Author Topic: Anecdote Megathread  (Read 449084 times)

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #105 on: April 30, 2010, 04:56:04 PM »
Remember that guy I said got killed last time? He got better but then I killed him off for real, which means that we have two official deaths in the "party" and both are directly linked with me.

So, the player survived his encounter with a parked car and several bullets long enough for us to return to the hotel and hook him up to one of our portal medical stations (we have like five for just such situations). We also hooked up the hacker, who'd managed to take two in the chest and start bleeding out pretty quick.

The rest of us get some sleep and wait until the next evening, when the damned fool with the caved in head finally woke up. I asked him to explain why he'd jumped out of the car and it basically came down to him believing that the other party members would leave the NPC woman to be beaten so he had to help her.

So, I try to rationalize with the guy in character, the other party members discusse what embrassing thing we'll spread about the PC on the internet this time. In what I can only describe as a "fit of brilliance" the wounded PC, our only magic user, decides to cast a spell on all of us to get us onto his side. He massive overcasts, doubling his normal spellstrength to be sure he gets us (which wasn't even necessary, none of us where good at resisting magic). He succeeds and imposes happiness on all those present.

But now he has to resist "Drain", Shadowrun's spell balance mechanic. Since he overcast, he has to resist Physical Damage rather than Stun Damage. He does okay and cuts the damage in half. However, he neglected to take into consideration that he'd just recovered from a coma. The moment he's finished casting the spell he takes enough Physical Damage to not only drop him into unconsciousness again but to also fill his damage overflow boxes, which means he's dying. Again. So, basically, we have one round to save him (again) before he's gonna die from his fresh wounds.

That this happens in the space of one combat turn, about three seconds. We all suddenly feel really happy and then go back to normal when the mage passes out and can't sustain the spell.

So, I look to the only other character in the party besides the mage with the ability to sense magic and ask him what just happened. He says that the mage just cast a spell on us.

I make a quick mental recap of the mage's actions recently which largely consist of not being much good at magical stuff, making alot of newbie mistakes that make the group look bad, and diving out of a car turning a stealth mission into a live fire mission.

And I promptly order him executed.

We shoved his body under the motel mattress and went on our marry way, after placing a notice online expressing a desire to find a new magic user, Shadowrunning experience required.

The player has decided to make his next character a troll enforcer. We all agreed that was a good idea.


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #106 on: June 30, 2010, 02:06:15 AM »
   Well I decided it was time for me to put together a story for the podcast now that I have been going to the forums for a while, and tell you why I no longer play DnD. Dungeons and Dragons will always hold a place in my heart because for many years it was all I knew about role playing. I will never forget my first character, a minotaur mage for a Dragonlance Campaign, or my favorite character, nor my first world I created while DMing, a funny little planet that was way to big a task for a naive high school nerd to build. But out of all of my games I have ever played or ran, none will be as memorable, (or as scaring) as my seafaring adventure I made for my friends.
   As with most games it started as an idea based off of a movie.  Soon after Pirates of the Caribian came out, like most gamers, my group decided to make a pirate game. It took 4 months for me to draw up maps and find any net book I could for rules on how to run an ocean based game.    After months of planing we were into the game and everyone involved was having fun. There was one player who was my best friend and he decided on playing a neutral evil kobold sorcerer. We had many talks about this character and how he wanted to run a game where he would be the villain in the form of a lich and it would be awesome to cross the two games. It would be like my game was the prequel to an awesome campaign.
   It took 5 games before the players had requisitioned the ship I had designed for them and now they were on their way to starting the ocean part of the their adventure. The kobold had started to wreak havoc on the ship. He made it so bad for the players that eventually he ended up in the brig and stayed there a majority of the adventures. We had gotten a player playing a  paladin along the way who was letting the evil little sorcerer live as long as he was decent to the team and I mean he is a kobold, what harm could he do right?
   At the end of a hard fight the kobold tried to kill the paladin leading it to a quick fight that landed the kobold on the end of a long sword. Trying to be nice I offered my friend one Wish (from the god he worshiped) so he could wish to be a lich. Instead my friend, bitter about his character being killed, wished that everyone he had ever met was dead and in hell.
   I was stunned and didn't know what to do. Should I let the wish go through and be a mean GM or do I go through with it and let the players get out of it. I flipped through the DM's guide for advice and found an artifact that would make all my months of planing not be wasted. I resorted to the Deck of Many Things. I had done this before and the results were not good for the players, but this time the were in hell and mean what worse could happen.
   I stated that Asmodious was going to let the hero's try to get out by using the cards because he stood to gain their souls completely with the deck anyway. After I announce this my friend said "If you bring that damn deck in this game I will stab you in the eye."  I told him that I was the DM and I was going to do it besides it was his damn character that got them into this mess in the first place.
   He didn't like that answer. He leaped across the room with the ferociousness of a Dire Wolverine and jumped on top of me screaming "TAKE IT OUT! TAKE IT OUT!" With pencil just like he said. It took two of the bigger players to pull him off and restrain him during which I made my escape. (I was a little guy.)  I saw him 5 minuets later acting like nothing ever happened yet I could remember the pencil being inches from my right eye.
    Needless to say the game never continued from that point on. I do miss playing my RPG's and with all of my friends moving on I no longer have a group, but sometimes I am glad that I don't have to worry about running into someone as bat shit crazy as that.


