Author Topic: Dogs in the Vineyard  (Read 12085 times)

Kemlin Dragos

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Dogs in the Vineyard
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:43:33 AM »
Has anyone had a chance to play or read "Dogs in the Vineyard" by Lumpley Games? The setting seems ripe with possibility and has piqued my interest. I feel like it could get DARK fast. If you haven't heard of it, here is an in depth review from Gnome Stew.


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Re: Dogs in the Vineyard
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2013, 06:13:12 AM »
I ran it twice.  Its GOOD.  It can go Grimdark really fast.  It can also go Gonso really fast.

Anything special you want to know?

Check this out:
It has 3 sessions of actual play, review of the game and an interview with the author.

If you want to buy it I recommend buying this package:

It's 6 cool games by the same author for 25$.  You get Dogs, Apocalypse world, Kill Puppies for Satan, In a Wicked Age, Murders Ghost and Poison'd
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 07:40:18 AM by Gorkamorka »
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)

Kemlin Dragos

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Re: Dogs in the Vineyard
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2013, 01:05:32 PM »
Thanks @Gorkamorka! I found The Walking Eye Actual play after I posted last night, but I did not know about the bundle. I like the setting because it seems like you could do a whole lot with it, and it seems to have a Firefly meets alternate universe Jedi feel to it. I'll definitely pick it up. I'd like to see Ross or Caleb run it with the crew, but I'd like to see them run everything I'm interested in. Thanks again. @clockworkjoe @cthuluzord


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Re: Dogs in the Vineyard
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2013, 06:42:13 AM »
One of my friends has just started running a Dogs game for our group, and for the first time in years, I get to actually play in a game. It's an interesting change of pace; my group tends to prefer playing games with a more comedic bent like Monsters, and we tend to turn games like Fiasco into farces. I managed to convince everyone beforehand to go for a more serious aesthetic this time, though; it's all a part of my sinister plan to run a game of Unknown Armies.

That being said, the game is ridiculously fun, and now that I'm more familiar with the mechanics, I really like the system; it feels organic, and I like how it maps out character growth.

I'm also having fun playing against type (thinky-talky characters who act as the group's stabilizing influence). I'm the only Murderhobo in the group! Fear the Mormon Punisher.

Kemlin Dragos

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Re: Dogs in the Vineyard
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2013, 03:17:36 PM »
@ Teuthic

      I'd love to hear the overall plot of your game, plus some of the ideas behind the characters, if you have the time.


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Re: Dogs in the Vineyard
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2013, 12:23:38 PM »
Teutick.  Please share the gaming stories.  What moral cunandrums have been inflicted upon the group?

When I have run the game the far most devistating encounter the players have had has been the pregnant prostitute who wants to convert and marry the father of the child, the preachers son.
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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Re: Dogs in the Vineyard
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2013, 09:48:08 PM »
      I'd love to hear the overall plot of your game, plus some of the ideas behind the characters, if you have the time.

We're only on our third session right now, so there's not an overall plot yet; we're still kind of in the world-building stage (I love games that have collaborative world-building like this).
Anyways, our characters are:

Solomon Shiver (played by me): Solomon's a whole mess of crazy trying his hardest not to blow up on the world; he was raised in a heretic town that settled most problems with corporal punishment, and repented when the town was destroyed by infighting and other ill-defined backstory not figured out yet. Now he's got a rather hardline idea of how the world works, and has to overcome a strong desire to murder heretics outright.

My whole idea for the character is exploring the idea of doing the right thing the wrong way; not quite "the ends justify the means," but similar. I'm working on an essay to pin down the idea, but it's still kind of nebulous; makes sense in my brain, though.

Serendipity Goodweather: Honestly, there's not much to be said for Serendipity at the moment; she doesn't have much of a back story or any driving ideas behind her. My fiancee created the character to try to play someone not much like her.

Feng Ezekiel Wu, "Zeke": Zeke's player wanted to play a Chinese Sherlock Holmes, basically; he was going to make the character into more of a dick, but he's not very good at playing jerks. Very Canadian in that regard. Zeke's whole idea is pragmatism, and the aftermath of fighting for a lost cause; he's a soldier from this universe's Boxer Rebellion (which happened a few decades earlier), trying to forget his past, and having (possibly) found god in the Territories. He's got a lot of doubts.

Reuben Tanner: At the moment, Reuben is a cypher; the guy who's playing him is not the best at roleplaying – he's a bit shy – and has trouble making characters and then getting into character. I'm trying to help him out with that. Reuben's apparently a jaded hotshot? I dunno.

I'll do a writeup of the first few sessions when I'm feeling a bit inspired, or we overcome our current story arc; as of right now, we're trying to figure out if a Mountain Person who shot a priest is possessed or not. Pretty much every NPC we've interacted with has hit all my suspicion buttons, but I'm kind of paranoid.

A highlight of the game, though; I popped a guy's collar with bullets, after shooting his horse.


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Re: Dogs in the Vineyard
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2013, 07:27:43 PM »
We're running the final session of our first town. Shit has gone Trail of Tears; I will write this up right after.