Author Topic: Technical Difficulties Gaming Podcast: Red Markets Beta Campaign: The Reformers  (Read 134175 times)

The Lost Carol

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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2015, 10:01:47 AM »
Maybe. I may or may not have thrown the Vectors at you. At least the person in the forklift would've had some protection.  ;D
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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2015, 05:24:04 PM »
Honestly, I'm surprised you guys didn't hotwire the forklifts.

Forklifts are loud.

Yeah, I briefly though of that, and figured it would be too loud. But hey, not louder than my yell when my ankle tendons started snapping.
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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2015, 10:34:50 AM »

I'm glad we didn't try the forklifts.
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The Lost Carol

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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2015, 12:07:02 AM »
Well, our last session was more closure and start up, but we made it through to the start of mission three!

After leaving the warehouse, the Reformers needed to keep the box truck with the guns and ammo fueled. After failing a foresight roll, the crew used Pixie's laptop to locate a nearby gas station / rest stop off the highway. After arriving they searched the place. The crew was able to get the pumps working, but not before Freebird tripped and fell, hurting his arm and attracting the attention of Casualties. They blocked off the door, pumped their gas, and fled up to Jeff's City. While on their way Pixie decided to look into Anton's backpack. It contained a scrapbook filled with pictures and mementos of his old life and his Taker career, and three dog eared novels: Ethan Whitehead's counter-cultural classic Man Jesus with the Golden Arm, a bootleg copy of one of the numerous scripts of his unreleased second novel Altamira: End of the Line, and another bootleg novel that ties into the events of Altamira called The Lover in the Ice;D Realizing these were just his cherished possessions, she put everything back, but learned Anton's soft spot: Nostalgia

After crit failing a check Freebird ended up pissing off the guards into enforcing the toll although they were working for the Governor. Pixie was able to sell the ink, and she and Freebird were able to find buyers for the guns and ammo, a local Taker group called Mayhem, made up of their leader Teeth, Jan, Pepper, Animal, and Zoot. ;) It now being super late, they opted to spend the Bounty on a hotel, and returned to the Four Seasons, ending the session.

After vignettes (Elder and his dependent at the walls, Pixie talking with Sarge about her idea for a dog breeding service between their dog and Anton's, and Freebird and his son setting up his solar panels,) they met to plan their next mission. For their next mission Pixie opted to come up with a score. With numerous maker workshops around Missouri they could raid one of these numerous warehouses for 3D printers and their printing materials, or a prosthetic manufacturer for prostheses, imminently useful for the medicine based Enclave. Figuring the 3D printers could get more Bounty and could make prostheses, they opted for the former.

Pixie met with two of the leaders of the Enclave, Dr. Hamilton and Carly Sweet. They decided to go for it, and agreed to purchase whatever they could grab. Armed with the hope of a big score and the Box truck to haul a bunch of shit, they left.

They opted to try for all the legs. They lucked out as I rolled two Role Play Conversations: What was your childhood like and how did you make it to the Enclave in a row. Their last was the Pack of Presently Wild Dogs, which they easily avoided in their vehicles. They made it to the maker workshop, where we left things for the night as a late start and technical issues f'd up with our timing.

Market Ticker

I am learning all the time. Freebird should be totes dead. I shouldn't have been rolling for the Vectors at all, meaning that although Freebird did hobble the first Vector it still would've been moving fast enough to munch on a limb. In the bare least he'd be infected; with two doses of Supressin he might've made it if he wasn't devoured. I need to freshen up on combat.

As for this session, it was kind of refreshing. Although we haven't (and may not be able to) do a full session in one go it's nice to see this progression of the vignettes, to the planning and / or negotiation, to the adventure of the legs and site (when I don't roll all Role Play and or skipping lol), to the lull in getting the goods to the client.

The game also strikes a great balance in role play. You could make it a story telling game with longer vignettes and more interplay in the sites, or just straight combat. I like that we're getting to know our heroes and the world they live in. It seems like our stories can get pretty tense, which is something I love about the game (even though sometimes it's because I fuck up violently as the GM.) Both sites and the legs where they had action have had great tense moments, like the Aberrant chase in Mission One or the Drone Farm in the legs of Mission Two. It feels like they players are making choices and rolls that matter, which is what playing an RPG is all about.

