This close to the main ship a vox will do you well enough. The astropaths are primarily for interstellar communication, as long as the two parties are in the same star system vox normally works (and it's easier). Scottarius will have his finger on the button in the event you need a fast return.
As the craft decends towards the fissure in the moon's crust the landing craft's weaker sensors begin to hit interfernece from the ore deposites in the rock on either side, making the signal shaky and forcing Dominic to fly by radio with the bridge team giving signal information via vox.
As the craft descends to target depth the sensors cut out completely and the vox grows heavy with static. A transport craft, similar to your own but much larger, is visible through the front viewscreen. It is wedged between the fissure walls and is heavily damaged. A casual glance reveals the craft is quite old.
For specifics, throw some skill tests down. Use whatever skills you think will help and I will provide information.