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Tom in the DBZ Game

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He had it coming to say the least.

A good GM knows his players don't give a fuck about the story and his NPCs, at least until they have control over that story and make it their own. And even then, if a NPC badmouths one of the player, no matter how good a friend he was in the past, they'll cut his head off in front of his children and throw it at his wife without a second thought.

Suicide, rape, brutal murder, arsony, shitting in someone's mouth are all good ways to show your GM your dissatisfaction with his game when his head is too far up his ass to know that he's boring everyone to death with his Marie-Sue cyborg ninja.

And I know your name, I always have.  :(

Tom Church:
I know you knew my name.

Hugs all around.  :D

Tadanori Oyama:
I think it's great that we got Tom to post. Now we know what it takes.

So how does this incident compare to other atrocities the incarnations of Castor Troy have committed?


I could of seen you systematically killing off all those close to goku till he goes nutts and becomes a bad guy(Joker Style) but anal rape with a gun ....really..... Im mean really...That blows Cody's bee rape thing out of the water.

Tom Church:
That was the point.

Boldly state that the game and my involvement in it was over.

As for other adventures with Castor Troy...

The one I most remember was a Palladium Nightbane game.  I was playing Troy as a natural psychic weapon master.  The event that stands out is a group of Hounds were chasing a group of Nightbane who I had stumbled across.  I dove into the nearest building to escape, which happened to be a retirement village.  An old couple started yelling at me to get the fuck out.

So, I shot them both.

If that wasn't Castor Troy, I don't know what is.


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