I'm doing my best to not have Wackedy Schmackedy Doo, but if I can't then dammit I will have Easter Eggs! :) Just something to show my appreciation, and/or torment Caleb with what RPPR put him through. I wonder if I got any of the names they used for Mayhem and Frag?
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 12:19:04 AM by The Lost Carol »
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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2015, 04:06:13 PM »
TLC, I expect the next Taker group we run into to consist of two Mormon Scientologists, a heavily-armed teenager, and his excessively permissive social worker.

I've been loving the game, though it seems my dice have taken a trip into Critical Failure Town recently. Still nothing compared to last year's playtest at Springfield GAME. :)
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The Lost Carol

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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2015, 11:09:42 PM »
All play and no recaps makes TLC a bad GM.
All play and no recaps makes TLC a bad GM.
All play and

no recaps makes

TLC a bad GM.

All play? And no recaps makes.
TLC. A bad GM?


After making it to the maker space the crew hopped in through the garage doors and searched the place. Making into the lounge they started to suspect people had been inhabiting the space, but they had their doubts (especially with Elder crit failing an awareness check). Once they started to clear the place Freebird succeeded in noticing that the fridge was stocked with food too fresh to be from prior tenants. After searching outside they spotted two people. They entered a tense round of negotiation, with Freebird trying to go around back to cover the rear and Elder and Pixie trying to calm down the people with a rifle and sub machine gun. After barely making it out without a gun fight, the pair agreed to stand down if the Reformers helped them clean out a library.

The pair were Archivists, a man named Rust and a woman named Violet. They talked as they drove, finding out more about the Archivist religion and discovering that the pair has been through quite the hell. At the library, they used more Dead Driving to clean out Casualties and then used guns to finish off the interior stragglers. They raided the library for anything useful, and the Archivists got the computers they wanted (also allowing us to make fun of Joel Osteen in the process,) and returned to the maker space.

Entering into more friendly negotiation, they managed to get the 3D Printers they needed along with a bunch of other goods, and the fridge which Freebird claimed, ending the previous session.

Which led us to tonight. Rather than forcing a long series of rolls to sell all the goods they brought, we abstracted it out to one final roll, where they succeeded and ended up making more Bounty than needed, a slight profit but enough to get Elder through his first Milestone. In the Vignettes Freebird's son Davion was upset that Freebird is focusing on getting excess goods (the solar panels, a fridge which he emphasized was 'for beer')  for himself and not for Davion (he has dropped hints he'd like a game console if Freebird could find one), Elder and Jesse celebrated the milestone with the game console Elder thought to grab and Jesse revealed that he wanted to flee with Elder back to Baja California, which meant either getting a dialysis machine or a kidney transplant (much to the IRL shock and consternation of Alethea LOL), and Pixie and Anton took their dogs for a walk, with Anton saying if they could find some fencing of any sort they would be able to start breeding their dogs together as a side business.

While on the lookout for new jobs Pixie crit failed her search, which meant the Market got a -Rep for use in a future negotiation. The remaining searches located a job from the Governor and that Charlotte Drew was still searching for workers for an extermination job. Remembering the brewery's mission, Pixie was allowed a reroll and crit - succeeded, allowing her to know that the job was still fresh and also found out that the 'friendly' neighborhood drug dealer also wanted a job. After discussion they decided to go for Charlotte's job.

In negotiation they found it to be a 2 leg job to clean out a restaurant, as Charlotte is restaurateur, turning her old stores and abandoned ones into fort/restaurants in the Loss for weary travelers. With relatively short negotiation, they opted for full attack. While Freebird looked into competition, and got a crit success. Which was a godsend, as their competition was the Delta County Avengers, his former Raider group. Because it was him who found it and he crit succeeded he used his knowledge of the racists to get them effectively run out of town and eliminated them as future competition; but not from future encounters. The negotiation went well and they ended with Expenses and the hope of plenty of Bounty.

