Author Topic: Eclipse Phase  (Read 767653 times)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #180 on: February 29, 2012, 01:14:41 PM »
Doh! You went to Wikileaks. Now you're all on the terror watch list. Hello overly protective and soon to be zealotic big brother! I love you!

I was already on the Delta Green email list. If talking about terrorism, conducting illegal espionage operations in the US, human sacrifice and Nazis didn't get me on a list somewhere, I don't know what would.

I bet being part of a terrorist cell conspiring against the US government helps with immersion in a Delta Green game.

being part of a terrorist cell conspiring against the US government is Delta Green.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #181 on: February 29, 2012, 01:42:02 PM »
Wouldn't it be fun if the Jovian Republic got hold of old Delta Green files? Or one of the other similar agencies.

You know, alot of the weird stuff that's been done with Delta Green could be explained with the Exsurgent Virus. Suppose that it was possible to create strains of the Virus using sufficently long and complex ceramonies, mathematics, and events; basically "primative" basalisk hacks acting like spells.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #182 on: February 29, 2012, 02:06:49 PM »
Doh! You went to Wikileaks. Now you're all on the terror watch list. Hello overly protective and soon to be zealotic big brother! I love you!

I was already on the Delta Green email list. If talking about terrorism, conducting illegal espionage operations in the US, human sacrifice and Nazis didn't get me on a list somewhere, I don't know what would.

I bet being part of a terrorist cell conspiring against the US government helps with immersion in a Delta Green game.

being part of a terrorist cell conspiring against the US government is Delta Green.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #183 on: February 29, 2012, 04:04:30 PM »
oh snap i done got served


Spoilers for current (scum swarm tier) part of campaign - I have a plan for our current situation:

[spoiler]First off, Tom should contact his new mercurial buddies to get their support "Hey I stopped that snuff XP operation as a favor to the humans and they get angry at me? Typical human behavior! Blame the uplift! He can't possibly judge humans, even if they are kiddie killing psychos! - burn some rep with them to get their support.

Tom will also be our spokes uplift - our cover story is simple. NO ONE ELSE TALKS ABOUT THE INCIDENT. We're rebooting Release the Kraken as an anarchist XP show and after seeing the abuses of Somatek we wanted to investigate to see if the scum swarm had any dark secrets. We found one - the snuff XP production - and we decided to go undercover to report on it. However, the meet went bad and instead of letting them flee we decided that we wouldn't let them get away so they could commit their crimes again somewhere. This led to a rushed assault and Drew's character flubbed his exit out of the habitat but we had to stop them or they'd be free to kill again. Good intentions and slightly flawed execution.

Plus if they press us, we can shift blame onto the militia - they were the ones that let this happen in the first place - we stopped it. The people of the scum swarm should be OUTRAGED that such an atrocity was going on under the watch of Sing and company. If they had DONE THEIR JOBS this would never have happened. They just want to blame us so no one will criticize them. That's obviously going to piss them off so that's a last resort but some of our allies can spread that rumor in a way that maintains plausible deniability. This is absolutely key so Sing doesn't decide to burn us. If he thinks the swarm's turned against him authentically then he'll be pressed to make amends and what better way to do that than help us?

We can also offer to instantiate the poor child and pay for therapy/finding him/her a new family - Tom's cash reservoir is vital. If the swarm needs Khalid's blood money, they'll want our money too. 

We can do a whole new Release the Kraken about the SNAFU and of course subtly show our POV. "Crime and Punishment on the Swarm."

I'll use my allies and Jason will use his patron for support - obviously his patron will have more pull in an anarchist swarm than he did on Luna. These are both 30 point advantages neither of us have used in a while.

Can Aaron get sympathy for the fact that the LLA put out a deletion order on all SAIRACS? 'They're killing my people off!"etc. Probably not, but worth asking.

Maxwell could volunteer all his Moxie to do grunt work for the militia or whoever as repayment, perhaps.

the key to PR is to take responsibility for the act and then take control of the narrative "We had good intentions but mistakes were made. We'll fix them and we're sorry that our actions scared anyone. But we aren't the real story, the Snuff XP producers are and we need to talk about how to make sure this never happens again. We saw quite a few coverups and crimes in hypercorp territory but the scum swarms aren't immune to that." etc.


