Play by Post Arena > Play by Post

Rogue Trader game. Not play by post exactly.

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Dave... You can sto... DAVE!

uh oh

John H:

--- Quote from: nbneil on April 26, 2010, 10:54:44 PM ---I'll take quick reflexes and good aim over "knowledge" any day.

--- End quote ---

Good aim or just lots of bolt rounds. 8)  You point I shoot.

Tadanori Oyama:
"There goes somebody who probably did something." *blam*

Tadanori Oyama:
Hey everybody.

So, it's time for the "Tad's-sorry-that-he-was-an-asshole-and-vanished-for-about-three-months-without-word-and-he'd-like-to-say-sorry-by-restarting-the-Rogue-Trader-game" post!

I'm sorry to everybody that I just dropped the game for a long time. No excuses to give, just apologies. Since actions read louder than text (or something like that), I'm going to move right into the game pitch for the next event:

Twenty years have passed since Valhalla was formed. The planet has developed into a hub world (and by extension and hub system) for the Trask Dyntasy, in which Sarvous is now a ruling member. The discovery of Crusader Era ship fragments at The Ogmah's End and the personal salvage rights granted Sarvous and his dyntasy have positioned the formerly midranging Rogue Trader has a big name figure in the Expanse. However, whole the the Trasks Expand in the "north", the Fel Dyntasy has expanded in the "west", absorbing xenos races and lesser traders and bandits into their increasing heretical organization.

There is no law in the Expanse but what a Dyntasy enforces for themselves and with the Fel Dyntasy now to the point of infringing upon the Trasks' western most trade routes and claims the Dyntasy as a whole has placed their faith (and financial backing) behind Sarvous and his bold crew.

22,500 XP characters, dazzeling now Acquisitions, Full Ship Upgrade to true Cruiser status, Component upgrades from Crusader Era ships, 5 new true ships of the line under PC control, 20 new trade vessels under PC control, and a home world (Valhalla) with a fully converted star system acting as forward base in the Expanse.

Nice pitch. I am now prepared to kick some Sarvous ass and reclaim those trade route.   8)

I'm excited to hear that the game is alive and kicking - can't wait to give the higher end characters a spin.


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