There is a Roguelikes sale on Steam until Monday 10 am.
I have to recommend Neo Scavenger. It is a survival post apocalyptic roguelike that is some what unfinished as a game, but it really does feel like you are in Mcarthy's
The Road where dirty men warily size each other up and then engage in brutal and frenetic combat with makeshift spears and glass shanks over a can of condensed soup.

I'm not sure if Red Markets is going for this level of bleak survival, but Neo Scavenger scratches that itch until Red Markets opens.
Neo Scavenger is $15 normally, and $10 now. If you like turn based post apocalyptic games or have played Dwarf Fortress, pick it up at this price. If this will be your first roguelike, I'd wait until you can grab it for $5.
RPS review: Play:'ve played about five games since I purchased it a few days ago. In my fourth game I was pretty confident with my military grade gas mask, two layers of shirts plus a hoodie for warmth, and a scoped hunting rifle with
four total bullets. A long way from beating dogs with a tree limb for nourishment was I. I had set up shop in a abandoned apartment high rise when I was roused from my sleep by my tin-can-on-a-string noise alarms going off. Some nameless scavenger with only shorts to his name wanted my stuff. I shot him from afar and he ran away, coughing up blood. I chased him to the next tile with a predator's confidence. My next few shots were unlucky misses but I decided to close with the nearly naked man to beat him in the head with my superior rifle butt.
Then I started losing fluids from both ends. Evidently the marsh water I so desperately drank a day ago was contaminated. I had cholera. What was once certain doom for my bleeding shorts-clad prey turned into a knock down drag out fight.
Desperate to get back to my highrise camp site, I was ambushed by two men combing the city's ruins. One had a crowbar and I was too dehydrated to deliver effective blows with my rapidly degrading rifle butt. They were not impressed by my attempts to intimidate them by brandishing a scoped rifle. Fortunately I had passed out from the pain before the crowbar split my head like a melon.