Elsie kills a bandit, for a total of 3 this round. Only 4 bandits remain!
bandit 1 attacks Elsie, charging her with a spear. He needs a 14 to hit because he is charging

Rolling 1d20:
(2): Total = 2
Bandit 2 attacks Hairy Fapper. He needs a 8 to hit! I forgot hairy's AC was 10.

Rolling 1d20:
(4): Total = 4
Bandit 3 attacks Redcap in revenge! He needs a 15 or better to hit

Rolling 1d20:
(18): Total = 18
Bandit 4 attacks Shakespeare, seeing the cleric as an easy target. He needs an 8 or better to hit

Rolling 1d20:
(1): Total = 1