With 2 legs they opted to try the legs. The first leg they came upon an abandoned car. After crit failing his awareness it was found that a Vector inhabited the front seat. With his now silenced rifle Freebird was able to quietly cap him, and they searched the car. Elder found a console computer/entertainment system, and contemplated installing it in his truck (we'll need to stat that upgrade out if he agrees to it.) The second leg, Freebird spotted a glint of metal close by. They opted to drive closer, which meant the Raiders ran out and we rolled initiative. Freebird used all his ammo to called shot to the Raider's head, erasing it with his remaining charges and OHKOing the Raider. The other Raider was repeatedly shot, with his right leg and left arm being maimed (the leg sustained the most damage after Elder's reaction was to RUN HIM OVER.) Ending combat with an intimidation check by Freebird, Pixie opted to heal him out of Bleed Out and interogated him. He revealed (with pressure) that he was a member of the DCA, sent to attack the Reformers. Before Pixie could stop him to send a warning Freebird shot the man's wrist with his pistol, breaking it quite badly. Taking his helmet and his dead friend's rifle, the heroes left in silence after making multiple Threat tests and failing throughout combat and interrogation.

It didn't get better at the job site, as the coordinates led them to a strip mall, and they were greeted with this.

Except the name is "Mega Playground."

They're sent to exterminate in a children's restaurant.


Market Ticker

With their Score I really wanted to test out negotiation outside of combat. The standoff with the Archivists was super intense and they were one fail away from initiating combat. That's something I wanted to do with combat; I wanted to test it, but I didn't want to railroad them into doing it. Because things went poorly I pulled the library side quest out of a preplanned contract to make up a side quest, and it seemed like it went well.

So naturally they drive up to the glinting metal LOL. I expected them to floor it or inspect more, but they drove straight to it, so I felt like I had to. The fight was slow due to reviewing combat, but got intense, with great role play by the players and some real close calls. They haven't taken damage yet the whole campaign, but now they're starting to take some serious Threat damage.

In their role play for the first vignette Davion mentioned he wanted a game console, and I had remembered as I made opportunities for Freebird to find them, and he kept missing them due to rolls or not fighting for them in the negotiation in the Score. That and how to best deal with Jesse's kidney condition is leading to some interesting places in the Vignettes.

As I spoiled to the players; in my initial write ups I was legit going to make this scenario in a Freddy Fazbear's, with the complication being Casualties in suits which meant a -1 to all attacks. After we agreed to no Wackedy Schmackedy Doo I dropped the One Afternoon At Freddy's aspect but kept in the concept of the mental trauma of cleaning out a kid's restaurant, and then remembering Discovery Zone keeps the interesting factor; you and they will need to wait 'til next week to see how it plays out.

Thus far the play test has been going well. I hope Caleb's getting a lot out of our play/messing up his rules/technical difficulties. It's been a blast! We're hoping to continue to play, finishing the campaign even through it'll likely stretch past the beta. Alethea is going to do an Eclipse Phase campaign (YAY) and trinite might pull together a Delta Green II campaign once the docs start rolling in from the Kickstarter.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 11:13:46 PM by The Lost Carol »
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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #36 on: October 30, 2015, 03:00:43 PM »
Playtest Update and Reminders

Hello everyone,

I’ll start by saying thank you. The amount of time and dedication you’ve spent reading, critiquing, and playing Red Markets is one of the most encouraging things to happen in my short game design career. I’m so grateful for everyone that’s taken the time to write up their sessions on the forums. It’s really great to see, and witnessing how you guys are interacting in-character online has given me a dozen more ideas for future products and features.

