Author Topic: New world campaign  (Read 351364 times)


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #360 on: October 14, 2010, 05:08:24 PM »
It took most of my sanity but I think I have successfully transcibed this.

What are you talking about he types good?




It actually says "What are you talking about?  He types good."  I was typing with my right hand shifted over one set of keys.

Flawless P

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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #361 on: October 14, 2010, 05:13:17 PM »
ah pl o get ot/

I just realized I use weird fingers to i favor the hell out of my left hand, for keys that are clearly closer to my right.
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #362 on: October 14, 2010, 05:16:58 PM »
Va gur pbagrkg bs erprag qrirybczragf, vg unf orpbzr arprffnel gb rinyhngr naq rfgnoyvfu n qrsvavgvir frg bs cebgbpbyf jvgu ertneqf gb YNMNEHF pngrtbel fcrpvzraf, obgu va gur yno naq gur jvyq. Gb guvf raq, cebwrpg pbqr anzrq ERFHEERPGVBAVFG jvyy birefrr n frevrf bs rkcrevzragf naq svryq grfgf va beqre gb shysvyy gur ntraqn frg ol gur Juvgr Ubhfr. Gurfr qverpgvirf zhfg or pneevrq bhg va n gvzryl znaare, erdhvevat pbbcrengvba sebz nyy vaibyirq ntrapvrf. Nyy ntrapvrf ner pbqrq nf ERF-1 guebhtu ERF-7 naq jvyy or ersreerq gb nf fhpu va vagreany qbphzragngvba. Cyrnfr erivrj gur erfcbafvovyvgvrf naq qhgvrf frg sbe lbhe ntrapl naq fhozvg lbhe pbzzragf ertneqvat gurz ab yngre guna Bpgbore 13. Gur shyy naq pbzcyrgr cnegvpvcngvba bs nyy vaibyirq ntrapvrf vf pevgvpny gb gur fhpprff bs guvf cebwrpg. ERFHEERPGVBAVFG unf orra qrrzrq n cebwrpg ivgny gb angvbany frphevgl ol gur Juvgr Ubhfr naq nyy nccebcevngr erfbheprf jvyy or nyybpngrq gb rafher vgf pbagvahnapr.

NOFGENPG: Va beqre gb fhzznevmr gur zngrevny pbirerq va gur Jrfg yrpgherf (erpbirerq sebz Zvfxngbavp Havirefvgl nepuvirf) ertneqvat gur Bzrtn Navzn gurbel, vg zhfg or erzrzorerq gung vg jnf Iba Whamg jub chfurq gur Nve Sbepr vagb qrirybcvat nccyvpnoyr thvqryvarf sbe hfvat YNMNEHF fcrpvzraf nf nvepensg beqanapr. Guvf jbex vf gur sbhaqngvba bs nyy pheerag ERFHEERPGVBAVFG cebgbpbyf. Nyy ntrapvrf fubhyq hfr gur Iba Whamg thvqryvarf nf gurve fgnegvat cbvag.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #363 on: October 14, 2010, 05:25:22 PM »
ah pl o get ot/

I just realized I use weird fingers to i favor the hell out of my left hand, for keys that are clearly closer to my right.

Same thing I realized when I was doing this.  It's really hard to type incorrectly when you have the keyboard memorized.

Va gur pbagrkg bs erprag qrirybczragf, vg unf orpbzr arprffnel gb rinyhngr naq rfgnoyvfu n qrsvavgvir frg bs cebgbpbyf jvgu ertneqf gb YNMNEHF pngrtbel fcrpvzraf, obgu va gur yno naq gur jvyq. Gb guvf raq, cebwrpg pbqr anzrq ERFHEERPGVBAVFG jvyy birefrr n frevrf bs rkcrevzragf naq svryq grfgf va beqre gb shysvyy gur ntraqn frg ol gur Juvgr Ubhfr. Gurfr qverpgvirf zhfg or pneevrq bhg va n gvzryl znaare, erdhvevat pbbcrengvba sebz nyy vaibyirq ntrapvrf. Nyy ntrapvrf ner pbqrq nf ERF-1 guebhtu ERF-7 naq jvyy or ersreerq gb nf fhpu va vagreany qbphzragngvba. Cyrnfr erivrj gur erfcbafvovyvgvrf naq qhgvrf frg sbe lbhe ntrapl naq fhozvg lbhe pbzzragf ertneqvat gurz ab yngre guna Bpgbore 13. Gur shyy naq pbzcyrgr cnegvpvcngvba bs nyy vaibyirq ntrapvrf vf pevgvpny gb gur fhpprff bs guvf cebwrpg. ERFHEERPGVBAVFG unf orra qrrzrq n cebwrpg ivgny gb angvbany frphevgl ol gur Juvgr Ubhfr naq nyy nccebcevngr erfbheprf jvyy or nyybpngrq gb rafher vgf pbagvahnapr.

