Author Topic: Need a little help with an Item creation  (Read 32684 times)


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Re: Need a little help with an Item creation
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2009, 10:33:06 AM »
These are a couple my GM friend Hero provided in one of our games.

Faulty Boots of Levitation: These boots constantly attempt to levitate at a distance of approximately 1cm (1/2 inch) off any horizontal surface. They do not do so perfectly, and any strong push will cause them to make contact. Anything with a flat, definable surface boundary will do, such as calm water or even the top of a particularly dense fog bank. Unfortunately, due to their low levitation height, the wearer must move VERY carefully so as not to disturb the surface, at which point the boots will cease to function. They can help with stealth checks based on sound, and if the player walks very lightly they can avoid leaving footprints. Sometimes if hit the player will loose friction with the ground and bounce around like an air-hockey puck until they fall prone to stop themselves.

The Belt of Reverse Gravity This belt reverses gravity on the wearer and all of their possessions. Falling damage applies if the ceiling is more than a few feet above their head, and again when they come back down. Make sure to apply a surprise penalty the first time it happens. If used outside, the player will fall upwards indefinitely. The belt is not magically attached, but is somewhat difficult to remove due a complex latch. Force a low (5) DC "Disable Device" (allow untrained in this case) check in order to remove it quickly when dramatically appropriate. (such as when the player is careening upwards into the sky)