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #107 on: June 30, 2010, 10:05:51 AM »

From the get go I could tell that wasn't going to go somewhere good, but then it kept getting worse and worse.  Certainly never would have guessed it got that far...


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #108 on: June 30, 2010, 12:59:13 PM »
Had someone done that at Ross' table, Tom and I might have thrown them through the sliding glass door that Ross always sat in front of.  ;)
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Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #109 on: June 30, 2010, 01:17:39 PM »
Had someone done that at Ross' table, Tom and I might have thrown them through the sliding glass door that Ross always sat in front of.  ;)

Always good to have the defenestration planned before the dice hit the table.


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #110 on: June 30, 2010, 01:59:16 PM »
As someone who is missing an eye, I can tell you I would not have responded well to that. It sounds like an absolutely terrifying experience, especially coming as it did from your best friend, someone you'd be least likely to expect to leap the table and threaten to stab you with a pencil.

I can understand why it soured you on D&D. I don't know if I'd be so quick to pick up my dice again after an incident like that.


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #111 on: June 30, 2010, 06:39:29 PM »
Wow! Sounds to me like that kid needs to switch to suger free red bull.


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #112 on: June 30, 2010, 09:06:20 PM »
I was just happy to have a story that actually could be added to the thread. I had been meaning to type it up for a while but I knew it would take some time to write it. Oh and after listening to many of the AP's, I would love to play with all of you one day.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 09:08:06 PM by VampireVladd »


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #113 on: June 30, 2010, 09:14:20 PM »
So was the kid with the pencil five at the time?


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #114 on: June 30, 2010, 09:29:00 PM »
No he was around the age of 18-20.

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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #115 on: July 14, 2010, 08:08:22 PM »
Well. Here's a story about a game that died exactly four minutes into the session.

The setup: Star Wars everyone's a Jedi exept one character.  Everyone takes force choke.

We are all playing dark Jedi and our mission is simple.  The GM goes through the flavor text and makes it to the point that we find out we're in a ship above a planet that we are supposed to go down to eliminate some sort of mining operation.  The problem is that there are three Jedi on the planet in the building that we need to liberate.

Evil Jedi 1: "Can we bring up the building on the screens to get the layout?"
GM: "Ummm...sure."
Evil Jedi 2: "Can we see the lead Jedi on the screen?"
GM: "Yes he's...(was going to go into a description of how badass his NPC was)"
Evil Jedi 1, 2, and 3 interrupt: "I force choke him to death."
GM: (Nearly inaudible sound of pants shitting) Jaw drops. Face goes pale.

I have never seen a game fall apart that fast.  After about an hour of laughter and argument we decided it best to let the "Darth Vader did it" argument fall away and played the game as if it never happened, but we still talk about it to this day.

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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #116 on: July 14, 2010, 09:31:42 PM »
Ok I'll admit that I'm not a Star Wars fan (thank you episode 1,2, and 3 as well as various novels, videogames, and other merchandising), but thinking back on my experiences playing the Star Wars RPG, I have come up with a few ways to derail a Star Wars game.

The most painful thing I tried was making a character soley to make clones.  This didn't work out too well.  The idea was to capture a jedi and remove some Midi-chlorians, so that theoretically I could clone them and turn them into a steroid like drug. 

Long story short: If you're playing Star Wars, play a Jedi or Sith because if you try to do anything else you will have your ass handed to you by one.


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #117 on: July 16, 2010, 06:52:26 PM »
Fantastic. In the Star Wars rules it states that force chokes only limitation is the target is visible.


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #118 on: July 20, 2010, 05:32:04 PM »

   I stated that Asmodeus was going to let the hero's try to get out by using the cards because he stood to gain their souls completely with the deck anyway. After I announce this my friend said "If you bring that damn deck in this game I will stab you in the eye."  I told him that I was the DM and I was going to do it besides it was his damn character that got them into this mess in the first place.
   He didn't like that answer. He leaped across the room with the ferociousness of a Dire Wolverine and jumped on top of me screaming "TAKE IT OUT! TAKE IT OUT!" With pencil just like he said. It took two of the bigger players to pull him off and restrain him during which I made my escape. (I was a little guy.)  I saw him 5 minutes later acting like nothing ever happened yet I could remember the pencil being inches from my right eye.

Holy shit. This is an awesome story, I can`t believe someone would actually do that for a thing that only exist in our shared imaginations.


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Re: Anecdote Megathread
« Reply #119 on: July 20, 2010, 09:48:53 PM »
In most campaigns I have run or played in, the main objective almost always seems to be "Kill the bad guy", usually followed by "Destroy the weapon of mass destruction". A tried and true storyline that has seen much use with little divergence.
Things however turned out very different, and is actually a case of romance working in favor of the game, rather than being a component of it's destruction.

The campaign was a Star Wars Saga Edition game, where the players were a Republic version of G.I. Joe, but a lot less organized, as is the way of Players, consisting of twin Zeltron sisters who were the only two with actual military experience, a field medic, a Jedi outcast, and a Gungan Sniper who's only real addition to the game was to quote Tucker from Red Vs. Blue in the Gungan dialect.
Example: "Messa Bowsa Chica Bow Wow".
He does it too well. he's also a sniper, as is his meme, but that's a different story.

The case of it really begins when one of the twins, Trix, during a throw-away session (you know how it is, they want to play, you have nothing for notes, but you think  you can muster a three hour time sink), started flirting and actually engaging in an affair with a Force Adept scholar who was helping them research a potent Force Artifact of incredible power.
This Force Adept was also the alter ego of the villain, a Sith Lord who hid his identity dressing like Skeletor. So you already have a guess how this plot device worked- The players do all the work, and then the Force Adept shows his true colors and makes off with the McGuffin of Destruction.
There was a twist however...The affair between the Zeltron girl and the Scholar eventually, after much discussion between the player and myself, became a full romantic relationship, which made the day I revealed him to be the villain whom has been always one step ahead of them, a rather emotional moment.
After a few sessions following the betrayal, she approaches me out of game, and tells it to me straight- "I don't want to kill him."
I had expected her to feel betrayed and want revenge, however, I guess those running jokes and the banter back and forth between well as compious amounts of in-game sex...touched a chord with her, and instead of hunting him down and killing him, she beseeched me, her mighty GM, to allow her to try and find a way to sway him, a master of anger, evil, and hatred, back to her.
I then started to think of it...Is not love an emotion the Dark Side feeds off of? Could he, while waxing poetic upon his onyx throne, be experiencing a hurricane of emotional anguish over a conflicted feeling of love and loss for betraying someone he might actually consider his life mate?
So I came to the decision, that yes, his feelings were true, but his desire to overthrow the Republic and the Jedi were much greater, even seeing the players teammates as obstacles, especially the Jedi, in his desire to also reunite with her and rule the galaxy with her as King and Queen.
This campaign is still going on but quickly approaching it's appex, but I wanted to share it with the RPPR community, as an example of how romantic side stories and throwaway jokes can actually form the backbone of the core questline itself and give it actual meaning rather than a series of encounters before you are allowed to do battle with the BBG.

Thank you and goodnight.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 09:51:46 PM by doctorscraps »
When the GM can't roll higher than a ten on the D20, he see's his plot points flash before his eyes.