We are entering November, meaning there is little over a month left in the beta. I’m already compiling playtest reports and my own notes into a master change log.  Here’s a reminder of the plan:

•   Get all the playtests in by the Dec. 20th deadline
•   Use Christmas break and (hopefully) snow days to do a massive revision of the rules text
•   Run a second playtest campaign with the RPPR crew in late Winter/Spring to test the post-Beta revisions. Revise the book as I go and plan the Kickstarter campaign.
•   Ross posts the first playtest campaign as we start playing the second, hopefully building up some hype.
•   Kickstarter launches in early Summer, sometime after school lets out and man the comments section full time.
•   If the book doesn’t fund: cry forever.
•   If it does fund: do a jig. Perhaps even a “Carlton.”
•   After my jig, distribute Beta 2 to backers.
•   Complete the setting stuff, edit, layout, art, etc.

But all of this hinges upon you – the noble playtesters – turning in the playtest reports. I’ve noticed more participation in the game than I’ve received feedback…by a much larger margin than expected. I understand some of this is inevitable, and many of you are merely waiting to get more games under your belt in order to make an informed decision, but we are quickly approaching the point at which I need those reports back.

The audio is priceless, and listening to you guys play my game every day on the ride to work has deeply informed my revision plans already. But whenever possible, I still need as many detailed playtest surveys as I can get. The audio is great for in-depth analysis, but Red Markets is a big book in need of big changes. In short, I need breadth as well as depth, and while I can drop a hundred playtest reports on my office floor and collate revisions all at once, I can’t listen to a dozen AP’s simultaneously.

So as we enter the final month, that’s what I wanted to say. Thank you to everyone that’s reported in so far. For everyone else, thank you and PLEASE email in November if you have not reported in yet. I need all of you if I’m going to help make the game better.
My address is

Happy taking,


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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #37 on: October 30, 2015, 11:12:35 PM »
Thoughts about the previous sessions:

Session 1 - I thought the "combat negotiation" scene worked great. It shows that the negotiation rules system is powerful and flexible enough to work in ways beyond its core intent. I feel like we as a crew are getting a little too good at managing casualty groups through the use of tactical retreating and driving to kite them. For dramatic purposes, we're going to need some more complications to prevent us from just using that trick every time. And I was surprised that the Score didn't pay off better, but that's the way the dice go.

Session 2 - This was a great roleplaying session for me. Freebird got into some dark and complex places. I had forgotten about Davion's video game system request in real life, so I decided that Freebird had totally forgotten about it, too. He definitely felt like he had let his son down. He's feeling pretty guilty, and I'd say he took that out on the injured raider later. He can be a pretty vengeful and ruthless guy, and his companions hadn't really seen that side of him before. It was pretty shocking for them. He suffered a lot more from that action than he'll admit, and if things go bad at this kiddie restaurant he could easily end up with a detachment Crack. He's certainly going to be looking hard for a video game for Davion.
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The Lost Carol

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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #38 on: November 09, 2015, 11:16:24 PM »
Our heroes (AGAIN) managed to avoid taking damage; but that doesn't mean they're not hurting...


After arriving at the Mega Playground and a river of obscenities Pixie called Charlotte and made her come clean. Her daughter Angelica had been at the Mega Playground during the Crash and presumably died inside. Due to the Casualties and the mental trauma she couldn't bring herself to go inside, and couldn't think of a reason to drag Takers into it. Once she rebuilt her business she had been trying, but only the DCA would dare take the job, and she didn't want those racist nutbags anywhere near her daughter. She promised extra Bounty if they could find and confirm her daughter was truly dead.

Upon hanging up the team planned the best point of ingress. They elected to go to the back of the building. Seeing a ladder up to the roof, they checked showing that there was roof access to the playground section of the restaurant. They elected to wait, and start by going through the kitchen. After blocking off the way with dumpsters, Elder opened the door... to a wave of 20 Casualties.

Barely making it out, they spent a ton of ammo dropping the wave after finding they couldn't move the dumpsters again. Checking the corpses they found that a military unit had tried to take the restaurant as a safe house, retreated to the kitchen... and that was it. After clearing the kitchen, they checked the restrooms and then cleared out the restaurant floor, leaving only a few Casualties in the playground itself. While searching, they found one of the party rooms had a ton of dead piled inside, harming sanity. They went to the manager's office and found the final horror; gouts of ancient dried blood covering the walls. Pixie found a note in the manager's desk and became the victim of the first crack: the note implies the manager slit the throats of all the kids during the Crash rather than turn them into Casualties.

