armor flaw without the "Armored Defense" flaw on top?
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #198 on: February 20, 2013, 06:35:17 PM »
Yeah, you add the "Hardened Armor" extra to it. That makes Penetration not work anymore; it basically negates the discount of "Armored Defense" while still making the power an armor and not gooble dice.

You'd want to make it Permanant + Always On and Native if it's his default form.

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #199 on: February 20, 2013, 06:55:00 PM »
Ah yes perfect! I had forgotten Hardened Armor.

Thanks a ton. If I make it a transformation power does that mean that the Intrinsic Globular would get the "Attached" discount? Or would the power be a useful quality that makes him Globular?

EDIT: I guess at that point it would be Custom Hit Locations only choosing one location.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 07:35:44 PM by Flawless P »
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #200 on: February 20, 2013, 08:10:00 PM »
Regeneration when he can pour more water (liquid) into himself?


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #201 on: February 20, 2013, 10:57:00 PM »
Yeah the hd go away first still

Duration, If/Then(Duration reset after absorbing X gallons of water)

If/Then in Dry environment/without the required liquid levels unable to regenerate


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #202 on: February 21, 2013, 05:16:38 AM »
Ah, so large pools are a penalty?

Also, it's mostly cosmetic but you can take intangibility with only the defends quality and point wise it's the same as armor but more of things passing through you. If you're short on points you can if/then it to not work on electricity or fire or koi based attacks etc (may be fewer than one if/then for each).

Intrinsics don't get extras/flaws as far as I can tell.

You can also add depleted to some powers that require you to soak up water to replace lost mass.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #203 on: February 21, 2013, 03:20:14 PM »
Large pools with hard dice are in fact a penalty
Changing those hard dice over to wiggles is suggested

Koi based attacks, huh
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

Never thought that would come in handy


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #204 on: February 24, 2013, 02:52:13 AM »
So here is my group for my upcoming Wild Talents game stat wise.
I have the stats for 4 out of the total 7 players. 2 of which may not be joining/making there characters the night of the first session

Since most have not given me there characters name's I'll use a letter for each player.
And  brief once over on each characters background for ideas etc.

[spoiler]A mechanic. Who one day had a very small, very fast, and very invisible alien spaceship collide with his home
Source(Alien); Permissions; Power Theme(Zephyr Biology[The aliens blood mixed with his!], One Power(The shock did something and now he can control electronics/mechanic things)

Body(2d); Athletics(3d), Brawling(1d), Endurance(3d)
Coordination(2d); Driving Ground-craft(3d), Lockpicking(3d), Rifle(1d)
Sense(3d + 1d); Empathy(2d + 1d), Perception(1d), Scrutiny(3d + 1d)
Mind(3d + 2d); First Aid(1d), Research(2d), Security Systems(2d), Streetwise(1d), Mechanics(4d), Electronics(3d), Spanish(1d)
Charm(2d); Lie(2d)
Commnad(3d + 1d); Stability(3d + 1d)

Machine CONTROL!!(5d +1wd)
Attacks, Spray, Limited Damage(By the technology used, Car Killing, electrical wire shock)
Defends, Spray, If/Then(Need a machine to take the attack)
Useful(Control Machines/Electronics) Booster +1, Duration, Spray
Total Cost 72

All in all not that bad. He can provide some offense and defense but he's pretty soft, which is made up for by the fact he can stop anything that is a mundane piece of tech with electronics

[spoiler]A thief he stole things earlier in his life. Up until after the disappearance of all the hero's he broke into a scientists lab and got his arm replaced with a cybernetic attachment filled with nanites. Only problem is he killed the scientist.
He also has a 8 year old daughter and seeks redemption for his mistake.
He plans to recreate the arm for the betterment of man kind. He works at the local college

Sources; Cyborg, Technology
Permission; Power Theme(Nanite Controlled Cyber-arm)

Body(4d); Athletics(3d + 1d)

Coordination(5d); Driving Ground-craft(2d), Lock-picking(1d), Stealth(1d), Pistol(2d)
Sense(2d); Empathy(1d)
Mind(3d); Security Systems(3d), Cyber-ware(2d)
Charm(2d); Lie(3d)
Command(2d); Stability(2d)


Cyberarm-Nanites(4d +2wd)
Attacks, Focus, Attack Level +1, Penetration +1, Spray +1
Useful(Mimic Technology Abilities), Tough Only -2, Focus, Variable, If/Then(Only mundane technology), Endless[So it can access any technology it has integrated later]
Total Cost; 108 points

Defends, Interference, Tied to R Arm Only[The HAR is only attached to his right arm] -2, Armored Defense, Indestructible, Focus, Manufacturable
Total Cost; 16

A secondary tech guy but all around better thief. His arms combat ability also makes it a more viable ability especially with the advent that the arms attacks are ranged

[spoiler]A college sophomore. He and his friend got a thing of super soldier serums and found they could mix in animal DNA for additional effects.
Well the friends selected out there animal samples, D worked hard setting everything up. Then got the samples and did the work as the biology expert. But D messed up and got some of the DNA from other peoples animals into his vial. Specifically all the females. The formula notes for males to note use female animals for the DNA.
So after 36 hours, D woke up and found he is now a she.

