Author Topic: Eclipse Phase  (Read 767800 times)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2011, 01:46:50 PM »
Hey guys, reviving this thread through exsurgent strains to let you know that a new PDF adventure will be released tomorrow. It's a one-shot PDF-only release called Ego Hunter. Here's the official news:

Decided to let you guys know since there is more interest for EP recently, with both the AP posted earlier this week and the on-going PBP game in the forums.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #32 on: April 13, 2011, 04:56:46 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2011, 06:03:51 PM »

more Eclipse Phase motherfuckas

and I created this scenario - not a prepublished adventure

to be honest, I felt like I was going after low hanging fruit with this one in terms of tropes/encounters used buuuttt whatevs


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2011, 08:05:25 PM »

more Eclipse Phase motherfuckas

and I created this scenario - not a prepublished adventure

to be honest, I felt like I was going after low hanging fruit with this one in terms of tropes/encounters used buuuttt whatevs

Excited! Been jonesing for more Ecliphshehre phase
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2011, 01:21:08 AM »

Caleb is running a EP campaign

our group concept

Jackass meets Howard Stern IN SPACE

Tom the Octopus socialite and his buds (the rest of us) go around being jackasses in public - trying to freak people out, perform stupid stunts and play with weapons we probably shouldn't be. This is what passes for entertainment/reality shows in EP.

My character is one of the Lost. I have level 2 psi powers and maxed out fray and kinetic weapons skills. I shot up a habitat on Luna leaving a black mark with Luna inhabitants (level 3), social stigma (the lost) and I'm on the run for the aforementioned shooting. The autonomists and Firewall love me though because I stuck it to the man and I saved the universe from an existential threat.

Don't fear though! I have a second identity as an 'underground' freelance simulspace designer for hypercorps - freaky and shocking stuff (at least by hypercorp public/inner system standards) think small skating fashion labels or the labels that hot topic rips off designs from - i play the part of the introvert/socially stupid artist type. I'm also Tom's bodyguard.

Aaron is of course the cameraman/techie that keeps the show running as an infolife in an arachnoid synth morph.

Thad is the obligatory woman and gangsta - exalt lunar criminal.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2011, 01:47:44 AM »

Caleb is running a EP campaign

our group concept

Jackass meets Howard Stern IN SPACE

Tom the Octopus socialite and his buds (the rest of us) go around being jackasses in public - trying to freak people out, perform stupid stunts and play with weapons we probably shouldn't be. This is what passes for entertainment/reality shows in EP.

My character is one of the Lost. I have level 2 psi powers and maxed out fray and kinetic weapons skills. I shot up a habitat on Luna leaving a black mark with Luna inhabitants (level 3), social stigma (the lost) and I'm on the run for the aforementioned shooting. The autonomists and Firewall love me though because I stuck it to the man and I saved the universe from an existential threat.

Don't fear though! I have a second identity as an 'underground' freelance simulspace designer for hypercorps - freaky and shocking stuff (at least by hypercorp public/inner system standards) think small skating fashion labels or the labels that hot topic rips off designs from - i play the part of the introvert/socially stupid artist type. I'm also Tom's bodyguard.

Aaron is of course the cameraman/techie that keeps the show running as an infolife in an arachnoid synth morph.

Thad is the obligatory woman and gangsta - exalt lunar criminal.

"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2011, 07:12:41 AM »

Caleb is running a EP campaign

our group concept

Jackass meets Howard Stern IN SPACE

Tom the Octopus socialite and his buds (the rest of us) go around being jackasses in public - trying to freak people out, perform stupid stunts and play with weapons we probably shouldn't be. This is what passes for entertainment/reality shows in EP.

My character is one of the Lost. I have level 2 psi powers and maxed out fray and kinetic weapons skills. I shot up a habitat on Luna leaving a black mark with Luna inhabitants (level 3), social stigma (the lost) and I'm on the run for the aforementioned shooting. The autonomists and Firewall love me though because I stuck it to the man and I saved the universe from an existential threat.

Don't fear though! I have a second identity as an 'underground' freelance simulspace designer for hypercorps - freaky and shocking stuff (at least by hypercorp public/inner system standards) think small skating fashion labels or the labels that hot topic rips off designs from - i play the part of the introvert/socially stupid artist type. I'm also Tom's bodyguard.

Aaron is of course the cameraman/techie that keeps the show running as an infolife in an arachnoid synth morph.

Thad is the obligatory woman and gangsta - exalt lunar criminal.

Please tell me you're recording this, because THIS SOUNDS AWESOME!


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2011, 01:16:50 PM »
I did mention Caleb is running this right? Our hijinks are just cover for the morally ambiguous mysteries we unravel and suffer horribly as a result.

of course we are recording this


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2011, 01:46:38 PM »
I did mention Caleb is running this right? Our hijinks are just cover for the morally ambiguous mysteries we unravel and suffer horribly as a result.

of course we are recording this

Ahhhh then I say: "Fuck yes."
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
"If you are asked, 'Would you like Abraham Lincoln', your answer is always YES."


