Author Topic: Tom Church. How is Lady Gaga 4.X comming along?  (Read 11982 times)


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Tom Church. How is Lady Gaga 4.X comming along?
« on: March 21, 2012, 09:28:21 AM »
I just re-listened to episode 66.  Good show.
So Tom how is Lady GaGa 4.X coming along?
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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Re: Tom Church. How is Lady Gaga 4.X comming along?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 04:09:21 PM »
I am also interested in this. Besides, Tom, you're long since overdue for your one forum post a month.
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Re: Tom Church. How is Lady Gaga 4.X comming along?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 04:11:01 PM »
Indeed, Do tell  ;)

Tom Church

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Re: Tom Church. How is Lady Gaga 4.X comming along?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2012, 04:48:42 PM »
It's coming, but probably not in the way you are thinking.  I am planning it, but due to some input from Ross and Caleb, any further Lady Gaga material will be set in Eclipse Phase.  Call it Lady Gaga v. 3000.2.  Or whatever.   In any case, it will be the band and road crew, flying the unfriendly space, and probably doing a lot of gatecrashing in the name of fame and entertainment.  Not to mention a whole helping of violence and "aggressive negotiation".  I plan to have it up in the next four weeks or so, and may start as soon as Ross gets back from his trip in May.  Stay tuned for more updates.
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Re: Tom Church. How is Lady Gaga 4.X comming along?
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2012, 04:54:50 PM »
I, personally, am looking forward to the eventual (as I see it) Lady Gaga 1889 when the band is in Steampunk style Victorian England.


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Re: Tom Church. How is Lady Gaga 4.X comming along?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2012, 11:23:09 PM »
I, personally, am looking forward to the eventual (as I see it) Lady Gaga 1889 when the band is in Steampunk style Victorian England.

I would play the ever-loving shit out of that game.
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Re: Tom Church. How is Lady Gaga 4.X comming along?
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2012, 11:41:54 PM »
It's coming, but probably not in the way you are thinking.  I am planning it, but due to some input from Ross and Caleb, any further Lady Gaga material will be set in Eclipse Phase.  Call it Lady Gaga v. 3000.2.  Or whatever.   In any case, it will be the band and road crew, flying the unfriendly space, and probably doing a lot of gatecrashing in the name of fame and entertainment.  Not to mention a whole helping of violence and "aggressive negotiation".  I plan to have it up in the next four weeks or so, and may start as soon as Ross gets back from his trip in May.  Stay tuned for more updates.

Lady Gaga v. 3000.2 kick-starter. It needs to happen.


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Re: Tom Church. How is Lady Gaga 4.X comming along?
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2012, 03:19:05 PM »
It's coming, but probably not in the way you are thinking.  I am planning it, but due to some input from Ross and Caleb, any further Lady Gaga material will be set in Eclipse Phase.  Call it Lady Gaga v. 3000.2.  Or whatever.   In any case, it will be the band and road crew, flying the unfriendly space, and probably doing a lot of gatecrashing in the name of fame and entertainment.  Not to mention a whole helping of violence and "aggressive negotiation".  I plan to have it up in the next four weeks or so, and may start as soon as Ross gets back from his trip in May.  Stay tuned for more updates.

Heh, funny thing, but Lady Gaga (Or at least someone with her real name, Angelina Germanotta) is actually canon in EP. In connection to gatecrashing too, as she's mentioned in the book of the same name as the leader of the Carnivale colony.

Not that I don't want more Gaga v.af10, I just thought it was funny that you decided to switch to EP and EP is like "already here, bro.".


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Re: Tom Church. How is Lady Gaga 4.X comming along?
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2012, 05:05:01 AM »
It's coming, but probably not in the way you are thinking.  I am planning it, but due to some input from Ross and Caleb, any further Lady Gaga material will be set in Eclipse Phase.  Call it Lady Gaga v. 3000.2.  Or whatever.   In any case, it will be the band and road crew, flying the unfriendly space, and probably doing a lot of gatecrashing in the name of fame and entertainment.  Not to mention a whole helping of violence and "aggressive negotiation".  I plan to have it up in the next four weeks or so, and may start as soon as Ross gets back from his trip in May.  Stay tuned for more updates.

So many dreams coming true. WE LOOK FORWARD TO IT.

Ahem. I'm trying to remain calm.
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.