Field Report
The group really enjoyed Lover in the Ice, I ran it in Delta Green using the 'Zookeeper' setup from the AP, although I think I may have oversold them on Delta Greens attitude towards Mythos Threats which resulted in the group using a rather take no prisoners attitude towards the problem, including rigging Trip's oven to explode and burn down his house, and after they found that the Amante and Seeders had split between the high school and the Dorm party, they decided that the best course of action was to ignore both threats, inform Delta Green and then spend their time making sure that all routes out of the city were cut off, as they waited for the air strike to clean them off the map.
They enjoyed opening the boxes, although i think you got a bit too self-referential in those Caleb, the Puppet head was creepy and cool, but a few of the others just left the players non-plussed until I explained about the other No Security scenarios.
The stats for the Amante worked well Tadanori, although the one that hatched in the girls house managed to make an ass out of itself, it critically failed as it lunged at a player who was standing at the doorway of the opposite bedroom shooting at the Amante statue, since it was at the top of a spiral staircase, I decided it had tripped down the stairs, and was promptly dispatched by two impales from the 59 year old German Mathematician.