The bugbear rushes forward, dagger in hand.
It pulls open a pottery jar lid!
The giant frogs both lash out
Giant frog 3 tries to grab the bugbear

Rolling 1d20:
(17): Total = 17
Giant frog 4 tries to grab Pakos

Rolling 1d20:
(12): Total = 12
The poison gas fills the room!
Bugbear tries to save vs poison - needs a 12

Rolling 1d20:
(7): Total = 7
Giant frog 3 tries to save - needs a 14

Rolling 1d20:
(18): Total = 18
Giant frog 4 tries to save - needs a 14

Rolling 1d20:
(15): Total = 15
Pakos needs a 8 or better on a d20 to leap out of the way of the gas or he will have to make a save of 13 or better or die!