I was going to post something in HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING, but I thought that I was posting a bit much about wargames in that thread and since the RPPR crew are talking about wargames on thier podcasts, I'd start a new thread:
Here's a podcast interview with Jon Tuffley, the proprietor (and sole operator) of Ground Zero Games:
Meeples & Miniatures – Episode 230 – Ground Zero GamesThe interview begins at about 36 minutes in.
GZG published a number of sci-fi tabletop wargames rules in the 90's:
Full Thrust (starship fleet action);
Dirtside (6mm ground combat); and
Stargrunt (25 mm ground combat), and sells miniatures for all of those game lines and others. I own copies of all of Tuffley's rules and have played a lot of
Full Thrust, and even after all these years
FT is still my favourite sci-fi fleet action ruleset. And pdfs of their rules can be downloaded for free from the GZG website, there's a link on the podcast blog post.
As discussed in the podcast, GZG is a rare long-time survivor in the wargaming industry who (unlike other companies that have come and gone over the years) haven't tried to become "the next GW" and burnt out as a result.
One thing I'd like to hear about is people's introduction to wargames and their experiences in the hobby.
I began wargaming in '84, shortly after my friends and I discovered rpgs. There was a hobby store in the local mall which sold rpgs, wargames, dice & miniatures in addition to models & model making supplies. While browsing the rpg shelf, we noticed notice some little boxed games with names like
G.E.V. and
Car Wars nearby. I was immediately hooked on
Ogre/GEV and one of my friends was smitten by
Car Wars. I've played plenty of other wargames since then, both hexmap and miniatures, but you never forget your first love, and I still get in a game of Ogre at least once a year at a local gaming convention.
Since first playing
Ogre/GEV and figuring out that
Car Wars was just too damned complex, I've played a fair number of wargames. I haven't kept track of hours played, but all told I'm probably more of a wargamer than a roleplayer.
I've gotten into historical wargames, but mostly of the WWI/WWII variety, and mostly of the microarmour (6mm) and naval wargaming scales. For a while in the 90's I played quite a lot of
Spearhead, a WWII microarmour game, until the day the president of the club walked in wearing a "2nd Waffen SS: European Tour" t-shirt and a shit-eating grin, and that was the end of that gaming club.

I haven't played much in the way of WWI/WWII skirmish games, though I did pick up a copy of
Crossfire, a very interesting looking skirmish game with a unique initiative/action system form the author of
Spearhead a while back, but I haven't actually had the chance to play it.
In sci-fi wargaming, I've played a fair number of games. As I said above, I've been an
Ogre/GEV fan for over thirty years, somewhere in storage I have a full set of
Ogre Miniatures from the early aughts, and I'll probably be buying the new
Ogre Minis when they come out too. As mentioned above, I've played GZG's
Full Thrust, a game which really has everything I want in a sci-fi fleet action experience. There was a fellow who used to run
FT at local conventions and the FLGS downtown regularly, and I got into his games quite regularly for years there. I never got into
40k, but I have played a bit of
Epic, the microarmour scale version of
40k. The sci-fi wargame I've played the most would have to be
Heavy Gear, a mecha game from a little gaming company out of Montreal called Dream Pod 9 (I've also played
Battletech, but never really got into it). The 1st & 2nd editions of
Heavy Gear had gorgeous artwork & mechanical designs and a very well fleshed-out setting; I had a lot of fun playing it, particularly the skirmish/Gear duelling rules. Unfortunately, the local
HG scene fell apart after DP9 put out a new edition which most of the existing playerbase (myself included) hated, and which also failed to attract a new, sustainable playerbase. These days, I'm not wargaming as much as I used to. I get in some games every year at CanGames, the local & long-running gaming convention, and I've been demonstrating and organizing games of
Mobile Frame Zero, a mecha skirmish game where you build your giant robots (and the terrain) out of lego.
MFZ is heavily influenced by the sort of "Real Robot" anime that I'm a fan of, and the creators are unrepentantly clear about their
politics (tl;dr: no space nazis).
I never got into fantasy wargames. That's purely a matter of taste, the look of fantasy just doesn't appeal to me as much as sci-fi.
So what's your wargaming story?