Author Topic: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline  (Read 97992 times)

D6xD6 - Chris

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THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« on: March 23, 2014, 11:47:43 AM »
I am a terrible GM.  Rather than focus on the campaign I am currently running, I tend to focus on working on other games I MIGHT run in the future. . . which I most likely never will.

Let us use this thread to discuss what we want to run. . . and to encourage each other to make them games we WILL run.

Here is my queue after we finish our current Base Raiders campaign:

1.  Hobomancer.  I don't think I need to justify this one.

2.  The Red Tower (hai Caleb!) using GUMSHOE or Fate.  I was torn between this and The Fall Without End, but I just love the wickedness of Red Tower.

3.  Dungeon World/Saga of the Icelanders - I think my plan is to demo the AW engine at my FLGS on Tabletop Day.  I think Saga is better suited overall for one-shots, but Jason Morningstar did right a simple DW scenario that is a great introduction for the system.

4.  The Esoterrorists -  GUMSHOE is fun.  I think I want to run the adventure "Six Packed."

5.  Narrative Game System - Backed it on Kickstarter, definitely want to give it a few spins.

And now what I WANT to run but most likely never will:

1.  Duck Tales - Either using FATE or Call of Cthulhu, this scenario will pit the the citizens of Duckburg against the Beagle Boys and Flintheart Glomgold.  The only way to stop them is to get Scrooge McDuck's Number One Dime. . .  but its corrupting power will challenge their psyche and force them to choose between saving Duckburg. . . or maintaining their sanity.  MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.



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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 12:35:01 PM »
I too suffer from this affliction. My list is as follows -

1. Achtung! Cthulhu. Using Savage worlds to run the Three kings and Heroes of the Sea scenarios.

2. MAOCT - After the success of my current Monsters game I really want to throw the players into the wonderful deep end of The Road Trip Campaign.

3. MAOCT/Candlewick Manor - I'm frothing at the Gills to run this just to see what happens.

4. Rogue Trader - Just to continue a previously wrapped up short campaign.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2014, 12:58:13 PM »
Monsters and Other Childish Things: Night Vale - Lock-in at The Museum of Forbidden Technology

Eclipse Phase: I have a complicated campaign in the works. There will be a one shot released very soon that ties into it.

Dungeon World: I want to run it - gonna look for some 3rd party material for it as well.

Kuro: wanna try this out as well

Hackmaster: I want to run an adventure in the newest edition


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2014, 01:03:15 PM »
I have a few games I'm trying to plan for my group, but I'm not the usual GM and also really lazy/nitpicky when it comes to creating stuff so it takes forever before I feel comfortable to run a scenario. My current plans are, however:

1. Accursed: I have starter session planned out, so we'll see how they like it and go from there.

2. Eclipse Phase: I had the awesome/terrible idea of running DOOM-themed game for my group with a twist, they start with wiped memories and inactive muses, i.e. blank character sheets that as they make rolls I'll give them their stats. We've done something similar for a WHFRP game so I'm interested to see how that goes.

3. DG/CoC: I have had mini campaign planned for a long-ass time now that's a sequel to an older game we've done. The motivation comes-and-goes on this one.

4. CoC: Another Cthulhu game I've had an idea for is a more survival horror type deal. Think "The Thing" meets "Resident Evil: Revelations," but on an icebreaker instead of a cruise ship.

5. Better Angels: Basically once Caleb's No Soul Left Behind comes out I want to run it for my group, because we're all pretty horrible and that's great. Play-testing!

6. Night's Black Agents/GUMSHOE: I was inspired listening to the Tribes of Tokyo to do a NBA/GUMSHOE mini-campaign that involves a certain metal endoskeleton with living tissue over it.

Aside from those our regular GM and I have been talking about playing a more regular EP campaign, a Numenera campaign, trying Masks of Nyarlathotep in either CoC or Trail of Cthulhu, some Wild Talents, checking out Night's Black Agents, and doing a dual-sided FFG Star Wars campaign where we switch off DMing, one DM does a group of smugglers having cool smuggler adventures and the other DM runs a group of bounty hunters chasing after the smugglers and getting into their own misadventures. My GM has also had a few ideas for some of the Warhammer 40k games that we might try. If I remember anything else or actually do any of these I'll be sure to edit this.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 10:44:06 AM by Kamen »


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2014, 01:22:47 PM »
I forgot to add CoC - all of Caleb's scenario's with the exception of Revelations which went down really well.

Flawless P

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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2014, 01:23:46 AM »
I am finally getting my chance to cross something off my "to run in the future" list and I am running 4th edition/New World for my group.

It's been years of me wanting to try but finally I get to new world it up.

I still want to run Eclipse Phase.

I want to play in Buffy the Vampire Slayer with people who would not turn it into an over the top parody.
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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2014, 03:58:04 AM »
New on the forum (though I lurked for quite a while before registering) and figured I'd jump in here.

I'm just about to finish up Fear Itself: Invasive Procedures with my group.  After that I have a few in my queue.
  • A Dirty World:  I'm going to try to run a Sci-Fi (Star Trek inspired) one shot with it.
  • Wushu: One of my players has been asking for some comedy, so I'm going to steal the 1980s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen idea for a one shot.  Lineup is John McClane, Peter Venkman, Doc Brown and Henry Jones Sr. (still alive in the 80s because he drank from the grail).
  • More A Dirty World: I'm working on modern day noir set on the Hopi/Navajo Indian reservations.
  • Night's Black Agents: I'd like to run this, but I'm not sure yet how I would structure a one-shot game -- thinking about picking up the The Zalozhniy Quartet and running one of those to get the feel.
  • Trail of Cthulhu: Saving The Dance in the Blood scenario as a backup game.
  • Call of Cthulhu: One of my players loves Disney a little too much, so I joked I was going to write up a Disney CoC scenario. I've been slowly working on one, inspired by the Candle Cove game (and Ross' love of Carcosa), that focuses on a lost Disney movie about the King in Yellow... Premise is basically that several of the animators/crew of this Disney movie disappeared after making the move and that Disney then shut down production and hushed up most of the rumors.  But it's a popular conspiracy theory in the interwebz nonetheless.  The players will be Disney enthusiasts obsessed with finding the movie... and Carcosa?  Most of my work so far has involved trying to make a Disney version of Cassilda's Song in Garage Band (despite much filtering, transforming and auto-tuning my voice is not sounding very Disney like).  I probably won't put a lot of work into it until I have the song to my liking, so this might belong in the would like to run but probably never will category.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 04:03:27 AM by stiefund »


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2014, 09:53:57 AM »
Currently planning to throw my players head first into some Exsurgents (my friend requested Dead Space-esque ship exploration) before easing them into the Eclipse Phase-setting itself, which works since I haven't even finished the core book yet, though I think I have the rules down now. Hopefully starts in the coming weekend.

Got a ton of things to come, but I'm pretty bad at getting things ready to run, and my players are terrible at deciding what they want to do next.
  • A short-ish Better Angels series of games, but I'm torn about where to set it.
  • Got a Numenera campaign basically ready to go, but it seems it'll be put on the shelf for now. :c
  • "End-seekers" and "Oversight", basically two games I'm thinking about making myself. A long way from play-testing at this stage, though. Might write them up over the summer.
  • Wanted to try some Base Raiders, but my players weren't as excited.
  • Got some Esoterrorists in the pipeline as well, but I'm saving those for when someone doesn't show up.
  • Thinking about running D&D for the first time and tackling the New World. My mate, who's better at D&D offered to run it, which allows me to play a Grippli, which excites me.
  • Finally, I've got a pretty ambitious campaign based in a Middle East-esque setting with magic and Jinns and shit planned, but it's only in the concept stage atm.

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Flawless P

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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2014, 12:18:15 PM »
  • Thinking about running D&D for the first time and tackling the New World. My mate, who's better at D&D offered to run it, which allows me to play a Grippli, which excites me.


I'm currently running my new world tribute.

Also I made a second character in a huge Pathfinder campaign with friends, Pathfinder has rules for Grippli playable characters so I made a Grippli Ranger named Sea-Moss. There is something super fun about being a character that is so positive all the time!

super snazzy
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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2014, 02:30:15 PM »

This is a list of games I want to run, but have no real outlet for as of yet. My main group is more into the lighthearted stuff and doesn't dig on playing if there aren't enough players for the Base Raiders campaign.
  • A Dirty World: Taking Names. A bunch of Iraqi refugees trying to escape their country are aided by a man with a list of names and a bunch of speedboats
  • Unknown Armies: Spring Forward. A group of thieves use a ritual that allows them to act in the missing daylight saving time hour to pull off a heist. No one else exists in the hour, except for other people using the ritual and unnatural entities. It'll have a Reservoir Dogs vibe.
  • Twitch Plays Superman. I don't know how, but I'm thinking it would involve "Everyone is John."
  • Unknown Armies: Micronation. A person important to the PCs is possessed by a demon, and when he comes to finds he's declared some piece of land as his own personal principality and an unnatural compulsion to rule. The game would involve the PCs taking part in a micro-international journey across the world to find out the occult significance of micronations