NOFGENPG: Va beqre gb fhzznevmr gur zngrevny pbirerq va gur Jrfg yrpgherf (erpbirerq sebz Zvfxngbavp Havirefvgl nepuvirf) ertneqvat gur Bzrtn Navzn gurbel, vg zhfg or erzrzorerq gung vg jnf Iba Whamg jub chfurq gur Nve Sbepr vagb qrirybcvat nccyvpnoyr thvqryvarf sbe hfvat YNMNEHF fcrpvzraf nf nvepensg beqanapr. Guvf jbex vf gur sbhaqngvba bs nyy pheerag ERFHEERPGVBAVFG cebgbpbyf. Nyy ntrapvrf fubhyq hfr gur Iba Whamg thvqryvarf nf gurve fgnegvat cbvag.

I see your dripping yellow madness, and I raise you Grumble, the comic you cannot read (though I did translate it up until the writer just stopped using words).

Seejo Crux

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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #364 on: October 14, 2010, 06:32:39 PM »
Va gur pbagrkg bs erprag qrirybczragf, vg unf orpbzr arprffnel gb rinyhngr naq rfgnoyvfu n qrsvavgvir frg bs cebgbpbyf jvgu ertneqf gb YNMNEHF pngrtbel fcrpvzraf, obgu va gur yno naq gur jvyq. Gb guvf raq, cebwrpg pbqr anzrq ERFHEERPGVBAVFG jvyy birefrr n frevrf bs rkcrevzragf naq svryq grfgf va beqre gb shysvyy gur ntraqn frg ol gur Juvgr Ubhfr. Gurfr qverpgvirf zhfg or pneevrq bhg va n gvzryl znaare, erdhvevat pbbcrengvba sebz nyy vaibyirq ntrapvrf. Nyy ntrapvrf ner pbqrq nf ERF-1 guebhtu ERF-7 naq jvyy or ersreerq gb nf fhpu va vagreany qbphzragngvba. Cyrnfr erivrj gur erfcbafvovyvgvrf naq qhgvrf frg sbe lbhe ntrapl naq fhozvg lbhe pbzzragf ertneqvat gurz ab yngre guna Bpgbore 13. Gur shyy naq pbzcyrgr cnegvpvcngvba bs nyy vaibyirq ntrapvrf vf pevgvpny gb gur fhpprff bs guvf cebwrpg. ERFHEERPGVBAVFG unf orra qrrzrq n cebwrpg ivgny gb angvbany frphevgl ol gur Juvgr Ubhfr naq nyy nccebcevngr erfbheprf jvyy or nyybpngrq gb rafher vgf pbagvahnapr.

NOFGENPG: Va beqre gb fhzznevmr gur zngrevny pbirerq va gur Jrfg yrpgherf (erpbirerq sebz Zvfxngbavp Havirefvgl nepuvirf) ertneqvat gur Bzrtn Navzn gurbel, vg zhfg or erzrzorerq gung vg jnf Iba Whamg jub chfurq gur Nve Sbepr vagb qrirybcvat nccyvpnoyr thvqryvarf sbe hfvat YNMNEHF fcrpvzraf nf nvepensg beqanapr. Guvf jbex vf gur sbhaqngvba bs nyy pheerag ERFHEERPGVBAVFG cebgbpbyf. Nyy ntrapvrf fubhyq hfr gur Iba Whamg thvqryvarf nf gurve fgnegvat cbvag.

Having read this, I have some questions:

- What is Ressurectionist?
[spoiler] What are Lazarus Category specimens?[/spoiler]
[spoiler] Why - how! - could they be used as aircraft ordinance?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Who is Von Junzt and what is the Omega Anima theory?[/spoiler]
- Why would the White House be involved in this? (They're the good guys!)

Ruby scripting and Cryptography skills. It's been nice knowing you guys but I think there's a well-dressed man knocking at my door.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #365 on: October 14, 2010, 07:23:03 PM »
zlh jnxyz Otghcg Yzognhy Futjhxhtfh nt 1970 yhz juxzl zlh xorhy jux hyzcdrnylntk c thb yvhfnhy uj otghcg. Crr ausdnhy cxh frcyynjnhg otghx zlh khtoy Fuxvoy: 

1. Zlh ausdnh ny c vcxcynznf yvhfnhy. Crr ausdnhy xhwonxh zlh fuxvyh uj ct ctnscr jux c luyz duge.

2. Zlh ausdnh oyhy zlh Ushkc Ctnsc jux hthxke, xhwonxntk tu juug nt uxghx zu xhscnt ctnsczh. Nz sce futyosh jrhyl, doz tu yvhfnhy hczy htuokl shcz zu cffuotz jux nzy hthxke uozvoz.

