Author Topic: Lair of the Twilight Fox(base raiders)  (Read 9122 times)


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Lair of the Twilight Fox(base raiders)
« on: November 15, 2014, 04:10:58 AM »
So, We are two weeks into my first attempt at running base raiders.

The scenario is an origin story, and involves three of the would be base raiders looking into the disappearance of their father, Garret Umbra, during the events of Ragnarok, with assistance of their fathers demonic butler, with one very odd alien tagging along for no reason I can determine :/

Session One was largely made up of them uncovering the fact that their father was in actuality the the worlds greatest cat burglar, the twilight fox. In addition to this, they uncovered details about the location of the base, and hints that Garret is in someway connected to the earliest history of D&D, and that he did not appear to exist before the early 1970's. Finally, the crew, after exploring the idea of base creation, if not the actual system, detailed a little more of the base, and set of to break in. The session ended with them having gotten access to the penthouse apartment, masquerading as a law firm.

Second session saw them fighting off tiny jade automations in the entrance hall/art gallery(some priceless pieces were destroyed in the process), exploring their fathers games room complete with the spirits of two of gaming great luminaries who filled the base raiders in on their fathers origins as a DnD character from the original play tests, who broke out of the game and into the real world.  They then  started to make their way to their Garret's trophy room, when a well equiped group of corporate sponcered base raiders bust their way in through the pent house windows using wing suits. Clearly outgunned, the party fled upwards, through a portal, into a perfect copy of the hall of the London Natural History Musieum(with a T-Rex skeleton rather than Dippy.)

The butler undid the lock on the trophy room, and the group found themselves on the ceiling, where they got themselves kited out with power sources.

1. got a rocket pack belonging to the rocketeer Mrk.2(the fifties era daughter of the original rocketeer, who's two fisted commie punching adventures where not enough to save her from the persecution of the establishment for her love of the fairer sex), and a Freeze ray belonging to Dr Celarno, said freeze ray treasure of ultimate desire among super villian otaku.   

2. The butler got a cloak of elvenkind, that once belonged to the twilight fox(it has the aspect: No Capes!) and a a book containing the power of a magical girl. He can now transform into a magical princess of sparkles and feathers, to fight ills and be genuinely awesome.

3. got a set of omega's sorcerous power armour, and a small library of mystical tomes

4. The alien got a pair of boots of elvenkind, which had belonged to Garret Umbra, and had his shape changing powers restored.

5. got an Erick Zahn original with Hilbert space pick-up, and oil of the forge, with provides armour and minor immunity to fire.

Next session, they get to learn about burn, fight an undead fossil T-rex with comically tiny arms and the temperament of a Labrador, explore the rest of the base, and maybe face off against those professional base raiders. They might even get to learn why what the other base raiders are after.


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Re: Lair of the Twilight Fox(base raiders)
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2014, 05:45:30 PM »
Wow! Sounds like a great session. Glad you guys enjoyed it. For origin stories, you can always bump up their power level to medium at the end of the adventure to help pay off the burn.