And finally, an Unknown Armies campaign I want to run: House of Tarot

The president's on an ascension path. You can see it: any day now he'll join to become a new archetype of the Invisible Clergy. That's why you ran for congress and won despite being a dark horse candidate. Now you're on Capitol Hill and getting ready for the event.

The one-eyed congressman sees through the eyes of his pet monster. His campaign coordinator rewrites reality with attack ads. His political aide is supernaturally capable of doing whatever his boss deems necessary. The intern stole the president 's coffee mug, and gets drunk with it to summon demons. And that's only your crew. There are others here, too.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2014, 03:03:51 PM »
That Disney Cacrcosa game sounds like a pretty great idea actually, if done right.

My personal listis getting pretty short at the moment, as far as actual scenarios go.
I know there will be a new edition of The Dark Eye out soon, which is a pretty big deal here in Germany. There will be an open beta too accompanied by an ashcan release. So I am sure I will take part in that, maybe recording it as actual plays for entertainment and documentation purposes. Not sure what kind of campaign it will be though, I will let the other players influence that.

There are a few Fiasco playset I still want to try out, amongst them one I wrot myself, set in a Divorce Colony.

Lots of Indiegames look intersting too. But some of them more from a player perspective. But I think I could go for running some Adventures on Dungeon Planet or Apocalypse World for a while.

As far as more solid ideas go.
After True Detective I would like to run a southern gothic, neo noir, death country vampire hunt using Nights Black Agents. Giving it a few sessions room to breath.
Another thing I would like to do would be a fantasy game where it is mostly about heists and infiltrations and stuff like that preferably set in a city as a setting. In The Dark Eye setting I know a few cities and setting that would work for it too. Either a Casablanca like city full of exiles and between factions or during a time when lizardmen and other reptilian creatures rule the world and only in the cold of night humans can come out to fight back.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2014, 03:07:08 AM »
I'm liking this discussion a heck of a lot. Also not the best GM, and there are so many games I'd like to run or play, that I fear I never will. In no particular order of preference:

CoC Dreamlands: Most overlooked campaign setting imho, and one with so much potential. Would like a game where either the PCs are visitors or natives of the dreamlands.

Edge of Empire: Like the idea of the PCs being the criminals of the SW universe, maybe pulling of a huge heist that screws over both the Empire and the Alliance.

Unkown Armies: Just one of my favorite games in my RPG library. Love its take on the occult.

CoC Miskatonic game: The PCs are students. All that drama. Then they get eaten. But there are always new students. Every year.

Over the Edge: Best setting ever. It's set in the 80's. Everything's wierd and bizarre. This game deserves to come back.

Kuro: because Asian horror + cyberpunk.

Eclipse Phase: Needless to say. Just the setting is intimidating as hell for a mediocore gm at best, such as I.

Hunter the Vigil: By far my favorite WW game.

BRP dark ages horror game: My favorite generic system with my favorite historical setting and genre.

Esoterrorists and/or Night's Black Agents: Really would like to try gumshoe.

Summerland: Unique idea for an apocalypse. A primeval forest overgrowing cities.

Witchcraft/AFMBE/Armageddon: Really wanna try unisystem also.

Accursed: Really liked the cool parts of Van Helsing and Hansel & Gretel Witchhunters (not so much the not cool parts) PCs are monsters. Monsters are awesome. I've heard good things about Savage Worlds, seems like it would be a good system for the setting.

And these are just a few.

D6xD6 - Chris

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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2014, 08:11:02 AM »
CoC Dreamlands: Most overlooked campaign setting imho, and one with so much potential. Would like a game where either the PCs are visitors or natives of the dreamlands.

You should check out Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2014, 08:29:02 AM »
I've just picked this up myself and it's quickly forcing its way to the front of my queue.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2014, 05:58:11 AM »
Hey Pauly, thanks for the recommendation. I actually have the Sense of Sleight of Hand Man. Great campaign book, really hoping to run it.