Magic is inherently broken as we know, so we shall see how it goes.
Here's my problem. Magic is broken in D&D, and really only in D&D, and it
doesn't fucking have to be. Unknown Armies has an in-depth magic system, Mage gives all the players the same set of tools, FATE and other modern games allow the emulation of magic within a mechanical framework that's on par with other, non-magical characters. 4th Edition, not to argue edition wars, had magic which was balanced against martial characters and what magical characters could accomplish had reasonable limits on par with other characters.
Only in 3.0/3.5/Pathfinder/Next is a wizard a fucking superhero capable of goddamned anything, with abilities and powers completely different than any martial class in the game. Wizards in stories and folklore had limitations, specific narrow powers, and weaknesses. Wizards in D&D are slowed down by the rest of the party.
Yes, magic in D&D 5e is inherently broken. What frustrates me is that
it didn't have to be. The broken state of the magic system in D&D 5e was a deliberate choice, and 'because it is tradition' should not be an excuse.
edit: i am frustrated with elfgames