Author Topic: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline  (Read 97981 times)


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2014, 06:54:33 AM »
Currently my group is qeued up to play The Wives Of March. I'm fairly excited about it. This past Friday a few of us got together to watch the NC AA tournament and create characters. So far the have a black doctor  (a more optimistic version of the character Ross played) and a white trash bootlegger who has suddenly found himself unemployed after Prohibition. Should be fun.

Since my group likes gumshoe, we'll probably follow this game up with another Trail Of Cthulhu game.   The Sisters Of Sorrow scenario seems badass. Ever since I listened to U-boote Heraus I've wanted to  play a game that involved submarines and the Cthulhu mythos.

Pelgrane press also has a King In Yellow scenario that looks pretty cool. None of my group has read The Repairer Of Reputations. This might be a good introduction for them.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2014, 03:54:47 PM »
I am running a 13th age  campaign that I admit I am half making up as I go.

I also intend on eventually running a Demon: the Descent game, but I really have no idea how to write a good espionage plot which demon is pretty much built for

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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2014, 09:00:06 PM »
Nice, Thorn. I hadn't heard about that KiY scenario! Thanks for pointing me in that direction.

I've got a gaming group of 5 players and myself, and 2 to 3 people drop out the week of the gaming(generally, I only schedule it 3-4 weeks between games as it is), so we've really only gotten 4 or 5 gaming sessions in the last 9 months... :( So far I've run a couple one-shots using Savage Worlds fantasy rules- we're halfway through my conversion of White Plume Mountain.

I'm hoping to make the main focus a 2-GM Call of Cthulhu campaign set in the 20's/30s with one GM, with me taking up the Modern/Delta Green reins. We will have a story, and probably a nemesis, bridging the gap. I'm not sure if we will have mini-campaigns or one shots in the era's and historical hotspots in-between or not.

If we ever get gaming often enough to take a break every once in awhile, or if we sit down and play with 3-4 people(if 2-3 guys drop out), I'd like to play some Dungeon World, Day After Ragnarok, or 13th Age, all of which I've picked up since we've started "playing".
Chados- the, uh... hands of fate.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2014, 10:27:50 AM »
I've got a few things in the pipeline that I'd love to run.

  • No Security- Bryson Springs: Because I love me some Great Depression and death puppets.
  • Pathfinder: I've had this horrible horrible idea for a while about re-skinning World War 1 with a magical industrial revolution. Also all the players would be Grippli, playing the role of Belgium. There may or may not be a grippli badass named "Jean-Claude Von Swamp".
  • Eclipse Phase: I've mentioned on the forums that I want to run a short EP campaign about being Lost and escaping from the Lost Project. This would explore how the characters define themselves and how they choose to exist in the weird, wild world of EP.
  • Base Raiders Albany: If you've ever been to Albany the Rockefeller Plaza is bunker of a government office covered in sky scrapers. Perfect for base raiding.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2014, 06:16:17 PM »
At the moment, I'm running several games over Skype.

DC Adventures (M&M3e)- Orange Lanterns have begun invading various planets. The Justice League is dispatched to help various worlds and protect their own. The players are various new recruits to the JLA and get caught up in a battle over their heads when several large portable Orange Lantern batteries land on Earth, summoning up alien constructs to defend them. The PCs were attempting to secure Styker Island when one crashes there and Lex Luthor emerges wearing a Orange Lantern Ring. So far they were trounced royally, but plan on trying to make another run at it. It's a fairly standard, and not too imaginative but the group likes it.

Werewolf the Forsaken - The same group that does the DC Adventures game. We rotate what we play on a week by week basis as half the group really likes WoD, and the other half would rather play something else. The group plays a pack in Detroit. They're trying to prevent an all out war between the Werewolves and Vampires of the city. This isn't going so well because of some of their own actions, so at the moment, they're just trying to gather up allies and protect their own territory, since it looks like they're about to be right in the middle of a throw down.

A Song Of Ice and Fire Roleplaying - I've set it about a year before the events of Game of Thrones. They've created a Noble House  in the Westerlands and received a land grant from Tywin Lannister. Their original plan was to redevelop the land and clear it of Bandits. This was going well, but then a player dropped out, and a new player joined. They agreed to let him play the formers character, who was the heir of the House. Some bad decisions later, and they've pissed of another House in the Westerlands who have antagonized a conflict between the Player's House and their northern neighbors from the Riverlands, all while funding Bandits and Mercenaries to invade other parts of their lands while their troops are occupied on the northern border.

I'm also running a one on one game for my wife using All Flesh Must Be Eaten, specifically Fistful o' Zombies.

I have several planned games I'm working on

I'm trying out Interface Zero 2.0, which is the Cyberpunk setting for Savage Worlds with my wife as soon as we finish her campaign with Fistful o' Zombies. Not entirely sure what the plot will be yet.