3. Zlh ausdnh sugnjnhy nzy luyz duge, fxhczntk zlh KLOR khthznf scxqhxy nt nzy GTC. 

Zlny ghjntnznut lcy yhxmhg zlh yfnhtznjnf fussotnze bhrr, lurgntk ov otghx ghfcghy uj thb xhyhcxfl ctg ntynklz. Zlh OT lcy xhfuktnahg zlny ghjntnznut nt yhmhxcr ntzhxtcznutcr zxhcznhy.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #366 on: October 14, 2010, 07:36:41 PM »
zlh jnxyz Otghcg Yzognhy Futjhxhtfh nt 1970 yhz juxzl zlh xorhy jux hyzcdrnylntk c thb yvhfnhy uj otghcg. Crr ausdnhy cxh frcyynjnhg otghx zlh khtoy Fuxvoy: 

1. Zlh ausdnh ny c vcxcynznf yvhfnhy. Crr ausdnhy xhwonxh zlh fuxvyh uj ct ctnscr jux c luyz duge.

2. Zlh ausdnh oyhy zlh Ushkc Ctnsc jux hthxke, xhwonxntk tu juug nt uxghx zu xhscnt ctnsczh. Nz sce futyosh jrhyl, doz tu yvhfnhy hczy htuokl shcz zu cffuotz jux nzy hthxke uozvoz.

3. Zlh ausdnh sugnjnhy nzy luyz duge, fxhczntk zlh KLOR khthznf scxqhxy nt nzy GTC. 

Zlny ghjntnznut lcy yhxmhg zlh yfnhtznjnf fussotnze bhrr, lurgntk ov otghx ghfcghy uj thb xhyhcxfl ctg ntynklz. Zlh OT lcy xhfuktnahg zlny ghjntnznut nt yhmhxcr ntzhxtcznutcr zxhcznhy.

Definitely just failed my cryptography check. I think it's an alien language!
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
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Seejo Crux

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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #367 on: October 14, 2010, 08:20:58 PM »
zlh jnxyz Otghcg Yzognhy Futjhxhtfh nt 1970 yhz juxzl zlh xorhy jux hyzcdrnylntk c thb yvhfnhy uj otghcg. Crr ausdnhy cxh frcyynjnhg otghx zlh khtoy Fuxvoy: 

1. Zlh ausdnh ny c vcxcynznf yvhfnhy. Crr ausdnhy xhwonxh zlh fuxvyh uj ct ctnscr jux c luyz duge.

2. Zlh ausdnh oyhy zlh Ushkc Ctnsc jux hthxke, xhwonxntk tu juug nt uxghx zu xhscnt ctnsczh. Nz sce futyosh jrhyl, doz tu yvhfnhy hczy htuokl shcz zu cffuotz jux nzy hthxke uozvoz.

3. Zlh ausdnh sugnjnhy nzy luyz duge, fxhczntk zlh KLOR khthznf scxqhxy nt nzy GTC. 

Zlny ghjntnznut lcy yhxmhg zlh yfnhtznjnf fussotnze bhrr, lurgntk ov otghx ghfcghy uj thb xhyhcxfl ctg ntynklz. Zlh OT lcy xhfuktnahg zlny ghjntnznut nt yhmhxcr ntzhxtcznutcr zxhcznhy.

My god... they've known since 1970! The things that walk, but should not. The markers are there in the DNA. It all goes back to the energy... Omega Anima. There's a whole nation of them - a nation of these things! All this time, they've been there and we didn't even know.

the first Undead Studies Conference in 1970 set forth the rules for establishing a new species of undead. All zombies are classified under the genus Corpus:

1. The zombie is a parasitic species. All zombies require the corpse of an animal for a host body.

2. The zombie uses the Omega Anima for energy, requiring no food in order to remain animate. It may consume flesh, but no species eats enough meat to account for its energy output.

3. The zombie modifies its host body, creating the GHUL genetic markers in its DNA.

This definition has served the scientific community well, holding up under decades of new research and insight. The UN has recognized this definition in several international treaties.

Totally New World material.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #368 on: October 25, 2010, 07:54:22 AM »
Holy crap. Epic Game 1 does not disappoint.

"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #369 on: October 25, 2010, 12:45:00 PM »
Holy crap. Epic Game 1 does not disappoint.

any particular favorite moments or events?


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #370 on: October 25, 2010, 02:34:43 PM »
Holy crap. Epic Game 1 does not disappoint.

any particular favorite moments or events?

Dear god so many. Killing a freaking angel, the hilarious discussion of who to make governor, the awesome roleplaying when Locke goes to visit Pontifex, Arje's character attempting to disseminate Republican ideology to the townspeople - "What are your thoughts on zoning?" 'What's a percentage?' - and of course, "He's gay. He's not Aaron."