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2011, 02:30:11 PM »
Cool stuff all around. By the way, there is a new errata for the game, the most notable change that I saw was that Margin of Success now "works like blackjack," according to the errata.

p. 118, Margin of Success/Failure
We changed MoS to work more like blackjack. Changed the second half of the first paragraph to:

“MoS is simply determined by what the character rolled on a successful test. For example, a character who rolls a 20 against a target number of 55 succeeds with an MoS of 20. The higher the character rolls while still making it equal to or less than the target number, the higher the MoS. Higher skills thus make it possible to get a higher MoS.”

The example was also changed accordingly.

Here's the .pdf file with the errata. There's also a few changes to how initiative works, combat options like full auto and burst fire, and other miscellaneous things.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2011, 05:57:23 PM »
Ohhhhhh! I lika me that new MoS rule! We are totally using that.

The less math, the more room for morally ambiguous mysteries and Catch-22-esque PC buggery.

BTW, the campaign is called "No Evil," and the homophone is intended.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2011, 05:28:38 PM »
Here’s the initial plot hook for the “No Evil” campaign…
“Thought” is a torus habitat in Venusian orbit run by Cognite.  Possibly selected for its distance from Planetary Consortium Oversight, the station is supposedly home to some of the corporation’s most cutting-edge research and development.  The only neighbors within conventional travel range belong to the Morningstar Constellation and couldn’t care less for a company with such an infamous history.  This lack of accountability, combined with Cognite’s leading role in both the development of TITAN-precursor AGI’s and the disastrous Lost project, mean that Thought has been on Firewall’s priority threat list for some time.
A crow named Yelena Chikako infiltrated the installation as a low-level lab technician a number of years ago. She has been sending reports via smuggled QE bit transmitter ever since…until last month.
All efforts to reach her have proven unsuccessful. Furthermore, Cognite keeps no neutrino receivers or resleeving facilities on the station for security reasons.  Even benign contact with the station through false accounts is impossible until the orbit brings it back within Gerlach Station’s mesh range (not due for a number of days).  Attempts to resleeve Yelena from her latest back-up for questioning have been…unsettling. It is best you see the vid for yourselves.
Cognite’s murder of a “corporate spy,” while unfortunate, would not warrant the erasure contingency plans Firewall has filed way for Thought.  Further investigation is necessary before action can be taken. Your mission is to establish contact with Proxy “Tillman” on Gerlach station for briefing on Yelena’s previous intelligence, development of an approach strategy, and deployment. Once on the station, locate Yelena Chikako’s QE transmitter and report in.
Find out what is happening in Thought. If exsurgent, TITAN, or other existential threat is detected, make sure no one else finds Thought ever again.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #43 on: June 08, 2011, 07:04:46 PM »
Hopefully, someone will survive getting off of Thought on Monday.  Since Bartelby has a TacNet, as long as one person gets their stack off the station in one piece, everybody will at least be able to catch up in terms of evidence and how they died.

Either way, it shouldn't take us too long to see how that plays out, debrief, and nominate for rez points.  Then we'll just being the merry chase to figure out what happened.  Here's the introduction to the plot thread y'all chose to follow last week.



This AR spime was attached to the dedicated fabricator for the Augustine AI on Thought, or what was left of Thought.  Lam Cong Dung, a cell leader in the Nine Lives criminal organization, was responsible for the shuttle that brought victims for Cognite’s experimentation, and now it appears she knows something about the manufacture of the AI. Considering the hellish events that occurred on the station, one could do worse for leads than a criminal mastermind responsible for an illegal machine intelligence.

But going after Lam means going after Nine Lives, the most feared criminal enterprise in the system.  Nine Lives doesn’t just kill you: they torture 200 forks of you and then reintegrate them into a single, insane mind.  They lock you in Kafka-esque hells through psychosurgery.  These are some bad people, and in the Morningstar Constellation, they are pretty much the only thing keeping the government independent of the Consortium. So, make that bad people with desperate, powerful friends.

Lam already knows something is up.  She wasn’t feeling great about the unusual number of crazies signed on for the last Amnesia Express, and then The Three-squared Chance never came back.  She’s on the run now, shutting down operations on Gerlach as fast as she can.

Will Firewall catch her before she ditches Gerlach for parts unknown? And if they do, will they get the information they need about the disturbing events on Thought, or merely entangle themselves in the seedy underworld of transhuman slavery?

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #44 on: June 08, 2011, 07:19:23 PM »
Hopefully, someone will survive getting off of Thought on Monday.  Since Bartelby has a TacNet, as long as one person gets their stack off the station in one piece, everybody will at least be able to catch up in terms of evidence and how they died.

No one was paranoid enough to spring for the emergancy implanted back-up caster? No one was ghost riding an alpha fork? Might as well hang your brain from your belt loop and relay on the goodness in people's hearts to levae it alone.