Not fully fleshed out but the link was a huge nerd for Animorphs years ago but I have this idea that stems from this book....While the idea of two near-omnipotent beings picking champions to play a part in there great game is decent game fodder... My idea is different.
In this book the planet they go to use memories for entertainment, they buy sell and trade peoples memories. A person sells their memory of a specfic life event, and others pay to experiance it, like a movie but your IN it. Feels like there is something there for gamey goodness, plus it tranfers across genres. Sci-Fi aliens to Fantasy Fey Creatures... hell even a dumbed down version could go good with CoC, like an artifact that holds a vital clue, but costs sanity to exsist and experiance someone elses memory to gain that clue.
sounds like gaming fodder if you ask me.