All play and no recaps makes TLC a bad GM.
All play and no recaps makes TLC a bad GM.
All play and
no recaps makes
TLC a bad GM.
All play? And no recaps makes.
TLC. A bad GM?
SCORE 1: RAIDERS OF THE LOSS: ARCHIVISTSAfter making it to the maker space the crew hopped in through the garage doors and searched the place. Making into the lounge they started to suspect people had been inhabiting the space, but they had their doubts (especially with Elder crit failing an awareness check). Once they started to clear the place Freebird succeeded in noticing that the fridge was stocked with food too fresh to be from prior tenants. After searching outside they spotted two people. They entered a tense round of negotiation, with Freebird trying to go around back to cover the rear and Elder and Pixie trying to calm down the people with a rifle and sub machine gun. After barely making it out without a gun fight, the pair agreed to stand down if the Reformers helped them clean out a library.
The pair were Archivists, a man named Rust and a woman named Violet. They talked as they drove, finding out more about the Archivist religion and discovering that the pair has been through quite the hell. At the library, they used more Dead Driving to clean out Casualties and then used guns to finish off the interior stragglers. They raided the library for anything useful, and the Archivists got the computers they wanted (also allowing us to make fun of Joel Osteen in the process,) and returned to the maker space.
Entering into more friendly negotiation, they managed to get the 3D Printers they needed along with a bunch of other goods, and the fridge which Freebird claimed, ending the previous session.
Which led us to tonight. Rather than forcing a long series of rolls to sell all the goods they brought, we abstracted it out to one final roll, where they succeeded and ended up making more Bounty than needed, a slight profit but enough to get Elder through his first Milestone. In the Vignettes Freebird's son Davion was upset that Freebird is focusing on getting excess goods (the solar panels, a fridge which he emphasized was 'for beer') for himself and not for Davion (he has dropped hints he'd like a game console if Freebird could find one), Elder and Jesse celebrated the milestone with the game console Elder thought to grab and Jesse revealed that he wanted to flee with Elder back to Baja California, which meant either getting a dialysis machine or a kidney transplant (much to the IRL shock and consternation of Alethea LOL), and Pixie and Anton took their dogs for a walk, with Anton saying if they could find some fencing of any sort they would be able to start breeding their dogs together as a side business.
While on the lookout for new jobs Pixie crit failed her search, which meant the Market got a -Rep for use in a future negotiation. The remaining searches located a job from the Governor and that Charlotte Drew was still searching for workers for an extermination job. Remembering the brewery's mission, Pixie was allowed a reroll and crit - succeeded, allowing her to know that the job was still fresh and also found out that the 'friendly' neighborhood drug dealer also wanted a job. After discussion they decided to go for Charlotte's job.
In negotiation they found it to be a 2 leg job to clean out a restaurant, as Charlotte is restaurateur, turning her old stores and abandoned ones into fort/restaurants in the Loss for weary travelers. With relatively short negotiation, they opted for full attack. While Freebird looked into competition, and got a crit success. Which was a godsend, as their competition was the Delta County Avengers, his former Raider group. Because it was him who found it and he crit succeeded he used his knowledge of the racists to get them effectively run out of town and eliminated them as future competition; but not from future encounters. The negotiation went well and they ended with Expenses and the hope of plenty of Bounty.
With 2 legs they opted to try the legs. The first leg they came upon an abandoned car. After crit failing his awareness it was found that a Vector inhabited the front seat. With his now silenced rifle Freebird was able to quietly cap him, and they searched the car. Elder found a console computer/entertainment system, and contemplated installing it in his truck (we'll need to stat that upgrade out if he agrees to it.) The second leg, Freebird spotted a glint of metal close by. They opted to drive closer, which meant the Raiders ran out and we rolled initiative. Freebird used all his ammo to called shot to the Raider's head, erasing it with his remaining charges and OHKOing the Raider. The other Raider was repeatedly shot, with his right leg and left arm being maimed (the leg sustained the most damage after Elder's reaction was to RUN HIM OVER.) Ending combat with an intimidation check by Freebird, Pixie opted to heal him out of Bleed Out and interogated him. He revealed (with pressure) that he was a member of the DCA, sent to attack the Reformers. Before Pixie could stop him to send a warning Freebird shot the man's wrist with his pistol, breaking it quite badly. Taking his helmet and his dead friend's rifle, the heroes left in silence after making multiple Threat tests and failing throughout combat and interrogation.
It didn't get better at the job site, as the coordinates led them to a strip mall, and they were greeted with this.

Except the name is "Mega Playground."
They're sent to exterminate in a children's restaurant.
To Be Continued:
MARKET FIAT CONTRACT THREE: A QUANTUM OF SOLACEMarket TickerWith their Score I really wanted to test out negotiation outside of combat. The standoff with the Archivists was super intense and they were one fail away from initiating combat. That's something I wanted to do with combat; I wanted to test it, but I didn't want to railroad them into doing it. Because things went poorly I pulled the library side quest out of a preplanned contract to make up a side quest, and it seemed like it went well.
So naturally they drive up to the glinting metal LOL. I expected them to floor it or inspect more, but they drove straight to it, so I felt like I had to. The fight was slow due to reviewing combat, but got intense, with great role play by the players and some real close calls. They haven't taken damage yet the whole campaign, but now they're starting to take some serious Threat damage.
In their role play for the first vignette Davion mentioned he wanted a game console, and I had remembered as I made opportunities for Freebird to find them, and he kept missing them due to rolls or not fighting for them in the negotiation in the Score. That and how to best deal with Jesse's kidney condition is leading to some interesting places in the Vignettes.
As I spoiled to the players; in my initial write ups I was legit going to make this scenario in a Freddy Fazbear's, with the complication being Casualties in suits which meant a -1 to all attacks. After we agreed to no Wackedy Schmackedy Doo I dropped the One Afternoon At Freddy's aspect but kept in the concept of the mental trauma of cleaning out a kid's restaurant, and then remembering Discovery Zone keeps the interesting factor; you and they will need to wait 'til next week to see how it plays out.
Thus far the play test has been going well. I hope Caleb's getting a lot out of our play/messing up his rules/technical difficulties. It's been a blast! We're hoping to continue to play, finishing the campaign even through it'll likely stretch past the beta. Alethea is going to do an Eclipse Phase campaign (YAY) and trinite might pull together a Delta Green II campaign once the docs start rolling in from the Kickstarter.