Author Topic: [Kickstarter] SHadows of Esteren: Prologue  (Read 11734 times)


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[Kickstarter] SHadows of Esteren: Prologue
« on: October 29, 2012, 03:33:21 AM »
Hi everyone,

We are very pleased to announce the start of our second Kickstarter campaign for Shadows of Esteren!

Shadows of Esteren is a medieval role-playing game, with a horrific and gothic influence. Drawing inspiration from Celtic myths, this universe has a discreetly fantastic side hidden under a bleak, realistic surface. This world is populated with humans who have to cope with tough daily lives, and face a supernatural threat lurking in the dark. With the focus of its adventures being investigation and survival, Shadows of Esteren favor an immersive mood and interactions among the Players.

This Kickstarter was designed for people who do not know about this RPG as well as for the backers of the first Kickstarter. You will have the possibility of acquiring the last remaining items created for the first campaign (Book 1 Universe Limited Edition, artworks, leader screen), but also of participating in the funding of a hardcover Limited Edition for Book 0 Prologue.

Some artworks:

The link to the campaign:

All the best,

Esteren Team
“There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part.”
― Bram Stoker

Shadows of Esteren - A Horrific and Gothic Medieval RPG


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Re: [Kickstarter] SHadows of Esteren: Prologue
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2012, 06:59:47 AM »

Your support on this new Kickstarter campaign is quite amazing! Already near 35K and still 3 weeks to go..!
Here are some news:

Backers have chosen their cover for the KS Special hardcover edition for Book 0 Prologue. This is the number 3 "Attack":

By the way here is the new pledge with the very last copies of Book 1 Universe Limited edition:

If you have any question, feel free to ask!
The link to the campaign:

Thanks again for your great support,

“There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part.”
― Bram Stoker

Shadows of Esteren - A Horrific and Gothic Medieval RPG


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Re: [Kickstarter] SHadows of Esteren: Prologue
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2012, 08:40:45 AM »
This looks like an awesome game. As a fan of both Berserk and Dark Souls, I'm loving the setting and the art direction. Unfortunately, I don't have extra spending money right now, otherwise I'd pledge in a heart-beat. Good luck with the Kickstarter!


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Re: [Kickstarter] SHadows of Esteren: Prologue
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2012, 02:56:43 AM »
Hey Thank you Dom  :D

Gawain has worked the last three days on the cover for the Kickstarter Special Edition of the Book 0 Prologue... And here is the result:

Now we will work on the layout of this cover.
Thank you for your great support,
All these exclusives, it is thanks to you!
“There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part.”
― Bram Stoker

Shadows of Esteren - A Horrific and Gothic Medieval RPG


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Re: [Kickstarter] SHadows of Esteren: Prologue
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2012, 03:36:40 AM »
That's the centipede Aaron killed at Gencon. It is full of smaller centipedes.


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Re: [Kickstarter] SHadows of Esteren: Prologue
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2012, 04:13:56 PM »
Hello Everyone!

Here we are! We hit 50k and now Book 2 Travels is unlocked!
THNAK YOU everyone!

And here is the complete update because others things are also unlocked:

    Book 2 Travels

First, this new stage gives you the possibility of getting access to the whole content of Book 2 Travels!

  • The PDF is automatically included without any additional fee for the following pledges: High Shadow, Farl Collector, Tuaille Collector, Gouvran Merchants, Sẹl Patron, and Lord of Shadows.
  • For the Tri-Kazelian and Varigal pledges, you must select the “High Shadow” option ($15 and $10 respectively) to get this PDF.

You will get the PDF of Book 2 Travels as soon as it is ready, well ahead of its public release. We plan to release the book for next Gen Con, and we intend to deliver the PDF next spring. Note that these dates are purely indicative. It is not easy for us to determine when the translation of the book will be complete exactly! We will do everything we can to stick to this planning, but we wish to be honest with you and warn you of possible delays.

The English version of Book 2 Travels will be an extended version of the French one: it will be a hardcover book, and the number of its pages will be increased from 80 to about 140. The Travels book contains Leader material: descriptions of important places of the peninsula, a series of scenarios, a gallery of non-player characters, and also a small bestiary. You can learn more about the contents of this book here.

    Special poster for Tri-Kazelian and higher pledges!

But we are not done yet! We are also going to print a special poster illustrated with one of the sketches realized for the cover of the “Kickstarter Special Edition” of Book 0. Moreover, on the other face, we will print a map of Tri-Kazel (the same as the one printed for the map of the first Kickstarter). This poster will be included in the Tri-Kazelian, Varigal, Farl Collector, Tuaille Collector, Sẹl Patron, and Lord of Shadows pledges. If you have chosen another pledge, or wish to get a second poster, simply add $5 to your pledge. Here it is... with a reference to the movie posters!

And the other side with the map of Tri-Kazel:

    New option: Engine Room

Moreover, we propose you a special and new option for Book 2 Travels:

  •     Option 10 – Get access to the work forum "Engine Room" for the translation of Book 2 Travels and get the PDF in priority (included for Seol Patron and Lords of Shadows, $20 for others pledges).
This very special option will give you access to a private part of the forum where the game's team will show you, piece by piece, the contents completed for Book 2 Travels (whether translations, additional content, or illustrations).

This way, you will have a front seat to witness and support with your feedbacks the conception of this next release. These pieces of work will be made available to you as they will be completed, so that you can use them during your game sessions. It is even planned that the game's team will ask for your opinion about exclusive content that will be added in the upgraded English version of Book 2. The opening of this work forum for Book 2 is planned for January.

This option is automatically included without any additional fee for the following pledges: Sẹl Patron and Lord of Shadows. The Lords of Shadows of the previous Kickstarter will automatically be given access to this private forum.

For other pledges, you can add $20 to get the advantages of this option.

Once more, THANK YOU ALL for your support,

We are glad we can make this new book available to you! Tomorrow we will update the pictures for every pledges on the front page with the new contents and options.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate!

Only 3 days to go and new stretch goals.. you can check here:

All the best,
“There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part.”
― Bram Stoker

Shadows of Esteren - A Horrific and Gothic Medieval RPG