Author Topic: CoC7E  (Read 10112 times)


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« on: November 17, 2014, 11:18:28 PM »
Well it's out in digital form now. Giving it a readthrough now that it's in its final draft.

What does everyone else think of the new ruleset? I find myself more and more appreciative of Trail of Cthulhu nowadays.


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Re: CoC7E
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2014, 11:52:36 AM »
I can only speak from the quickstarter rules since I did not back the kickstarter nor buy the PDF.

As with any edition change, there's a few things I like and some which I don't like all that much.

The things I like:
Finally, Hide and Move Silently have been fused into a single Stealth skill.
Similarly, I'm glad that Firearms and Fighting have been simpolified. No longer will there be investigators with a 70% Headbutt skill and 20% at Kicking, or who have 90% on rifle and 15% on submachine gun.
Resistance Tables needed to die, so I'm glad they got rid of that.
Character creation is a bit simpler now, but I feel like it means there's less character customization than previous editions.

The things I don't like all that much:
Can't Listen and Spot Hidden just be made into a single Perception skill?
There's too much overlap between social skills. Charm and Persuade are basically the same, and if anything I think Charm could be substituted with an Appearance roll.
Similarly, do we really need separate skills for Electrical Repair, Mechanical Repair, and Operate Heavy Machinery? You could just put those all together, and maybe stick Locksmith in there somewhere.
I feel like the Bonus Dice and Penalty Dice mechanic is a needless addition. Just adding a bonus or a penalty to a skill check is good enough in my opinion.
Combat looks like is getting more complicated with the chance to do or receive damage outside of turn as a 'reaction' to attacks.
There's still the whole 'impaling' mechanic only working with some weapons and not others. I don't really understand the logic, but whatever.
No more doubling firearm rolls when in close combat, now its using a bonus die. Again, make things more complicated.

So in the end, it's just Call of Cthulhu with some skills joined together and with Bonus and Penalty dice rules tacked on. I think I will stick with 6th ed since it seems to be simply easier to use and I dislike the new bonus and penalty rules. I stayed away from Resistance Tables anyways and I liked to just hand-wave the weird skill separations.

I will agree that Trail is better suited for investigation-heavy scenarios anyways.


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Re: CoC7E
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2014, 12:22:07 AM »
Does anyone know when/if the deadtree version is getting released.


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Re: CoC7E
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2015, 03:37:31 PM »
I certainly hope the print version becomes available soon; it looks to me as though it's right in my personal sweet spot, combining the simplicity of standard CoC with some Trail of Cthulhu-esque innovations. If it's out before Fear the Con, I might use it to run a couple of my Civil War scenarios there.
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