Author Topic: Thunderscape: The World of Aden  (Read 7505 times)


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Thunderscape: The World of Aden
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:43:20 PM »
I'ed like to introduce you to a new product called "Thunderscape: The World of Aden". It is a setting for the Pathfinder Role-playing Game although it has conversion documents for the D6 system as well as Fate. The setting is the brainchild of Shane Hensley, the creator of the Deadlands RPG. The setting is based in a Steamtech Dark Fantasy setting where the world was once in a Golden Age of Magic, Science and Mechamagic through the use of a powerful metal known as "Manite". But then came a cataclysmic event called the "Darkfall" where the world was covered in a great darkness and creatures of myth and nightmare manifested in the world. These became known as the "Nocturnals". The Nocturnals ravaged across the world destroying numerous civilizations and killing untold numbers of people. What was worse is that many also became corrupted by the Darkfall, transforming into the Forsaken by the dark embrace of its power.

Now Aden is in a Dark Age where nations distrust one another and fight a desperate battle for survival against the Nocturnals. Powerful warriors and wizards march into battle side by side with deadly Golems, powerful Golemoids and wondrous scientific technology. The Age of Thunder has not ended. Aden will not slip quietly into the night.

The setting has 9 new classes, new races, new mechanics and an awesome story. You really should check the setting out at:

Or purchase it today off: