Author Topic: How do you become a better Role Player?  (Read 21220 times)

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How do you become a better Role Player?
« on: September 19, 2009, 05:29:10 AM »
I am not a good role player. It take's me a while to get a feel for the characters I play (around 3 to 4 sessions). And when I do get a feel for them, I often get tripped up in the moment.

I originally thought that I could pick up the skill through first hand experience but, I've been doing some weekly RPing for a year and a half now and it hasn't inproved much.

I really need the help guys and gals. My RPing is not only hurting the games I'm playing in but also the games I run.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2009, 09:57:43 AM »
What games are you playing and running? My first thought is that some games support actually roleplaying than others. I love D&D 4e, but it does not support and reward players for roleplaying their character. On the flipside, something like Mouse Guard or Burning Wheel actually rewards players mechanically to role play. Maybe a system that gives you a tangible reward to roleplay will get you going quicker?

Are you playing the genres or IP's that you are interested in? I guess, from my point of view, it really depends on the games you're playing.
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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2009, 01:17:34 PM »
I am not a good role player. It take's me a while to get a feel for the characters I play (around 3 to 4 sessions). And when I do get a feel for them, I often get tripped up in the moment.

Could you go into more detail about what you mean by 'tripping up'? I can't really get an idea of what happens.

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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2009, 10:18:49 PM »
Could you go into more detail about what you mean by 'tripping up'? I can't really get an idea of what happens.

Let me try to explain. When I make a character I don't just add attributes and skills to paper. I try to find out what motivates my character. What is his moral compass? How did he come by the skills that he knows? Is he proud or a shamed of him self? Does he like the people around him? That sort of thing.

But when I finally figure out my character, I find it hard to stay in it with the ebb and flow of the game. One good tangent can throw me out of character for a while before I can get back into it (and that's if I can get back into it).

Does that clarify at all?

On a side note, it takes me a while to put my thoughts to a written medium. So I apologies if it looks like I'm ignoring you, it's just taking me time to fraise my thoughts properly.
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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2009, 11:26:28 PM »
Could you go into more detail about what you mean by 'tripping up'? I can't really get an idea of what happens.

Let me try to explain. When I make a character I don't just add attributes and skills to paper. I try to find out what motivates my character. What is his moral compass? How did he come by the skills that he knows? Is he proud or a shamed of him self? Does he like the people around him? That sort of thing.

But when I finally figure out my character, I find it hard to stay in it with the ebb and flow of the game. One good tangent can throw me out of character for a while before I can get back into it (and that's if I can get back into it).

Does that clarify at all?

On a side note, it takes me a while to put my thoughts to a written medium. So I apologies if it looks like I'm ignoring you, it's just taking me time to fraise my thoughts properly.

A bit but that's natural - no plan survives initial contact with reality and characters should change during a story - it's called characterization. Don't get too hung up about what you had planned beforehand. Go with the flow.

Give me a specific example of what has happened and I can go into more detail.


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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2009, 12:11:30 AM »
I know it can be tough to translate stats and numbers into flesh and bone.  

It may not be you, if your group is breaking the "fourth wall" or the illusion of reality that is being created it can be hard to pop back into and out of character.  My reccomendation is to write out a few simple goals, maybe a few quick notes on your characters motivations, along with a few quirks and keep the page with you when you're playing the game.  Refer back to it when you find yourself recovering from a tangent or when facing a major choice in game.  It may help...

Other than that just keep plugging away at it.  It does take some time.  

Additionally, break it up, see if you can find some other gamers and / or different groups to run with, the change from the normal can give you a feel for new dynamics and make you a better player.

Lastly, the golden rule of Dungeons and Dragons is to have fun.  If you're enjoying yourself, the game is running smoothly, and you're not interfering with the flow of the game, then you're doing just fine.  The rest is just time and practice.


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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2009, 12:19:11 AM »
I like picking the major themes of my character and then letting mannerisms and catch phrases come as the game goes on.

Example, today was DnD Gameday for the DMG2, I hadn't ever played a fighter type character but Tom and Mike have convinced me to at least try it out- especially Tide of iron.
So i chose Xadross 6thlv human fighter Iron Vanguard type- worshiper of the Raven Queen and unaligned, he has sweet shield combo powers. So i decided that he might just try to use his shield all the time, not just in combat. Eating off of it instead of a plate, sleeping under it. And since he is a meat shield (defender), just getting in the way of people trying to kill others, ALL OTHERS.

Anyhow, during the first encounter I could have just hacked away at a lone Duregar but instead lured him to the edge of a cliff with my At wills and then bucked him off with my shield.

Then during the second encounter a Duregar was about to have his limbs cutoff by a Doomdreamer, so i jumped over the river, and used an action-point to free the duregar and flip the Doomdreamer into the river.

Another tactic for roleplaying that I use is a fetish. I fixate upon an object of some significance, like if I'm a druid I fixate on oranges, or if I'm a paladin I focus on communion wafers. Its pretty annoying but having just one idea and branching out from there helps (me) a lot.
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.


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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2009, 03:34:48 PM »
Maybe you are just being too hard on yourself? Maybe you aren't really as bad as you think you are. Ask the people you play with.

As an aside, what exactly brought this up? Did someone say something to you? Is this just a nagging feeling of dissatisfaction you have? Until you find the cause, you can't craft the cure.


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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2009, 11:33:52 AM »
Sorry I am late on this one but something that has helped me is that my GM requires out-of-game character journals be written.  I think it better help define the smaller characteristics and motives that drive the character.

Just a thought.   


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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2009, 04:33:32 PM »
Do this, just substitute self-defense for roleplaying

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

1. Get wrist control

2. Take your gun out.

You now have control of the situation and can roleplay properly!


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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2009, 10:48:28 AM »
try to get in the game feel as if you are your character even if the other players aren't into that

try to not make comments in game like "ohh i would have done this another way" and "ohh this is a stpid idea" it will just make you look like a jerk and might not get invited to play in the next session...

dont try to do things to stray away from the story like steal a car when everyone fighting a boss and buying pizza during an apocalypse...

try to have fun is the most imporant thing 

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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2009, 01:52:35 AM »
Maybe you are just being too hard on yourself? Maybe you aren't really as bad as you think you are. Ask the people you play with.

As an aside, what exactly brought this up? Did someone say something to you? Is this just a nagging feeling of dissatisfaction you have? Until you find the cause, you can't craft the cure.

None of my fellow players have actually commented on my RPing but, the way some of them act when I do has given me some cause for consern. It's really hard to have fun role playing a character when someone is always sighing or rolling there eyes when your trying to.

Do this, just substitute self-defense for roleplaying

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

1. Get wrist control

2. Take your gun out.

You now have control of the situation and can roleplay properly!

Hmm... I can see it's effectiveness in a one shot but how to apply it to a continual game?  :P

But seriously, I really want to thank you guys for the advice you've given me so far. I think it will help me a lot as a player.

I have not abandon this topic. It's just when Ross asked for an example, I'm trying to write out the best one I have. And when the best one is The Tale of the Bum Balloon, an abridged version will not do.

Totems aren't "pack licenses," they're not handed out by the National Registry of Uratha Pack Services as soon as you complete Form 12458-B, Petition for the Formation of a Pack (Tribes of the Moon and Unaffiliated). - Kordeth


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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2009, 08:48:59 AM »
Do this, just substitute self-defense for roleplaying

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

1. Get wrist control

2. Take your gun out.

You now have control of the situation and can roleplay properly!

This video changed my life... I'm definately a better person for having watched it.  I recently realized that the people I worked with are just muggers in hiding.  I may be looking at 10-20 in a federal pen now, but they're not getting thier crack any time soon.


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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2009, 01:07:02 AM »
    Since I'm not a witness to actual game play, my advice might not be relevant, however, I've found in my gaming that you really need to lower you inhibitions around players that make you uncomfortable. The best games I've been in are the ones where players don't care what the next one thinks. They will make a rash (potentially fatal) decision because of their characters personality, or the GM will talk in ridiculous voices that make you feel embarrassed for him. The thing is, though, if you are embarrassed for you GM's commitment to role playing then you might need to re-evaluate why you are playing. Don't try to read the other players "tells" and let it change the way you play.

    I would suggest recording a game, and listening to it with an open mind. You may find that there are things you would have done differently, equally possible: you will find that there are things that the "judgmental" players are doing that you dislike.
If you try this and still feel that you are having trouble, talk openly with the group. Ask for opinions and then suggestions. It may be difficult to hear your concerns validated, but it will feel a thousand times better to hear that they appreciate having you in the game. 
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Re: How do you become a better Role Player?
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2010, 12:37:56 PM »
None of my fellow players have actually commented on my RPing but, the way some of them act when I do has given me some cause for consern. It's really hard to have fun role playing a character when someone is always sighing or rolling there eyes when your trying to.

Hmmm... you just called me on something. I have a friend I game with (we have been friends for decades and I was best man at his wedding, he was a groomsman in mine etc.) and he just doesn't seem to care about the rules. He has the books, but it is like he just hasn't read them. Everything is new to him every time. For over 5 years. And his characters are constantly doing things that tactically don't make sense. Like provoking opportunity attacks when they clearly don't need to. It is just slopping tactical play, and it would be out of character for a character that is as good at combat as his often are (conceptually anyway) and a few of us are constantly rolling our eyes. I thought we had tried being supportive, but maybe we aren't doing a good enough job at making him not feel uncomfortable.