Body(3d); Athletics(2d), Brawling(2d)
Coordination(4d); Dodge(1d), Driving Ground-craft(1d)
Sense(2d + 1wd); Empathy(2d), Perception(1d), Scrutiny(1d)
Mind(4d); First Aid(1d), Streetwise(1d), Biology(2d), Chemistry(1d)
Charm(3d); Lie(2d), Persuasion(3d)
Command(1d); Intimidation(1d), Stability(2d)

Defends, Armored Defense, Permanent, Always On, Subtle
Total Cost; 24

Gecko Pads(2hd)
Useful(Cling to things), Duration, If/Then(Needs all 4 limbs without shock[so any limb is down and half speed with pads and 2 limbs gone no gecko crawling), Automatic(The pads immediately activate, when they can clinging D to the wall)
Total Cost; 6

Bat Wings(3d + 2hd)
Useful(Flight), Duration, Slow, -1 For needing her arms to fly(Muscle, skin, and nerves of the wings are connected to her arms so they go she goes)
Total Cost; 8

Spinnerette Barbs(3d + 1wd)
Hyperskill Brawl, Penetration +1, Deadly +1, Spray +1, If/Then
Attacks(Poison), Attached(Hyperskill Brawl), Engulf, Traumatic, Duration, Depleted, Limited Damage(Shock), Touch Only, Full Power Only, Non-Physical
Useful(Webbing), Daze, If/Then
Total Cost; 49

So she can fly, crawl, and can take a beating.
She can also sprout a pair of large barbs which can inject a powerful toxin hope you can beat his width otherwise hope you can last cause 2 rounds your down.
The webbing and hyper brawl can't be used at the same time as the barbs need to be inside her body. Yup the barbs are connected to her poison and webs[/spoiler]

[spoiler]The local colleges archaeologist professor
He went to Japan and found a ancient amulet which lets him talk to a powerful spirit

Coordination(5d); Stealth(1d)
Sense(4d); Empathy(1d), Perception(1d), Scrutiny(1d)
Mind(4d); Archaeology(2d)
Command(2d); Stability(2d)

Spirit Form(3hd)
Useful(Change Form); Endless, Self Only, Focus
Useful(Extra Tough); Always On, Attached, Engulf, Permanent, Self Only, Focus
Useful(Custom Hit Locations); Attached, Permanent, Self Only, Focus

Spirits Armor(2hd)
Defends; Armored Defense, Endless, Interference, Attached, If/Then
Defends; Armored Defense, Endless, Attached, If/Then
(I believe the If/Then was to magical attacks)

Beast of Rage(2d + 1wd)
Hyper Body; Attack Level +1, Attached, Spray +1, Focus
Hyper Coordination; Attached, Focus, Spray +1
Useful(Teleport); Attached, Focus, No Physics, Booster +1, Mass

Noble Nightmare(3hd)
Flight; Duration, Focus, Attached
Defends; Focus, Duration, Attached
Hyper-skill Sword; Attack Level +2, Go First +1, Penetration +2, Focus -1, Attached
Useful(Telepathy); Booster +1, Focus, Attached

Embodiment of Despair(2d + 1wd)
Attacks(mass, range), Engulf, Focus, Attached
Useful(Telekinesis[Mass 7 Range]); Focus, Attached, Booster +1
Useful(Control 1 Element decided upon when this form is taken each time[Mass & Range]); Focus, Attached, Booster +1
Flight; Endless, Focus, Attached

All the forms have a If/Then that if he uses the Spirit Forms power he changes back to a person at 3x10, and takes the new form at 2x10
Which means between those 2 areas. He has no powers or defenses.
Nightmare is probably the most dangerous form but they act as a sliding scale so constantly using that is not good for ones mental sanity.
I'm thinking of making him have to get each form as 6d

So any suggestions for their characters/builds that I can pass on.
Anything that is glaringly overpowered and or dangerous to my campaign set in a world were all the hero's just stopped being there one day.
Its New Arcadia but there is no event simply the hero's were doing there thing. And then, just like that they all vanished. No smoke, no flashes, no nothing.
The major goods, the evils, the anything really with power of any noticeable level


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #205 on: February 24, 2013, 05:46:53 AM »
I'm not sure how you got to some of those numbers.

For Z, the source ought to be cyborg only.

In a few cases (Gecko feet and maybe bat wings) you might want to do them as locational with a -2 instead of -1 since she needs two or three limbs to move. (the if/then about uninjured seems kind of odd as it's a huge cost)

I also do not know how an exoskeleton is subtle.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #206 on: February 24, 2013, 02:13:28 PM »
Thanks that helps I'll pass it along

He picked up Technology because he plans or plans to buy the ability to make himself either a thing of power armor or a energy shield. If your talking point wise yeah that puts him 5 points above the others

Noted I'll tell that to D's player. I was ok with how it was.
-2 on the Wings and Gecko Pads.
The exoskeleton is a little darker then his old skin colour, and is smooth, without any obvious joints. Its almost like she is wearing a form fitting cat-suit that is also her skin
So unless someone walks up to her and rubs her and realizes that huh, she has no hair except on her head and her body is smooth and cool to the touch. I'm personally fine with it cause that means its a bit more awesome when she gets shot for 3 shock(Instead of 2killing and 2shock) to the face and keeps walking at her target


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #207 on: February 24, 2013, 04:42:57 PM »
How would you build something like modular armor as a power?  Like if, say, a character had hardened armor plating on their left and right arms but nowhere else?  I'm guessing it would be the Heavy Armor power with some variety of If/Then (Does not protect Head, Legs, Body).  How much would you estimate the cost would be reduced?


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #208 on: February 24, 2013, 08:13:39 PM »
I'd say that's a -2 flaw.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #209 on: February 24, 2013, 10:32:37 PM »
Also, Manufacturable is an odd choice for the cyber armor but nothing else as it's for gadgeteers and people playing the long game about making cyber arms common.