After trying out the quickstart of the new 7th Sea (And our brand-new microphone!) our group decided to make another Red Markets enclave just for fun. After contemplating locales they decided to return to New Orleans from the first one-shot I ran, with some changes (Since everything I wrote the first time was GM Fiat).
Name: The Boneyard
The abandoned Six Flags park on the edge of Lake Ponchartrain, just outside of New Orleans.
Defenses:The restored barbed-wire fence encircling the perimeter of the park, a town guard of military diaspora, clear sightlines all around.
History:During the Crash the park was one of the major evac sites in the Mississippi Delta area, and when the quarantine was established it became home to the remaining evacuees who missed the last buses across the Lake. Joining them in exile was an understrength company of National Guardsmen who refused to abandon the civilians in Camp Six. For this they were declared
homo sacor and abandoned with everyone else, leaving them all with a healthy resentment for the DHQS and Recession government just across the Lake. Over time the survivors organized into a micro-government with representatives elected to a survivor's senate, countered by the executive arm of the Guard.
Top Exports:--Scrap metal from the unused sections of the park
--Guardsmen contracted out as mercenaries and security for other enclaves
--Food, primarily rice
Top Imports--Medicine; malaria and other insect-borne diseases are murder
--Ammo; lots of guns need lots of bullets
--Engineering Expertise; more battery power is burned on Skype calls to trained engineers for consultations to reinforce the makeshift living structures against flood and storms than any other electrical device in the camp
Competition:--Cajun Boys; swamp folk who trade with the Boneyard for scrap from time to time
--Anglermen; semi-nomadic group of survivors who fish off the Ponchartrain bridge and trade with nearby enclaves
--Lakefront; an airport on the short of Lake Ponchartrain, contracts Boneyard mercenaries for protection from raiders and Casualties
--The Crypt; Mercendez-Benz Superdome was once an evac site in downtown New Orleans, then a mass grave until a large group of Latents cleared it out and turned it into a fortress. Hostile groups like the Voodoo Kings and more than one ambitious Taker crew found out the hard way that they didn't clear out the
entire dome--Casualties make good metaphorical crocodiles
--Voodoo Kings; ruthless gang that wears a shallow pop culture image of traditional Louisiana diaspora folkways, much to the exasperation of actual hoodoo practitioners. The Kings raid the flooded ruins of downtown New Orleans for plunder with their fleet of canoes and riverboats. Boss operates out of a salvaged casino boat that serves as a floating palace of post-apocalyptic hedonism
--Ascension; cult of Believers who live in a secret enclave somewhere outside of New Orleans, not quite as zealous as the Meek but still unsettling in their pursuit of their leader's unknown agenda. Occasionally sends emissaries to certain enclaves to preach about God's plan and the Crash
Social Structure:The survivors of the Boneyard are primarily separated into two groups, the Senate and the Guard. The Senate is made up of elected representatives from the many evacuees who were left behind when the government closed off the Recession and bombed the Ponchartrain bridge, while the much smaller Guard is composed of the various ex-military volunteers from the National Guard company assigned to protect the evac site. The Senate itself is unofficially divided into two primary parties, the Settlers (Those who want to set aside the past and push for DHQS resettlement as soon as possible) and the Sovereign Party (Those who want to remain independent of the DHQS, whether out of self-interest, resentment, or fear). The Senate votes on decisions affecting the entire enclave, while the Guard carries out executive actions, enforces the law, and can veto Senate decisions.
Neighborhoods:See MapPonchartrain Beach: The marketplace, or as close as Boneyard has to one
DC & Looney Tunes: Two main scrapyards in the park where rides are torn down for surplus metal and building material
Cajun Country: Largest plot of farmland in the park
Main Street Square: High-class living for Senators, Guard officers, and other powerful citizens
Goodtime Gardens: Latent ghetto, separated from the rest of the park by multiple barbed wire fencelines and a Guard checkpoint
Mardi Gras: Poorest neighborhood in the enclave, a shanty town of corrugated metal, cardboard, and tarp tents.
VIPs:I haven't been able to come up with very interesting NPCs, so I'll just post the inspirations they gave me:
--National Guard Major
--hoodoo witch doctor (Mentor to one of the PCs, who is totes a hoodoo practitioner)
--doomsday prepper Senator (MY TIME HAS COME)
--fake (?) Supressin dealer