"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #371 on: October 25, 2010, 06:49:14 PM »
I loled at the Cody v.s. Pontifex thing. I liked how it started out, too. The Ap, that is. Just right from the get-go a huge fight against the Crown, and a rebellion. Though I am a little bit sad at the Mayor of the town being ousted. You could feel the alienation between the party and the Mayor, even though they had worked together at times.

The Mayor seemed like he didn't really know who the party was anymore, as if some sort of transformation overcame them.

Though the whole 'You cannot change the rules on the election' thing was kind of like a slap to the PCs XD. You're such a horrible GM for that (in the most joking manner possible).

I also thought that the whole 'I challenge everyone else who is running to a duel' thing a bit funny as well.
Magadheera - Must find sub of this movie.

Seejo Crux

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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #372 on: October 26, 2010, 04:53:26 PM »
There's a curse upon this podcast. You mention the Head of Vecna one day and I happen to stumble upon the letter describing it the next. It's a sign of impending doom. Mark my words!!


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #373 on: October 28, 2010, 12:49:14 AM »
For the various geek culture references throughout the game:

Russian Guy Singing

Party in the USA

Bear Driving Car

Simpsons Did It (Embedding disabled, limit reached)
The Head of Vecna
Dread Gazebo
I Love You Spartacus (Embedding disabled, limit reached)
The Room references go without saying.

Great start to an epic campaign.  I've mentioned this before, but I've tried listening to the other actual play podcasts and have found that 99% are boring due to the players or the story.  Penny Arcade is an exception, but you're dealing with people who either write comedy or gaming material for a living.  With the RPPR crew you get a set of characters and players you can listen to and have a grand ol' time while you're at it.  You can expect to hear Cody's outspoken and outrageously comedic personality, Tom's brooding and reserved demeanor, RJ's seemingly non sequitur acts of violence, Dan's charmingly Machiavellian nature, and Jason's half-orc Cassius.

The rest is probably spoiler material:


I like Vashek because he’s consistent in his attempts to be morally virtuous, and consistently fails.  I’m not a fan of his demeanor, but he’s at least he’s more interesting that a majority of the other characters from other APs.

Vashek speaking out against the Crown from the Old World: “I’m going to speak out.  Not publicly!”   Note: When speaking out against something, it helps to do it publicly.

A statement made by Vashek to Low Crag (RJ’s character) after Vashek stopped him from slapping a representative of the Old World who wanted to silence dissenters (Dan) against the Old World:  “It’s not illegal to speak your mind here.”
Ross: “Actually, yes it is.”
The irony is that he’s protecting a proponent against free speech from being obstructed in his act of silencing free speech.  

The Angels of Pelor

The back and forth between Dan and Pelor’s angels was awesome.  Dan attempted to fast talk his way out of getting arrested by the angels, but being creatures of lawful goodness made flesh, they cut straight through his bullshit.  It was a great way to start a battle.

Locke and Pontifex

Ross is pretty good at playing a convincing old and somewhat emotional lich.  I’m surprised Pontifex puts up with Locke’s rebellious character.  Locke’s practically yelling at him that he’s going to try and betray him.  Everyone betrays him.

Locke and Genesa

Locke gives his phylactery to a woman who fell in love with him, and in the process completely shatters her heart.  I mean, he made it obvious to her that she was not good enough to live alongside him, but more than qualified to protect his phylactery.  I liked the way it was played out.  It’s a paradox that a scorned lover would swear to protect the life of the man that broke her heart, but it sounded believable.

Bad Barbarian

I know that Ross is a horrible person and all for not allowing players to mind control other players, but he kind of stepped out of form with Low Crag’s actions.  Near the end, Low Crag wanted to kill a messenger that was going to be sent out by the overthrown governor.  Everyone else in the party said “no” to killing the messenger, and Ross agreed with the group.  Ross pulled the DM’s rule and said Low Crag was not going to attack the messenger.  I can see how Low Crag’s proposed action could seem to be a random act of violence, but it also could have served a purpose story wise.  We don’t know what message the governor was sending out, but it would most likely have been about the overthrow of Old World power in the New World.  Hindering the transfer of intelligence to an enemy sounds like a good idea to me.

Just going off the Actual Plays, I think this is the first time that Ross outright said “no” to a player’s actions.  Perhaps RJ was acting more disruptive than he sounded in the AP, or Ross didn’t want to deal with the headache of RJ and Tom butting heads over the death of a messenger.   Either way, the game was awesome.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 12:52:36 AM by Alexander »


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #374 on: October 28, 2010, 12:56:21 AM »
The Angels of Pelor

The back and forth between Dan and Pelor’s angels was awesome.  Dan attempted to fast talk his way out of getting arrested by the angels, but being creatures of lawful goodness made flesh, they cut straight through his bullshit.  It was a great way to start a battle.


[spoiler]But Pelor is just Good, not Lawful God.[/spoiler]