I have a Mortals/God-Machine Chronicles game planned out. It will be set in the Ozarks, though the place will be a bit more hillbilly than it actually is. I may even set it a bit back in time, but not any earlier than the 80's. The group live in a town a few miles away from cult's compound. I'm going to ask one of the players to add a few specifics to their background. Mainly that their parents are recruited into the cult, and they took the PC's mentally disturbed sister with them. The parents end up dead, and the PC becomes the legal guardian. The cult wont hand over the sister though, and the local authorities claim jurisdictinal issues and manpower prevent them from just raiding the compound. The cult wont give up the girl without a fight though, because she's a Stigmatic and can see the God-Machines workings and his servants. They fear it, and worship some Demon or whatever, that has led them up into the hills to be free of it's influence.

Once the Werewolf game ends, the players asked me to run a All Flesh Must Be Eaten game for them. I'm doing one on a cruise ship. We've named the campaign "Love Boat of the Dead". The ship has a full on outbreak, and the boat has already been ordered back to US waters and into quarantine due to 3/4 of the passengers and crew coming down with some virus. The infected have died and come back to life now. The players are trapped at the rear of the boat, with the ship still moving along, but no ones heard from the captain or command crew in almost a day.

Only War (from the Warhammer 40k line) will happen eventually, with the plot being the arrival of the full Tyranid Hive Fleet. It's the end of the Imperium of Man, but maybe the characters can find a way to survive.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2014, 09:43:16 PM »
Let's see ...

Only War - A campaign where the PC are playing the infantry unit of a Rogue Trader house. Unknown to them, at the start at least, the Rogue Trader House will be one they're familiar with. It was a Rogue Trader game that they played, that ended horribly, and during which they used said infantry unit like a unwanted step-child.

Ought to get something thrown across the table at me.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2014, 12:14:23 AM »
Oh god I have so many games I'm waiting to run/play. Here are the top ones:

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire - I have a campaign ready to play called "Rebels For Hire", the basic premise is a ragtag crew of scoundrels is hired by a wealthy Mid Rim heiress to start and lead a resistance movement against the Empire on her planet in exchange for help with paying off their substantial debts with some dangerous crime lords. As the game goes on the characters will have to choose between diverting more and more funds towards removing the death marks on their heads or investing money in the fledgling rebel movement they've founded.

Wild Talents/Base Raiders (Haven't decided) - After reading through the Base Raiders book and listening to the first couple episodes of New Arcadia again I've decided to run a modified version of Ross' campaign for the gamers at my school: the Citizens of New Arcadia. The game begins with a bunch of random people in New Arcadia receiving packages from a mysterious source and discovering that they contain rare superpower sources (Super soldier drugs, magical artifacts, alien technology, etc etc). As crime in the city rises to dangerous levels thanks to the emergence of a new organized crime group, these ordinary citizens decide to empower themselves to fight back against the Syndicate. How do they adjust to life as costumed vigilantes? How will the Syndicate react to this new threat to its power? Who sent the packages to the new heroes, and why?

Night's Black Agents - A friend of mine has been working on a campaign to run for our old high school group over the summer, but since I'm stuck out of town for my job I won't be able to participate (*wailing and gnashing of teeth*) so I decided to write my own campaign with blackjack and hookers. Working title is "Blood Coast"; the game takes place in Somalia and follows a group of private security contractors who specialize in anti-piracy work. After taking what seems to be a simple escort job things get really complicated when the team stumbles onto a convoluted conspiracy for control of Somalia's fledgling new government, turning themselves into targets in the process. This game is less Burn Notice and more A-Team/Black Lagoon, but I made sure to include plenty of covert plot threads so the players don't just try to go Expendables on everything.

On the off chance I get to play anytime soon I have two characters ready to go: the first is a former US Navy medic who was discharged for mental health reasons and became a cleaner and street doctor (Is it so wrong to enjoy your job?), and the second is an Ex-KGB wetworker turned arms dealer and gunrunner with ties to Bratva (AKA the Russian mafia; everybody needs friends, da?).

« Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 12:31:13 AM by Jace911 »


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2014, 01:09:23 PM »
I have picked up the screen after 4 years or so. I will start with ,

PATHFINDER AP: Skull and Shackles:
We actually started with a 4 hour session for some of the players had to leave ,but next time we will try to get a longer session in.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2014, 01:42:52 PM »
Let's see. I'm currently running 13th Age Dark Fairytales - In the Service Of the Giantkillers. Big dark fantasy plot that's waaaaay too involved and I'm never going to get through, especially as in three sessions we still haven't gotten through what I planned for the first session.

Currently working on a FATE Accelerated Edition Space Fantasy game called TALES FROM THE SOMBRERO GALAXY. Writing it up as a con scenario, I'll post more about it here when I'm further into the process.

Also working on FAE Unlikely Ghostbusters. That'll be a fun trip.

I want very much to try out 3:16 Carnage Among the Stars, I have a rough outline prepared for three intro missions I'm calling Welcome To 3:16.

I have the beginnings of a plan for an Old School Hack adventure called Tomb of the Rock(et) Men, but that'll require more attention than I can give right now.

Definitely looking to get my current group into a bit more Call of Cthulhu. I want to run The Well of Sacrifice for my current players, and Bryson Springs and The Fall Without End are necessary plays.

