Author Topic: What they made you, A Character Thread  (Read 7256 times)

Tadanori Oyama

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What they made you, A Character Thread
« on: January 29, 2010, 07:41:48 PM »
I was just reflecting on some of the characters I've played since getting the new group I play with started. It's been about a year now and I've only gotten to play a few (I mostly GM). And it occurred to me that all of my characters quickly developed in new ways after I started playing them.

I also realized that most of the things I remembered about my character weren't created by me; they where things other players had tacked on with comments or jokes. Infact, nearly every character I remember was altered significantly because other players remembering running gags or stupid things that character had done and continued to bring them up.

So, I thought I'd see what everyone else had to share.

Share memorable qualities or traits your characters developed through other player's words rather than your own ideas.

My first example is the Racist Angel James Mason. I may have shared this before, I'm not sure.

I was playing D&D 4E for the first time as a player and not a GM. I was playing a Deva (the new Aasimar) Paladin and for his in-character voice I was doing an impression of James Mason. Our party got trapped in a hedge maze and after a little discussion I turned to the party Cleric, a minotaur, and asked "Can you get us through this?"

Everyone looked at me like what I said didn't make sense. The Cleric asked, "Why are you asking me?"

I replied, "Are you going to make me say it?"

He replied, "Say what?"

I, as a player, looked back at them stunned and replied, in character (using the impression): "Well... you are a minotaur. And this is a maze."

And so my character was instantly, and forever, labeled a racist.


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Re: What they made you, A Character Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 08:01:22 PM »
Well, back in first year college, I found this group of DnD players via the facebook and said, Why the fuck not, I'll play with them.
First session, the DM introduces my character through the players hearing my muffled yelps.

Turns out my Druid, was imprisoned in the trunk of a tree. There was a hole in the tree.

From then on it was assumed that I had fucked my way into the tree and that I was sexually attracted to all plantlife. Thanx guyz.
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.


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Re: What they made you, A Character Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2010, 06:56:58 AM »
During a SLA Industries round my group was tasked to go to a local school and promote SLA. Before this one of the guys was telling us about a guy who was on a kids tv show and was taking questions from the kids. When one of the kids asked 'Why are you such a wanker?' the guy flipped out, understandably.

The Group was in a similar situation and it was my turn to be asked questions. I was playing a Stormer called Trystol (Bio engineered monstrous super soldier). After answering a few I got the snotty kid asking 'Why are you such a wanker?'. Naturally Trystol was pissed off but maintains his cool.

Later after some amphetamine laced soft drinks supplied by the corporate sponsor (PLOT!!) were drunk in copious amounts by the kids, teachers and the squad things got interesting... more to the fact a pre-teen riot ensued. Riding off the random drug effects Trystol decided that he'd give the snotty kid a piece of his mind, found him and proceeded to crit an intimidation roll which caused the kid to cry and pee his pants. The group's reaction was 'He really IS a wanker!'

From then on every character I played was branded a wanker by the group because I was playing him. bastards...