Faced with this knowledge, the team looked through the corpse pile and managed to find Angelica. Taking pictures (and confirming her throat was slit, likely meaning that she was never a Casualty,) they did one last sweep before leaving. While in the arcade, Freebird spotted a video game console that combined a bunch of older consoles and combo packs of classic games. One lockpick later and he had the thing to satisfy his son. As they were leaving they checked the shoe racks and found Angelica's backpack, with a picture of her family saying "I <3 Mommy". Grabbing it, the team left the Mega Playground, again victorious, but again worse for the wear. After Pixie gave Charlotte the backpack the grateful but hysterical woman gave them a bonus 15 Bounty and the team gained a one time use +1 rep and a permanent +1 for missions with Charlotte. Another notch in the belt, but how will Pixie react to this new found mental trauma?


This was my toughest role playing yet. While I loved the concept and this got dark this could've gotten DAAARRRK super quick. One of the keys with horror in roleplaying it seems is a fearlessness to push boundaries yet knowing when to stop. I'm not necessarily one for trigger warnings (and this is not the place for that argument again,) but as one who has the privilege of not needing them this might be one to include it.

A lot of what happened between the two generations of groups in the Mega Playground was improved. Angelica's fate was sealed from the get go, but honestly the later group just came about in play, and since I knew the fate of the party during the crash I was able to connect it to the later group.

I think this idea did get executed fairly well. I was hoping for a last stand type fight in the top of the Mega Playground, but caution is the key to survival, and the Reformers are very tactically sound. I've been amping up my scares, so that means I need to amp up the physical threat. We'll see how it goes...
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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #39 on: November 14, 2015, 07:56:44 PM »
This was a good jobsite. Once again, we managed to defuse most of the physical Casualty threat with our ultra-cautious tactical-kiting dungeon-crawl style of play. But there was no way to avoid the mental threats! And the whole story of the partially-cleared facility, and then the second survivor group getting taken out, was quite interesting.

I just had a thought: one thing that I think could be an interesting change of pace during a campaign would be a very LONG job, with not only multiple legs but also multiple jobsites (with separate sets of legs between each) to tell an extended story. Having no return to the enclave or payment until full completion would give far more weight to the burden of resource expenditure. For example, let's imagine hunting down a person in the Loss, bounty-hunter style. Go to one location to find information on where the target is, go to a second location to find him, then maybe chase the target as he flees to a third location. And then maybe encounter some more complications during the return trip.
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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #40 on: November 15, 2015, 09:18:28 AM »
That'd be real interesting - have to be a heck of a payday to make it worth while to a Taker crew OR there'd have to be a plan to merchant it up between jobsites to in order to keep the crew going. But really interesting. I can see that sort of thing being necessary for mercy jobs in addition a bounty hunter job, seeing as Casualties do wander off.

Aaand now I have an idea for an entire Taker crew with this business model.....
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The Lost Carol

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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2015, 12:07:18 AM »
We got started with Mission 5;

After Teeth from Mayhem came back and returned the box truck safe and sound with Six (6) Bounty as payment; The Reformers got into their vignettes (Elder and Jesse passing out toys to kids at the Orphanarium and talking about Pixie's crack, Pixie and Sarge having a... Tasteful Fade To Black and afterwards talking about their names for once they reach the Recession, and Freebird giving the game console and games to Davion and buying a TV from Carly at the Four Seasons Lodge and also discussing making it to the Recession). Before they left, Pixie's Tough Spot was tapped, as Sarge was visited by Corporal Samuelsson, requesting shelter as he rolled into town.

The only jobs available were the job for the beer bottles from the Cases and the job from the Governor. After thinking they'd make more money from the Governor they elected for that route. They met him in Jeff's City and found their task; a candy company, "Tasty Treet Candy Company", had plenty of unrolled plastic that was used for making candy wrappers. These thick sheets would be ideal for tarps for the goods that come into Jeff's City via the river. After a short negotiation phase our heroes managed to get to 100% Mark Up, meaning a whopping Ninety Four (94) Bounty!