Now to just get my folks together to game more often.  :(

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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2014, 06:51:55 PM »
Since I'm straight up insane I use a forum to keep track of the games I want to run so that I can post notes to things from virtually anywhere. You can see it here if you so desire.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2014, 11:08:21 AM »
Just ran across something in my notes that I'm going to run. It's an all grippli campaign using Wild Talents. The Grippli are a small neutral power stuck between two belligerent nation states, living on the land that nobody else can deal with. When the Grand Kobold army begins it's march through the Grippli nation the players are forced to choose. Collaborate, resist or run?

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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2014, 09:07:23 PM »
Well, I made the mistake of reading through Numenera. . . I really dig it.  Something else for TEH QUEUE  :-\   


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2014, 11:04:29 PM »
Currently running an Eclipse Phase game titled Mockingbird Protocol, where the players are sentinels who must deal with the aftermath of a massive breach of Firewall information to the LLA and generally try to stop the moon from catching fire and rebuild the ruined conspiracy.

After that, I have a few things lined up. This is them in no particular order.

Night's Black Agents: Blue Blood - Set in London, the game revolves around a vampiric conspiracy ruling the UK from the shadows and coming under threat from a different breed of vampire encroaching from the mainland. Players would be low-ranking individuals in the government bureaucracy who have recently come across some information about a minor royal.

A Song Of Ice And Fire - The Rise and Fall House Harrowmoor - Okay, I mostly want to run through the house creation system to see how it goes but other than that the idea is to set the story right at the start of the books and treat it as an alt history. Things play out differently, a few background details change and the titular house is in the center of the cannibalistic wolf-pit that is Westerosi politics.

Legend of the Five Rings - The Tainted - Set initially around the Temple of Soothing Rest in the Crab lands, an ancient asylum/sanatorium for bushi who have been exposed to the taint of the shadowlands but allowed to live. Their life is one of peaceful meditation, asceticism, regular inspections by the Kuni and regular doses of white jade tea to prevent the growth of their taint, all under the watchful eye (and surprisingly calloused fists) of the local monks. When the head abbot is found brutally murdered and a strange, mournful voice echoes from under the temple, the bloody truth of the temple's history will out. Players can be taint-infected patients/inmates, monks staffing the temple or visiting the temple when the murder takes place.

Continuum: Okay, I don't have a story concept for this. I just found the book at the UK Games Expo and want to see if I can make one of my players have an aneurysm at the table.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2014, 03:33:45 PM »
Since I'm straight up insane I use a forum to keep track of the games I want to run so that I can post notes to things from virtually anywhere. You can see it here if you so desire.

I must hear the Song of Ice and Fire/Battletech game. Record that one soon and out it on the actual plays. I'd also be interested to listen to a God-Machine game. Was your idea for it actually Mortals dealing with the God-Machine or just a Mortal game? I rarely use the God-Machine aside from a few quick Demon games I ran, and when I do, the players don't actually know what it is if they hadn't already read a lot of the fluff material. Just so you know, the Hunter update for God-Machine Chronicles came out. It's called Mortal Remains.

Also, definitely more Better Angels. I'm about to tell at least one of my game groups we have to put a game on hold so that we can play Better Angels. Wish I had known about the playtest kickstarter for No Soul Left Behind.

A Song Of Ice And Fire - The Rise and Fall House Harrowmoor - Okay, I mostly want to run through the house creation system to see how it goes but other than that the idea is to set the story right at the start of the books and treat it as an alt history. Things play out differently, a few background details change and the titular house is in the center of the cannibalistic wolf-pit that is Westerosi politics.

I learned this week to beware of a combination of Medium Crossbows, the Deadly Shot quality, and the Critical Hit rules. It's really easy to get critical hit in this game and the damage gets multiplied to a pretty ridiculous amount at times. Had four assassins with crossbows almost wipe the party. Thank the dice gods for Destiny Points. Definitely encourage your party to keep one on hand in case of death. The ones that didn't have any to burn are rolling up new characters for next session. I didn't even think it would have been that bad of an encounter, but it turn bad real quick. We have some great new storyline from it though. The only surviving noble of the House is plotting a lot of revenge.

The book also suffers from bad editing. I ended up typing my own reference sheets so I could actually find rules when I needed them. I have no idea why you wouldn't include weapon damages in the same section as you have their equipment entries.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2014, 07:14:12 PM »
I didn't even think it would have been that bad of an encounter, but it turn bad real quick.

Well, it wouldn't be a decent Game of Thrones adaptation if the mere prospect of combat didn't give a genuine sense of dread and rectal trauma due to spasmodic over-clenching.

The book also suffers from bad editing. I ended up typing my own reference sheets so I could actually find rules when I needed them. I have no idea why you wouldn't include weapon damages in the same section as you have their equipment entries.

Yeah, I've heard stuff like that. In general, Green Ronin stuff could really serve to be laid out in a slightly more... not 'logical', but perhaps a better way would be 'intuitive' or 'accessible' way.