I have a plan to deal with the Triads. Setting up a conventional crime niche will inevitably lead to conflict on the swarm. But if you think of the Triads and the local gang as competing business enterprises then you have to analyze each organization's assets and unique competitive advantages. The local gang has a firm niche, soldiers on board and the tolerance of the swarm.

But the Triad has something the local gang could never compete with - smuggling channels throughout hypercorp territory. This sounds like a useless asset when you look at the customers of the swarm - anarchists, idealists, etc.

But what do they all want? Authenticity. They strive for a life that is authentic - free from the hypercorp lifestyle and mindset. So they dedicate their lives to being authentic - extreme morph, drug use, free of laws, etc. But what's more authentic than that?

The Struggle. Against hypercorp tyranny, against the evils of restrictive society. Which is easy to say when you live on a free scum swarm but harder to enact without getting yourself killed by Oversight. I would imagine even most of the anarchists aren't bloodthirsty terrorists so the bar would be low for the Struggle - and what's more romantic/idealistic than living among the clanking masses of Luna and learning about their lives - perhaps creating citizen journalist XPs/blogs/whatever about it or helping them out?

In other words, I propose the Triads set up a clandestine poverty tourism operation. At first, live among the clanking masses for a week to gain rep among your autonomist buddies on the swarm! You're more authentic than they are! You've seen how bad it gets and know what's like 'on the ground'.

Then as that get passe, you offer more extreme options - offer them a chance to go on a raid with the Steel Liberators or free some infugees from a hypercorp cold storage unit! Of course, in reality, these are overhyped minor operations - the 'raid' means sneaking up on a biomorph hyperelite and beating him up or vandalizing a maglev train - or elaborate mockup operations where the 'security teams' are just drones with nonlethal rounds - depends on the budget of the customer - the idea is to get them back safely to the swarm so they tell their friends. Word of mouth is vital.

We get Fayun's fork as the local contact - she gets a slice and favor with the Triads.

In order to kickstart it, I create a BRILLIANT and HAUNTING simulspace narrative about a young and sheltered scum named Akaja - she is nice and idealistic. But when she dreams, she finds herself as a helpless victim among the clanking masses on Luna. However, when a riot breaks out in Nectar, she saves a child hyperelite and convinces several Steel Liberators not to kill the child, she feels more fulfilled than she has in her life. Of course she has to be saved by a heroic team of outsiders who tell her that the Struggle is a lifelong conflict - but seeing it firsthand is the first step to making the universe a better place.

This simulspace is engineered to make people want to see the reality of Nectar, etc. and then also fight against Akaja's meme by hijacking it - she isn't a villain, she's a nice and naive young girl.

This gets Fayun 1 off Thad's back, fights against Akaja and hooks up the Triads with a new criminal niche. This operation also provides a side benefit - they could smuggle people into the swarm for gangsters on the run, looking to lay low - the contact can make cut-outs for gangsters to buy when they want a new clean identity with a work history on the swarm. This way, the operation never has to come into conflict with the local gang - they can't compete in the markets that the Triad is working.[/spoiler]


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #184 on: February 29, 2012, 04:12:35 PM »
more on the plan

[spoiler]For my simulspace narrative, I make Akaja's 'real' life on the swarm seem hazy, warm, safe and dreamlike. Boring too. All the decadence and drug use just masks ennui and spiritual rot. But the 'dream life' is razor sharp and real. Use my experiences and Aaron's from Nectar as the basis. Emphasize how these noble synthmorphs are suffering under the heel of hypercorp tyrants and NO ONE KNOWS OR CARES. Only by SEEING IT FIRSTHAND can you possibly understand it. Spiritual growth comes from the suffering and helping others. Revolution isn't an event, it's a lifestyle and it begins with education.[/spoiler]


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #185 on: February 29, 2012, 06:10:26 PM »
oh and Bartleby has the skill social engineering at 55, his muse has memetics at 40 and I have enhanced creativity and I'd say creating a PR campaign like this definitely requires creativity (+20% to all skill checks that involve creativity)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #186 on: March 06, 2012, 01:22:46 AM »
Scum Swarm murder trial/popularity contest went well for us! We got our guns back! :D