Before they left, Pixie asked for help from Jonas McCree, a librarian in the Four Seasons, who gave them a map of the Tasty Treet factory in exchange for Juicy Joes Jelly Buddies swag and/or the recipe and/or some leftover candies (they are pure sugar, after all). The Reformers elected to take all four legs; the first had them hunker down in the vehicles as a swarm of Locusts were chased by a swarm of DHQS Drones spraying pesticide. Pixie and Freebird took some stun as they inhaled a little bit, and then they had to book it as the bugs drew out a mass of 28 Casualties after a crit roll by the Market.

Their next leg was a bit easier, as they encountered the Trade Caravan Tigris, with the Trader Alan and Guards Rufus and Thelma. Freebird elected to purchase a Kevlar Vest, even though his fail made it worth Nine (9) Bounty instead of Six (6). Leaving their new acquaintances, they passed by a group of wild horses. With no one having animal training as a skill they tried to gauge interest in the location for cash, but only succeeded in getting likes for the photos and making a meme. The last leg had them encounter a toll bridge. The old coot manning it demanded One (1) Bounty per person, even after knowing they were on a mission from the Governor and that they didn't have to pay to get into Jeff's City. Freebird's Asshole-Ness Intimidation brought it down to 2, which Elder paid (so he could tap his spot).

Finally at the Tasty Treet, they were nervous to find that the building was powered and running. Freebird (again) dropped his binoculars and thought he saw a rifle barrel, but they couldn't find anyone on the first floor. The Reformers went in through the front and searched the offices. The main office offered a vault, and a desk which had documents that were scribbled on; "The Candyman is Love, All Hail the Candyman"... Elder opened the vault with his lockpick kit... which promptly set off the alarm. Scanning the vault, they found file cabinets that were sure to include the recipes, Ten (10) Bounty, a USB Stick, and a scrap of cloth covered, nay, dipped in what appeared to be old syrup or caramel. As they left the office they were chased by two men, one with a handgun and one with a fire axe, leading to a good cliffhanger for



As I was racking my head trying to come up with new Contracts the central conceit of the Contract hit me as I was driving and I nearly ran off the road cackling in delight. I hope you do as well once it arrives.

Again, my players keep upping their game with role play. The vignettes were even better and the legs led to some good talk, especially during the Toll Bridge.

My chief concern thus far has been not being too killer GM with my Contracts. The Reformers are not combat heavy and generally lean toward the good side of the alignment chart, which restricts the Contracts I can throw their way. I can't really send them against a heavily armed group of Raiders or waist deep in Casualties. The extermination job and this are being used to kind of let me dip my toes into danger; I hope I'm doing it fairly, in an interesting fashion, and a way that does the game justice for Caleb's sake.

@Alethea and trinite:

Multi-Site Contracts seems like a very good idea. I've already come up with a concept that ties into a previously mentioned Contract by Caleb, and I have an idea for another.

You should go through the horrors of Branson at some point anyway...  ;)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 12:11:32 AM by The Lost Carol »
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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2015, 12:41:34 PM »
You should go through the horrors of Branson at some point anyway...  ;)

You son of a bitch. ;D
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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #43 on: November 19, 2015, 05:59:41 PM »
You should go through the horrors of Branson at some point anyway...  ;)

You son of a bitch. ;D

Well, Google Maps has given me enough of a hint to be afraid.
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Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« Reply #44 on: November 23, 2015, 03:36:46 PM »
Here's something I thought of that might make an interesting change to infection rolls: Have the Player roll the Black die, and the Market roll the red die. The player will have a semi-informed guess about how likely they are to have been infected, but no certain knowledge either way. Seems to me that this could simulate the details of the infectious incident (Black 1: bad bite near a major blood vessel; Black 10: maybe got some spit on me, but nothing seems to have broken the skin). And it could really play up the unique horror of the situation.

Anyway, that's pretty hardcore co-designer feedback, so take it or leave it, Caleb. :)
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