I also murdered a serial killer the day after the trial but it was totally justified.  8)

Oh and Thad had a love triangle with his own fork and someone from the Tenor Rios family.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #187 on: March 16, 2012, 05:24:59 PM »
I imagine Earth looks a little bit like this in EP
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #188 on: March 17, 2012, 12:15:47 AM »
I imagine Earth looks a little bit like this in EP
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

I am in agreement. Just watched it.
Liquid Water?


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #189 on: April 01, 2012, 01:09:54 PM »
The newest piece of opening fiction for the next Eclipse Phase book got released!
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #190 on: April 03, 2012, 05:20:49 PM »
Dam you RPPR for taking up so much of my time.  Dam you Caleb for running such a good game that I have now spent a 100$ on Eclipse phase RPG books.  Man I'm hooked on Eclipse Phase.
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #191 on: April 06, 2012, 03:29:47 AM »
Hey Caleb, what are your house rules for spending rep and buying gear at this point on the scum swarm? Obviously we need to gear up for the final fight.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #192 on: April 06, 2012, 09:19:12 AM »
@Gorkamorka--Thanks dude! Sorry for the impact on your wallet. I know EP is going to take me to the cleaners at gencon in a few months.

@Clockworkjoe--Spend rep like cash. Just burn it and don't keep track of favors. You've got to perform favors to earn rep back. You've got access to the shuttle that you need to get off the swarm, so don't worry about saving up for that.

Cost to Rep Conversion:
Trivial: Free
Low: 1
Moderate: 2
High: 3
Expensive: 4
Speed up fabrication cue: +1

Anything expensive+ is too rare to have on the swarm. Singh's militia status means you'll be able to fab most anything you want, within reason. Extensive nanotech goes through Lena Andropov, and she will never trust you guys. The swarm doesn't have the specs for some major military hardware like Hoplite suits. Additionally, you're limited by space. Any battle is going to take place in the confines of spaceship corridors, so a tank or something is out of the question.

Morphs are also more expensive because they can't be easily fabbed. All biomorphs cost 5-rep at the start and go up the more you specialize them.

Most importantly, save some rep for the start of the game. You guys haven't reviewed the intel gleaned from interrogating the Haunted Stars yet. You're going to want everything you need already loaded onto the shuttle before you go after Kalheed; it is likely you are going to have to leave in a hurry.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #193 on: April 06, 2012, 11:31:40 AM »
Remember your three layers of protection: ass, molecules, and brain.

Make sure everybody got medichines. Cheap as crap and they will save your life. Any synthmorphs get Structural Enhancement. It's Moderate cost for +10 Durability (and +2 to Wound Threshold). Armor stacking is probably old hat to you guys by this point.

Guardian Swarms and EMP weaponry. I think you guys have that one covered.

Anti-Hacking. Control the airwaves. EMP can cut alot of these entirely but skinlink and hard lines can still get you. Make sure someone or something is ready to help you fight off any intrusion attempts on your stuff. If somebody has really good hacking abilities (Aaron...) then everyone should have his Beta Forks  ghost riding with as much anti-hack as it can stand. If that isn't good enough, get a Guardian AI or a KHAOS AI, both are designed for this kind of thing.

I don't know the specifics of your fight but on a ship in tight corridors spacial control will be important. You might want to consider getting hold of a Freezer. It's a spray weapon that can be used to fire suppressing foam that hardens on targets, disabiling without killing, but more importantly it can be used to create improvised cover and barriers of fastset foam giving you the ability to stage a better fighting retreat, or to create cover when advancing down a deadman's corridor.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 11:36:54 AM by Tadanori Oyama »


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #194 on: April 10, 2012, 12:49:11 AM »
I think after Know Evil concludes later this summer, I will run some EP and let players use their existing characters. Definitely focus on the Rim (maybe have one or two Mars games, where it will be basically cyberpunk but on Mars)

Looking at Gatecrashers too for ideas :D